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横贯图尔库的奥拉河, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)

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横贯图尔库的奥拉, 芬兰 Aura River in Turku, Finland (© Jarmo Piironen/Alamy)

皑皑的芬兰 Frosty Finland



Aura River in Turku, Finland

The Turku Cathedral rises above the frosted forests near the mouth of the Aura River, which runs through the middle of Turku, Finland.

Originally built out of wood in the late 13th century, the cathedral was expanded in the 14th and 15th centuries, mainly using stone as construction material. This would prove wise, as the Great Fire of Turku consumed much of the city in 1827 and badly damaged the cathedral. It was rebuilt over the next few years.

博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒,土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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博斯普鲁斯海峡的如梅利堡垒土耳其伊斯坦布尔 Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus Strait at Istanbul, Türkiye (© Drone in Wonderland/Amazing Aerial Agency)

两大洲交接的地方 Where two continents meet



Rumelihisarı in Istanbul, Türkiye

Though Türkiye usually lives up to expectations as a warm Mediterranean country, snow occasionally falls here. This winter dusting of Istanbul, Türkiye's largest city, brings into sharper focus the lines of Rumelihisarı in the center of our image. The structure, also known as Rumeli Fortress, was built in the 15th century by an Ottoman sultan as a way to choke naval traffic through the narrow Bosporus Strait. The Bosporus connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, separating Istanbul into what is often referred to as its 'European side' and 'Asian side.' Today, the fortress isn't used to fire upon ships but serves as a museum and concert venue. While the place has changed over the centuries, the killer view hasn't.

科罗拉多州布雷肯里奇 Breckenridge, Colorado (© Sean Pavone/Shutterstock)

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科罗拉多州布雷肯里奇 Breckenridge, Colorado (© Sean Pavone/Shutterstock)

我们去哪里玩? Where we go to play



Breckenridge, Colorado

Gold mining put this Rocky Mountain town on the map in the 1860s, but today the real gold is the powdery snow that falls liberally on the slopes that surround the town. Breckenridge is one of Colorado's premier ski and snowboard destinations. The resort has 35 lifts servicing five peaks and 2,900 acres of terrain. The visitors—who also arrive in the summer to fish, cycle, and paddle—easily outnumber the 5,000 residents of this quaint village. The gold mines have long shut down, apart from hosting visits from tourists. The enduring value of Breckenridge is its natural beauty.

哈尔滨国际冰雪雕塑节,中国哈尔滨 Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, Harbin, China (© STR/AFP via Getty Images)

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哈尔滨国际雕塑节,中国哈尔滨 Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, Harbin, China (© STR/AFP via Getty Images)

冰城 City of ice



Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, China

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, in China's Heilongjiang province, begins today with all the spectacle and fanfare you'd expect from the world's largest festival of its kind. Big, bold, and beautiful, the event features more than 2,000 ice sculptures made from 240,000 cubic yards of ice collected by nearly a thousand workers from the nearby Songhua River. Many of the sculptures are illuminated with colored lights, creating a vibrant, glowing world of ice. It's estimated the colorful sights attract more than 18 million visitors each year. The event, which runs through late February, also features alpine skiing, cold water swimming in the aforementioned Songhua, as well as a festive ice lantern show.

霍亨索伦城堡,德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

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霍亨索伦城堡德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

正如童话一般 Fit for a fairytale



Hohenzollern Castle near Stuttgart, Germany

For the charming Hohenzollern Castle, the third time really was the charm. Constructed on the top of Hohenzollern Mountain in the 11th century, the castle was largely ruined by a 10-month siege in 1423, only to be rebuilt a few decades later. It then served as an important strategic stronghold before again falling into disrepair. In the 19th century, King Frederick William IV of Prussia, best remembered for his commitment to building great works across Germany, had a new castle built on the grounds, replacing almost all the 15th-century construction. Today, Hohenzollern Castle is an open-air museum that hosts more than 350,000 visitors per year, making it one of the most-visited castles in Germany.

北极熊斯瓦尔巴群岛,挪威 Polar bear in Svalbard, Norway (© Dennis Stogsdill/Getty Images)

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北极熊斯瓦尔巴群岛挪威 Polar bear in Svalbard, Norway (© Dennis Stogsdill/Getty Images)

在北极附近打盹 Napping near the North Pole

元旦 / 斯瓦尔巴群的北极熊,挪威


New Year's Day

If your first scheduled activity of the day has ever involved intentionally jumping into an icy lake or a frigid bay, then you understand the relevance of today's image from the Svalbard Islands of Norway. Polar bear plunges, as these swims have come to be known, take place all over the world, often on New Year's Day. Whether people take the plunge for charity, penance, or shock value, there's no better way to put an exclamation point on the first day of the year. Of course, for actual polar bears, ice cold plunges are an everyday occurrence and won't elicit much more than a yawn.

马洛亚,瑞士 Maloja, Switzerland (© Roberto Moiola/Getty)

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马洛亚,瑞士 Maloja, Switzerland (© Roberto Moiola/Getty)

雪花玻璃球一般的美景 A life-sized snow globe


在拍摄瑞士马洛加的这张照片时,如画这个词是一个轻描淡写的词。这个位于格里森州或地区的高村庄,无疑是全世界球的羡慕和鼓舞!这里距离意大利边境仅几英里,这里令人难以置信的完美季景色激发了几个世纪以来的画家和艺术家。马约拉也位于西尔斯的边缘,这使得该地区成为夏季和冬季的休闲胜地。这张照片的中心是马洛加的皇冠珠宝,即比利时伯爵在1880年代建造的教堂Chiesa Bianca。如今,曾经庄严的空间被用来举办展览和音乐会。

Maloja, Switzerland

The word picturesque is an understatement when taking in this image of Maloja, Switzerland. This alpine village in the canton, or district, of Grisons, is surely the envy and inspiration of snow globes the world over! Located just a few miles from the Italian border, the impossibly perfect winter scenes found here have inspired painters and artists for centuries. Majola is also located on the edge of Lake Sils, which makes this area a recreational destination in both summer and winter. At the center of this image is the crown jewel of Maloja, the Chiesa Bianca, a church built in the 1880s by a Belgian count. Today, the once solemn space is used to stage exhibitions and concerts.

贝弗利·韦斯特伍德,东约克郡,英格兰 Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England (© Les Gibbon/Alamy)

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贝弗利·韦斯特伍德,东约克郡,英格兰 Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England (© Les Gibbon/Alamy)

阖家欢乐的一天 Giddy family fun

Beverley Westwood Common,东约克郡,英国

我们照片中的滑雪者正在享受英国的节礼日,他们在东约克郡黑磨坊附近的贝弗利韦斯特伍德公馆(Beverley Westwood Common)裹着行囊,冲下一座小。传统上,节礼日是圣诞节兴奋过后放松的一天。名字后面是什么?有几种说法,但最被广泛接受的说法是,这个名字来源于圣诞节后第二天向穷人赠送“盒子”(礼物)。也许我们今天都应该效仿这个例子,吃圣诞剩饭,听萦绕的颂歌。我们怎样才能给那些不幸的人一个小小的圣诞节呢?

Beverley Westwood Common, East Yorkshire, England

The sledders in our photo are enjoying Boxing Day in England, bundled up and hurtling down a hill at Beverley Westwood Common near Black Mill in East Yorkshire. Traditionally, Boxing Day is a day off to relax after the excitement of Christmas. What's behind the name? There are a few theories, but the most widely accepted one is that the name derives from the giving of 'boxes' (of gifts) to the poor the day after Christmas. Perhaps we should all follow that example today, as we eat Christmas leftovers and listen to lingering carols. How can we give a little Christmas to those who are less fortunate?