
阿特拉尼,阿马尔菲海岸,意大利 Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy (© Amazing Aerial/Shutterstock)

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阿特拉尼,阿马尔菲海岸意大利 Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy (© Amazing Aerial/Shutterstock)

一张来自意大利的明信片 Postcard from Italy



Atrani, Amalfi Coast, Italy

With its red clay roofs above the spangled sea, Atrani shines in the sun on the Amalfi Coast in southwest Italy. Just 800 people get to call Atrani home, while the rest of us can just hope to visit one of the smallest towns in Italy and walk its intricately built roads and admire the small houses perched above the waiting beach. The traditional fishing village is part of the Costiera Amalfitana UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it has kept its traditional characteristics alive. It is a perfect Mediterranean getaway to soak up the sun and enjoy local seafood at a waterfront cafe.

亚马孙雨林的树冠探险,秘鲁 Suspension bridge in Tambopata National Reserve, Amazon Basin, Peru (© Pere Rubi/Getty Images)

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亚马孙雨林冠探险,秘鲁 Suspension bridge in Tambopata National Reserve, Amazon Basin, Peru (© Pere Rubi/Getty Images)

随着亚马孙的树冠摇摆 Sway with the Amazonian canopy



Tambopata National Reserve, Peru

To cross this suspension bridge in the canopy of the Amazon rainforest means depending on the trees of the forest to support you. Similarly, the survival of life on Earth depends on the trees of the Amazon forest. Amazonia stores more carbon than 10 times the annual global emissions from fossil fuel and supports approximately 10% of all known animal and plant species on Earth. The Amazon River discharges more water than any other river on earth, and almost 20% of all water that flows into the ocean from rivers travels through the Amazon River basin. While almost two thirds of the Amazon lie in Brazil, it stretches across seven other countries, from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. This section of canopy is in Peru's Tambopata National Reserve, home to giant harpy eagles, macaws, jaguars, capybaras, sloths, and giant otters.

布莱斯峡谷国家公园的石林,犹他州,美国 Hoodoos at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

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布莱斯峡谷国家公园石林犹他州美国 (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

冬天的布莱斯峡谷石林 Bryce Canyon hoodoos in winter



Bryce Canyon National Park turns 100

As the sun rises on Bryce Canyon, its snowcapped red-orange rock formations start to glow. These slender, towering rocks are called hoodoos, and Bryce Canyon National Park is remarkable for having the highest concentration of hoodoos anywhere on Earth. The hoodoos here have a soft base of sedimentary rock with a cap of more solid stone on top. The snow and frost of the Utah winter will eventually erode the support of the cap, causing it to fall and expose the remaining rock to easier erosion. Thankfully these formations are standing now, allowing us to take in their natural majesty as the park celebrates its 100th anniversary.

巴黎, 法国 Paris, France (© somchaij/Shutterstock)

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巴黎, 法国 Paris, France (© somchaij/Shutterstock)

这个景色不是很迷人吗? Isn't this view mesmerizing?




The lights of Paris

As twilight fades, the city of Paris lights up. Streets and buildings are bathed in light as well as grand monuments such as the Dôme des Invalides, seen in today's image. During his reign, King Louis XIV asked for streetlights to be erected throughout the city so that the police could catch lawbreakers easily, ensuring no dark alleys where they could hide. The locals were also asked to put up lanterns, and oil lamps, and lit candles on their windows.

Today, the City of Light is a dream destination for travelers who seek out museums, cuisine, and a romantic setting. The city has a lot of history to offer in the form of gardens, monuments, catacombs, and more, with volumes to be learned about the rich French and Parisian culture.

克罗索尔山谷,斯诺多尼亚国家公园,英国威尔士 (© Matthew Williams Ellis/Plainpicture)

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克罗索尔山谷,斯诺多尼亚国家公园英国威尔士 (© Matthew Williams Ellis/Plainpicture)






菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

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菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

和平之钟 A bell for peace



Peace bell on Fichtelberg, Germany

The Fichtelberg is located on the Oberwiesenthal in the Ore Mountains. This mountain is 1214 m high, making it not only the highest mountain in East Germany but also a very prestigious place for winter sports enthusiasts. All kinds of sports are offered. From classic skiing and snowboarding to cross-country skiing, cross-country skiing tours, tobogganing, and horse-drawn sleigh rides. If you prefer summer, you can also enjoy this place in the warm season and completely immerse yourself in untouched nature. At the top of the mountain, you can visit the Fichtelberghaus. From there you have a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

Itaimbezinho峡谷,巴西 Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil (© NidoHuebl/Getty Images)

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Itaimbezinho峡谷巴西 Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil (© NidoHuebl/Getty Images)

在大自然中漫步 Walk in nature




Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil

The Itaimbezinho Canyon is the most famous canyon in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is one of the natural wonders of Brazil in the city of Cambará do Sul, located in the Aparados da Serra National Park. Itaimbezinho has extremely straight walls that give the impression of having been cut with a knife. This characteristic gave rise to the name, in Tupi Guarani: "ita" means stone, and "aimbé" means cutting and sharp. The region of the canyons was also the habitat of the Indians and has also been the scene of several soap operas and miniseries.

毛伊岛附近的座头鲸,美国夏威夷 Humpback whales, Maui, Hawaii (© Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures)

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毛伊岛附近的座头美国夏威夷 Humpback whales, Maui, Hawaii (© Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures)

海洋之王 King of the ocean



Humpback whales in Maui, Hawaii

If you ever want to feel insignificant, just think about the sheer size of a humpback whale. With adults growing up to more than 46-56 feet, humpback whales are one of the biggest mammals on Earth. In Hawaii, you can get the opportunity to go on a whale-watching tour during the Maui Whale Festival and get up close with these giant, beautiful creatures. A species of baleen whale, humpback whales are known for their long elaborate songs, which travel far distances through the waters. Each whale population has its own song, and interestingly, it is only the males that sing. Also, did you know that whales are distant relatives of hippos? Both species evolved from a common ancestor.

“火流”马尾瀑布,约塞米蒂国家公园,美国加利福尼亚州 'Firefall' on Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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“火流”马尾瀑布,约塞米蒂国家公园美国加利福尼亚州 'Firefall' on Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

这个悬崖怎么着火了? Why is this cliffside ablaze?



Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California

When nature converges in rare and glorious fashion on the east side of the rock formation known as El Capitan, Horsetail Fall is illuminated as if on fire. This phenomenon can only be seen for a couple of weeks in February if there is a clear sky, enough water flowing from snowmelt or rain, and perfect timing. This 'firefall' only lasts for around 10 minutes and vantage points can be crowded. Horsetail Fall and El Capitan are part of Yosemite National Park, the second-oldest national park in the US. We hope this year's visitors are fortunate enough to see this magical display.

阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷,智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

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阿卡切斯瞭望台,月亮谷智利 Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile (© Ignacio Palacios/Getty Images)

带我飞向月球 Fly me to the moon



Achaches lookout, Valley of the Moon, Chile

El Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) is located in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. It has the most breathtaking view from the Achaches lookout. In 1982, Moon valley was declared a nature sanctuary for its stunning, untouched habitat and its peculiar lunar-like terrain. An interesting fact about the Valley of the Moon is that the desert hasn't received a single drop of rain in countless years.