云层中的纽约市天际线 New York City skyline in fog (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

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层中的纽约市天际线 New York City skyline in fog (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

缭绕的纽约市 The Big Apple with a foggy topping



New York City skyline

New York City's skyline is instantly recognizable, even when half-covered in fog. Eight of the United States' 10 tallest buildings reside there, all in the borough of Manhattan. One of New York City's most famous landmarks, the Empire State Building, was the world's tallest building for 41 years.

When it was completed in 1931, it towered over New York City's skyline, the first building in the world to be more than 100 stories tall. But in the decades since, it has been joined by scores of other skyscrapers and is now the Big Apple's seventh-tallest building. While it may have been overtaken by some of its younger neighbors, the Empire State Building remains one of the most iconic features of New York's skyline, if you can see it through the fog.

标签: 美国, 纽约

