
葡萄牙波尔图的莱洛书店 Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

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葡萄牙波尔图的莱洛店 Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

Enter the magical world of Livraria Lello

How will you celebrate International Literacy Day today? We're highlighting this important observance with a photo of a very special bookstore, Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal. With its Art Nouveau façade, Neo-Gothic interior, stained-glass ceiling, swooping catwalks, and the dramatic, curvaceous staircase with crimson steps, the Lello is considered one of the most beautiful—and among the oldest—bookstores in the world. If rumors are true, the bookstore cast a spell on J.K. Rowling, inspiring scenery in 'Harry Potter,' such as the Hogwarts floating staircase and the Flourish and Blotts bookshop. (Rowling often visited the Lello when she lived in Porto in the early '90s.) The Lello bookstore opened in 1906 and has been serving up the magic of books ever since.


你们今天将如何庆祝国际扫盲日?我们用葡萄牙波尔图一家非常特别的书店Livraria Lello的照片来强调这一重要的纪念活动。Lello书店拥有新艺术风格的外立面、新哥特式的内部、彩色玻璃天板、俯冲的T型台和带有深红色台阶的戏剧性曲线美楼梯,被认为是世界上最美丽、最古老的书店之一。如果传闻属实,书店会对J.K.罗琳施下咒语,激发《哈利波特》中的灵感,比如霍格沃茨浮动楼梯和繁荣与布洛茨书店。(罗琳在90年代初住在波尔图时经常参观莱洛书店。)莱洛书店于1906年开业,从那时起就一直在提供书籍的魔力。

约克郡谷地国家公园里的山丘,英格兰 Howgill Fells in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, England (© davidnmoorhouse/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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约克郡谷地国家公园里的山丘英格兰 Howgill Fells in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, England (© davidnmoorhouse/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Between the Lakes and the Dales

Nestled between the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District, the smooth rounded shapes and steep gills (ravines) of the Howgill Fells capture an eye-catching pattern of light and shade. These ancient hills, formed more than 400 million years ago, have remained a largely settlement-free zone, uncrossed by roads and untouched by development. Trees are scarce on the high ground, where sheep and wild ponies graze and small streams tumble down dark, narrow gullies and the panoramic views from the fells are a sight worth climbing for. The highest point is the top of The Calf, at 2,218ft (676m), from where hikers can enjoy a 20-mile skyline of the Lakeland peaks, the Yorkshire Three Peaks and the nearer Howgill peaks.

Part of the range sits within Yorkshire Dales National Park, although they are actually in the county of Cumbria. The Howgill Fells’ striking appearance was perhaps best summed up by the famed fell walker and guide book author A. Wainwright as “sleek and smooth, looking from a distance like velvet curtains in sunlight, like silken drapes at sunset … a remarkable concentration of summits often likened to a huddle of squatting elephants”.




在大运河上举办的赛船节, 意大利威尼斯 The Regata Storica on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy (© Alexander Duffner/Alamy)

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大运河上举办的赛船节, 意大利威尼斯 The Regata Storica on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy (© Alexander Duffner/Alamy)

Venice's grand regatta

Every year, on the first Sunday of September, Venice celebrates the Regata Storica along the city's most famous canal. The event is the highlight of the Venetian rowing calendar and consists of two parts: a historical boat parade and a series of rowing races. Festivities begin with a regal water pageant comprising a flotilla of colorful boats from the 16th century. Gondoliers are dressed in period costume as they ferry the Doge, his wife, and other high-ranking Venetian officials up the Grand Canal in a faithful recreation of Venice's storied maritime past. The regatta commemorates the welcome given in 1489 to Caterina Cornaro, the wife of the King of Cyprus, who renounced her throne in favor of Venice.

After the parade, it's time for the racing. Competitions are divided by age categories and feature different types of historical boats. The last and most popular race is the gondolini regatta. A lighter and faster version of the gondola from which it takes its shape, the gondolino is rowed by two oarsmen—standing as per Venetian tradition—who power their way up the Grand Canal toward the finish line at the famous 'machina,' the spectacular floating stage in front of the Ca' Foscari palace on the city's waterfront.


每年9月的第一个星期日,威尼斯都会沿着城市最著名的运河庆祝皇家历史。这项活动是威尼斯赛艇日历上的亮点,由两部分组成:历史性的划游行和一系列赛艇比赛。庆祝活动以一个由16世纪的彩色船只组成的舰队组成的皇家水上盛会开始。吊船工人们穿着古装,将多格、他的妻子和其他威尼斯高级官员渡上大运,忠实地再现威尼斯传奇的海上历史。这次帆船赛是为了纪念1489年塞浦路斯国王的妻子卡特琳娜·科纳罗(Caterina Cornaro)受到的欢迎,她放弃了王位,取而代之的是威尼斯。

游行结束后,是比赛的时间了。比赛按年龄分类,以不同类型的历史船只为特色。最后也是最受欢迎的比赛是贡多里尼赛船会。这是一种更轻、速度更快的平底船,由两名按照威尼斯传统站立的划手划船,他们沿着大运河向著名的“机器”(machina)终点前进,这是一个壮观的浮动舞台,位于城市海滨的卡福斯卡里宫(Ca’Foscari palace)前。

比斯蒂荒野上的“外星孵化场”,新墨西哥州 The 'Alien Egg Hatchery' in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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比斯蒂荒野上的“外星孵化场”,新墨西哥州 The 'Alien Egg Hatchery' in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Welcome to the 'Alien Egg Hatchery'

The otherworldly rock formations in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness inspired some creative names—such as the 'Alien Egg Hatchery' seen in this photo. More than 70 million years ago, this desert was a tidal swamp along the shore of the long-evaporated Western Interior Seaway that once bisected North America. A diverse array of sediment and rock was deposited by the waters, and after the seaway retreated, the rocks remained.

Today, these inspiring desert landscapes are a protected area thanks to the Wilderness Act of 1964. If you're planning a road trip along any of New Mexico's Scenic Byways, make time for the Trails of the Ancients Byway, which will take you directly to Bisti/De-Na-Zin.


在Bisti/De Na Zin荒野中,超凡脱俗的岩层激发了一些创造性的名字,如照片中的“外星人蛋孵化场”。7000多万年前,这片沙漠是一片潮汐沼泽,位于蒸发已久的西部内陆海道沿岸,曾经将北美一分为二。海水沉积了各种各样的沉积物和岩石,在海道后退后,岩石仍然存在。


弗拉维亚港,意大利撒丁岛 Porto Flavia, Sardinia, Italy (© Visualframing/Adobe Stock)

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弗拉维亚意大利撒丁岛 Porto Flavia, Sardinia, Italy (© Visualframing/Adobe Stock)

A cliffside harbor in Sardinia

The mining industry in Sardinia, Italy was booming in the early 20th century, as European nations looked to reconstruct from the damages of World War I. But Sardinian faced myriad logistical issues trying to export the zinc, lead and other minerals that were in high demand. Miners on the Italian island were using modern techniques to extract more and more ore, but it wasn't until 1924, when engineer Cesare Vecelli designed and built the mining hub along the cliffs in Porto Flavia, that getting product off the island matched their ability to extract it.

Before Vecelli's architectural marvel at Porto Flavia began operating, ore was often hand carried in wicker baskets and loaded by workers onto awaiting boats, a process that was slow, expensive, and often dangerous. But Vecelli's innovation allowed miners to lower ore directly onto ships waiting in the harbor below, saving time and cutting costs by up to 70%. Porto Flavia, which Vecelli named after his daughter, wasn't purely an exercise in productivity. The engineer added design flourishes including a concrete tower, as well as an arched doorway and windows, giving the port a certain elegance not normally associated with a mining hub. These days, Porto Flavia lives on as a UNESCO-protected tourist attraction.


意大利撒丁岛的采矿业在20世纪初蓬勃发展,因为欧洲国家希望从第一次世界大战的破坏中重建。但撒丁岛在出口锌、铅和其他需求量大的矿物时面临着无数的物流问题。意大利岛上的矿工们正在使用现代技术开采越来越多的矿石,但直到1924年工程师塞萨尔·维切利(Cesare Vecelli)沿着弗拉维亚港(Porto Flavia)的悬崖设计并建造了采矿枢纽,从岛上获取的产品才与他们的开采能力相匹配。
