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多哈艾哈迈德·本·阿里体育场, 卡塔尔 Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha, Qatar (© Qatar 2022/Supreme Committee via Getty Images)

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多哈艾哈迈德·本·阿里体育场, 卡塔尔 Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha, Qatar (© Qatar 2022/Supreme Committee via Getty Images)

卡塔尔开球 Kickoff in Qatar




2022 FIFA World Cup

Finally, after years of planning, building, and controversy, the 2022 World Cup is kicking off in Qatar. It's the biggest event on the international soccer calendar, bringing together the globe's top teams to proudly represent their countries. The prestigious World Cup tournament has been held every four years since 1930, except when WWII derailed it in 1942 and 1946. There will be fierce competition in Qatar as the champion French team seeks to defend their title, with the final scheduled for Qatar National Day, December 18. This is the first World Cup hosted by a country in the Middle East, and it's later in the year than usual due to the hot weather in Qatar.

Controversy swirled around Qatar 2022 from the get-go. Senior officials in FIFA, soccer's governing body, expressed concerns about corruption in the process of awarding World Cup hosting to Qatar, though an internal investigation didn't prove any violation. Soon Qatar's treatment of the country's invaluable 2 million migrant workers—most from Africa and Asia—was criticized, with groups like Amnesty International citing unethical labor practices. While Qatar enacted new laws to improve worker safety, conditions, and pay due to the international spotlight, Amnesty has stressed that these laws must also be effectively implemented. Perhaps the extent of the reforms will be revealed as soccer fans flood the nation and the TV cameras roll.

犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京河,美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

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犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

历经百年的锡安国家公园 103 years of Zion



Virgin River in Zion National Park

Our photo brings us to a 16-mile stretch of the Virgin River where it cuts a spectacular thousand-foot-deep gorge through the upper reaches of Utah's Zion Canyon. Flowing through Zion National Park (which turns 103 today!), the Virgin River is home to unique plants and animals that aren't found anywhere else, due to the unique intersection of biomes found where the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Mojave Desert all meet. Without the water of the Virgin River system, creatures like the woundfin minnow, one of rarest species on the planet, couldn't exist.

菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

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菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

通往皇宫的大门 Keyholes to the kingdom



我们的图像纪念了今天的两个事件:您看到的是摩洛哥国王在费兹市的王宫达尔·马克岑(Dar al-Makhzen)的正门。虽然宫殿最初建于1276年,但这些华丽的大门是在20世纪60年代和70年代增加的,由木材和青铜制成,加上复杂的马赛克瓷砖,这是伊斯兰艺术的一个标志,无论新旧。

International Day of Islamic Art

The International Day of Islamic Art, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2019, occurs every November 18 to celebrate past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam, and to highlight Islamic artists' contributions to world civilization. November 18 also marks Morocco's independence day, or Fete de l'Independence, commemorating Sultan Muhammad V's return to Morocco from exile in 1955.

Our image honors both of today's events: You're beholding the main gates of the Dar al-Makhzen, the royal palace of the King of Morocco in the city of Fez. While the palace was originally founded in 1276, these ornate gates were added in the 1960s and '70s, crafted of wood and bronze—plus intricate mosaic tiling, a hallmark of Islamic art both old and new.

威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐河步道上的桥,美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

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威拉米特国家森林麦肯齐步道上的美国 Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail, Willamette National Forest, Oregon (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

徒步旅行 Take a hike!


我们的照片显示俄勒冈州的麦肯齐河国家休闲步道,威拉米特国家森林的一部分。这条小径蜿蜒于泊、河流泉水之间,引导您穿过荫蔽的古老森林。其中一个亮点是可以俯瞰塔莫利奇蓝池(Tamolich Blue Pool),这是一个清澈见底的游泳池,由河水注入其中而成。

Bridge on the McKenzie River Trail

Our photo shows Oregon's McKenzie River National Recreation Trail, part of the Willamette National Forest. This trail winds by lakes, rivers, and springs, guiding you through shady old-growth forests. One highlight: the view overlooking Tamolich Blue Pool, a crystal-clear pool created by the river bubbling up into it.

梅萨维德国家公园的悬崖宫,美国 Cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, USA (© Brad McGinley Photography/Getty Images)

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梅萨维德国家公园悬崖宫,美国 Cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, USA (© Brad McGinley Photography/Getty Images)

《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》 A 50-year balancing act




50 years of World Heritage Sites

At its World Heritage Convention on November 16, 1972, UNESCO adopted an international treaty that for the first time linked the concepts of nature conservation and preservation of cultural properties. The World Heritage Sites program was sparked by Egypt's planned construction of the Aswan High Dam, which would have flooded a large swath of the Nile Valley and thousands of archeological treasures.

Mesa Verde National Park, where Ancestral Puebloans lived for seven centuries, was among the first World Heritage Sites chosen by the UNESCO committee, in 1978.

哈尔基岛的圣约翰骑士中世纪城堡遗址,希腊 Ruins of the medieval castle of the Knights of St. John above the village of Chorio, Halki Island, Greece (© Massimo Ripani/eStock Photo)

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哈尔基的圣约翰骑士中世纪城堡遗址希腊 Ruins of the medieval castle of the Knights of St. John above the village of Chorio, Halki Island, Greece (© Massimo Ripani/eStock Photo)

爱琴海之巅 High above the Aegean Sea




Castle ruins on the island of Halki, Greece

Halki, a tiny Greek island in the Aegean Sea, is the type of place you go to when you need a getaway from your getaway. Off the beaten path, Halki is quiet and sleepy when other Greek islands are flush with visitors. The only way to arrive is by ferry from the much larger island of Rhodes. Halki has a total area of just 11, sun-kissed square miles, the smallest inhabited island in the Dodecanese island group.

One of the most popular attractions on Halki is the ruins of this medieval castle built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century in the now abandoned village of Chorio on the island's south-facing shore. It's a short, uphill walk from the only town on the island, the port village of Emporio, where most of the island's few hundred permanent residents live. A significant portion of the population left in the mid-20th century, many of them settling in the Gulf Coast town of Tarpon Springs, Florida, which lays claim to having the highest percentage of Greek Americans of any US city. People from Halki and other Greek islands were lured to Tarpon Springs to work as sponge divers, a skill they honed for generations in Greece. These days, not much goes on in Halki beyond eating, relaxing, and swimming. Like all Greek islands, Halki has beautiful beaches. Here, you're more likely to have them all to yourself.

凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇河上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

发布于 , 536 次浏览

凯恩戈姆斯的奎奇上的圆形凹地, 苏格兰阿伯丁郡凯恩戈姆斯 Punch Bowl on the River Quoich in the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

从大酒钵里喝一口 Take a sip from the Punchbowl



这一被称为“Punch Bowl”的自然景观已成为那些游览河流并沿着河岸徒步3英里的游客的明星景点。据传说,拥有这些森林的18世纪贵族马尔伯爵会在洞顶上放一个仪式用的冲头碗,在成功猎鹿后从中喝水。英国在位时间最长的君主维多利亚女王也经常光顾这些松林,并在瀑布附近建了一座现已废弃的小屋。虽然奎奇河的美丽适合女王,但你不必成为皇室成员就可以享受它。

River Quoich in Aberdeenshire, Scotland

In the eastern Highlands of Scotland, tucked into the forested plateaus of the Cairngorms mountain range is a small but beloved river that runs through a ravine. The River Quoich is frequented by nature lovers, hikers, and intrepid paddlers willing to brave its surprisingly swift currents and its several waterfalls, including the one featured here, the Linn of Quoich. These falls are famous for the bowl-shaped cavity in the rock that you see on the left side of this image.

Called the Punch Bowl, this natural feature has become the star attraction for those who visit the river and take the 3-mile hike along its banks. According to lore, the Earl of Mar, the 18th-century nobleman who owned these woods, would place a ceremonial punch bowl atop the hole and drank from it after a successful deer hunt. Queen Victoria, Britain's longest-reigning monarch, also frequented these pine woods and built a now derelict lodge near the falls. While the beauty of the River Quoich is fit for a queen, you don't have to be royalty to enjoy it.