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诺曼底海岸的绍塞群岛,法国 Chausey islands off the coast of Normandy, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

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诺曼底海岸的绍塞群岛法国 Chausey islands off the coast of Normandy, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

最具加勒比海风情的海 The most Caribbean of the Channel Islands




埃特尔塔海岸的白垩悬崖,诺曼底,法国 The chalk cliffs of Étretat, Normandy, France (© MarcelloLand/Getty Images)

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埃特尔塔海岸的白垩悬崖诺曼底法国 The chalk cliffs of Étretat, Normandy, France (© MarcelloLand/Getty Images)

诺曼底登陆日 Remembering D-Day




D-Day remembered

On June 6, 1944, after months of planning, Allied forces descended on the beaches of Normandy, France, for the start of one of the most ambitious military attacks in history. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the Battle of Normandy was an operation to free Western Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. This military action would play a pivotal role in the Allies' win against the Axis powers.

Today's Normandy is a far cry from the battlefields of war. This beautiful region draws travelers from around the world, who feast their eyes on landscapes that inspired the great Impressionist painters, while sampling the famous local cheese, Camembert. However, blunt physical reminders of the past remain scattered about the region, a lasting reminder of the thousands of lives lost during the D-Day operation.

圣米歇尔山,法国诺曼底 The island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France (© DaLiu/Getty Images)

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圣米歇尔山法国诺曼底 The island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France (© DaLiu/Getty Images)

一个神圣的愿望孕育了第一个小教堂 A saintly vision inspired the first chapel


The stunning sight of Mont-Saint-Michel rising out of the bay is unforgettable. And visiting the island will be too, if you time it right. The paved causeway is accessible only when the tide is out; otherwise, you're at the mercy of the muddy flats, dangerous quicksand, and the quickly rising tide.

Today's visitors are following in the footsteps of pilgrims who for centuries traversed Europe to pray at the sacred site. The local bishop of Avranches built a chapel on this rock in 708 after the archangel St. Michael visited him in a dream, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now the island, half a mile off the coast of Normandy in northwestern France, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its permanent population is fewer than 50 people, including a dozen or so monks and nuns, but more than 3 million visitors cross over to the island most years.




阿罗芒什莱班的桑树港,法国诺曼底 Mulberry Harbour in Arromanches-les-Bains, Normandy, France (© agefotostock/Alamy)

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阿罗芒什莱班的桑法国诺曼底 Mulberry Harbour in Arromanches-les-Bains, Normandy, France (© agefotostock/Alamy)

On this shore, history was made

As the sun sets on a beach in Normandy, France, what appear to be working barges and boats offshore are actually the remnants of Mulberry Harbours, temporary portable harbors created by the Allies during World War II. Their story begins 47 years ago today, on D-Day, when the first of the Allied troops touched down on the Nazi-occupied beaches at Normandy. After the Allies successfully held the beachheads, the Mulberries were towed into place so the artificial harbors could provide the port facilities necessary to offload the thousands of men and vehicles, and tons of supplies necessary to sustain the effort to drive the Germans out of France.

Two Mulberry Harbours were built for D-Day. The one known as Mulberry A was constructed off Omaha Beach to aid US forces. Mulberry B was built here, off Gold Beach at Arromanches to supply British and Canadian troops. Mulberry A was destroyed in a storm just a few days after it was built, but Mulberry B was operational for 10 months after the landings, providing crucial infrastructure to the Allied operation. The innovative feat of military engineering enabled the largest seaborne invasion in history, which in turn laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.



为D日建造了两个桑葚港。这座名为“桑葚A”的建筑是在奥马哈海滩附近建造的,目的是帮助美军。Mulberry B是在阿罗曼奇斯的黄金海滩附近建造的,为英国加拿大军队提供补给。桑葚A号在建成后几天就在暴风雨中被毁,但桑葚B号在登陆后的10个月内仍在运行,为盟军的行动提供了至关重要的基础设施。军事工程的创新成就促成了历史上最大规模的海上入侵,进而奠定了盟军在西线取得胜利的基础。

诺曼底入侵后的桑树港遗址,法国诺曼底Arromanches les Bains Remains of Mulberry Harbour from the D-Day invasion, Arromanches les Bains, Normandy, France (© Javier Gil/Alamy)

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诺曼底入侵后的桑遗址法国诺曼底Arromanches les Bains / Remains of Mulberry Harbour from the D-Day invasion, Arromanches les Bains, Normandy, France (© Javier Gil/Alamy)

Engineering an artificial harbor in Normandy

For the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the beginning of the end of WWII, we're focusing on the remains of the Mulberry Harbours—one of the most impressive military engineering feats of the war. Knowing that the ability to land huge numbers of men, vehicles, and supplies would be crucial to the Allies' success of the invasion of Normandy, Winston Churchill challenged his forces to come up with an artificial harbor that could be towed into place and operational within days of the initial landings.

Over 40,000 men were involved in the creation of two harbors that were installed at Omaha and Gold beaches beginning on June 9, 1944, and which were completed just six days later. The harbors included breakwaters comprised of sunken decommissioned ships, pre-built concrete caissons, 33 jetties, and over 10 miles of roadways. A violent storm on June 19th destroyed the harbor at Omaha beach, but Mulberry B, at Arromanches, survived and by the time it was abandoned six months later it had landed 2.5 million men, 500,000 vehicles, and 4 million tons of supplies into northern France.