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蒙马特和圣心大教堂,巴黎,法国 Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur, Paris, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

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蒙马特和圣心大教堂巴黎法国 Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur, Paris, France (© Tuul & Bruno Morandi/Getty Images)

比赛开始! Game on




Paralympic Games begin in Paris

The Summer Paralympic Games get underway in Paris today. Over 4,000 athletes with a range of disabilities from all around the world will meet in the French capital to compete across 549 different events. For its first time hosting the Summer Paralympics, the city has got something special in store for the opening ceremony. Delegations from 184 nations will parade down the iconic Champs-Élysées to the Place de la Concorde, rather than entering a stadium. The first official Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960. Twenty-three nations took part, competing in eight sports, including wheelchair basketball and Para athletics.

Today's image takes us to an icon of Parisian life: the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in the Montmartre neighborhood. The church, which was completed in 1914, stands at the top of one of the highest points in Paris. It offers impressive views over the city, taking in the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Panthéon, and much more. If you're in Paris to enjoy the Paralympics, it's the perfect spot to soak up the beauty of the host city.

塞纳河上的新桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)

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塞纳上的新巴黎法国 Pont Neuf over the Seine, Paris, France (© f11photo/Getty Images)

比赛开始 Let the Games begin!




Summer Olympics begin in Paris

Welcome to Paris, the City of Light, which is hosting the Summer Olympics for the third time. What makes these Games unique is the opening ceremony, which will be held outside a stadium for the first time. Participants will parade along the Seine on a flotilla of boats, passing under the Pont Neuf, pictured here, and cheered by spectators lining both banks. Paris is no stranger to historic firsts; the 1900 Games included women competing for the first time, although they made up only 22 of 997 athletes.

These Games are set to be rather special: Breakdancing will make its Summer Olympic debut in Paris. Competitors will be scored by a panel of nine judges who will look out for creativity and personality, along with other criteria. This could be a one-off, as breakdancing hasn't been included in the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. The surfing event at Paris 2024 is also rather unique: the competition will take place in Tahiti, part of French Polynesia. Almost 10,000 miles away from the host city, Tahiti was chosen because the island's huge waves make it perfect for surfing.

黄昏时分的亚历山大三世桥,巴黎,法国 Pont Alexandre III at twilight, Paris, France (© Sizun Eye/Getty Images)

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黄昏时分的亚历大三世巴黎法国 Pont Alexandre III at twilight, Paris, France (© Sizun Eye/Getty Images)

在飞马珀伽索斯的守望之下 Under the watch of Pegasus



Pont Alexandre III, Paris, France

The 'golden hour' just before sunset is the perfect time to take in views of Paris' most ornate bridge, the Pont Alexandre III. Arching over the Seine, the bridge was opened in 1900 and named after a Russian tsar, celebrating a new alliance between the two countries. Befitting the nobility of the event, two 56-foot columns sit on each bank of the river, crowned with gilt-bronze sculptures of the winged horse Pegasus. From the center of the bridge, standing above reliefs decorated with nymphs and beneath Art Nouveau-style lamps, you can admire some famous Parisian monuments. Views include the Esplanade des Invalides, the Grand Palais and Petit Palais museums, and the Eiffel Tower.

卡鲁塞尔凯旋门和卢浮宫金字塔,巴黎,法国 Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and Louvre Pyramid, Paris, France (© Jon Hicks/Getty Images)

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卡鲁塞尔凯旋门卢浮宫金字塔巴黎法国 Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and Louvre Pyramid, Paris, France (© Jon Hicks/Getty Images)

凯旋的姿态 A triumphant pose



Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Louvre Pyramid

Paris features an impressive stretch of parks, gardens, and monuments called the Axe historique, or historical axis, that starts at the Louvre Museum, in the city center, and extends west, ending at La Grande Arche. Today's image shows the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel at the eastern end of the route, with the embodiment of Peace riding a chariot atop it. It shouldn't be confused with the better-known and much larger Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile, which stands 2 miles away, halfway along the Axe historique. It's a lovely walk from one to the other, through the Jardin Des Tuileries and along the famous Avenue des Champs-Élysées. If the statue on the left side of the photo caught your eye, wave hello to King Louis XIV on horseback.

塞纳河,巴黎,法国 River Seine, Paris, France (© StockByM/Getty Images)

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塞纳巴黎法国 River Seine, Paris, France (© StockByM/Getty Images)

一座承载历史的 A bridge that holds up history




Pont d'Arcole over the Seine river, Paris, France

Welcome to Paris, France’s ancient capital city, through which flows one of the country’s longest rivers, the Seine. Human habitation here dates back to at least the 3rd century BCE, when a Gallic tribe called the Parisii settled on an island in the middle of the river. Today, that island is known as the Île de la Cité, seen on the left of our photo, and is home to Notre-Dame cathedral, as well as other striking buildings such as the medieval Conciergerie, pictured here.

It is linked to the Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville by the Pont d’Arcole, one of 37 bridges connecting the city’s left and right banks. The Pont d’Arcole was built in the 1850s and holds a special place in Parisiennes’ hearts. In 1944, it supported General Jacques-Philippe Leclerc's tanks on their way to liberate Paris.

巴黎, 法国 Paris, France (© somchaij/Shutterstock)

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巴黎, 法国 Paris, France (© somchaij/Shutterstock)

这个景色不是很迷人吗? Isn't this view mesmerizing?




The lights of Paris

As twilight fades, the city of Paris lights up. Streets and buildings are bathed in light as well as grand monuments such as the Dôme des Invalides, seen in today's image. During his reign, King Louis XIV asked for streetlights to be erected throughout the city so that the police could catch lawbreakers easily, ensuring no dark alleys where they could hide. The locals were also asked to put up lanterns, and oil lamps, and lit candles on their windows.

Today, the City of Light is a dream destination for travelers who seek out museums, cuisine, and a romantic setting. The city has a lot of history to offer in the form of gardens, monuments, catacombs, and more, with volumes to be learned about the rich French and Parisian culture.

老佛爷百货公司的圣诞树, 法国巴黎 Christmas tree of the Galeries Lafayette in Paris, France (© Geoffroy Van der Hasselt/AFP via Getty Images)

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老佛爷百货公司的圣诞, 法国巴黎 Christmas tree of the Galeries Lafayette in Paris, France (© Geoffroy Van der Hasselt/AFP via Getty Images)

之城的光之季 Season of light in the City of Light



Galeries Lafayette, Paris

Surely one of the grandest stores found in any city is the Galeries Lafayette in Paris. It's not just a place to shop but a destination as popular as any in the City of Light. At a time when department stores are fading and the entire retail industry is shifting, the Galerie holds fast. It has survived financial crises, wars, and now the internet, remaining a celebrated part of life in Paris. Like Macy's or Rockefeller Center in New York, the Galeries Lafayette is synonymous with the holidays. A giant fir is decorated every holiday season under the store's signature stained glass dome—a ritual of Christmas cheer that Parisians have embraced for generations.

2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

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Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France  2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

An icon is 'Wrapped' 图标被“包装”

World Art Day

To celebrate World Art Day, we're taking a look at one of the greatest triumphs (pun intended) of public art—last fall's 'L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped,' by the late artists Christo and wife Jeanne-Claude. Completed and staged 16 months after Christo's death at age 84, 'Wrapped' was the fruition of an idea 60 years in the making. On view for 16 days from Saturday, September 18 to Sunday, October 3, 2021, the project required 269,000 square feet of recyclable silvery-blue polypropylene fabric that completely covered the monument. The fabric glistened and glimmered with the changing light of Paris. The pleated fabric was held fast to the arch by nearly two miles of red rope.

Over the decades, Christo and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude created several large-scale installations at famous landmarks around the world, using fabric in tandem with landscapes and structures like Berlin's Reichstag and New York's Central Park.

World Art Day was declared by the International Association of Art, a UNESCO partner, as an international celebration of the fine arts, and to promote awareness of creative activity all over the world. It is celebrated every April 15, which also aptly marks the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, the embodiment of creativity.


为了庆祝世界艺术日,我们来看看去年秋天由已故艺术家克里斯托和妻子珍妮·克劳德(Jeanne Claude)创作的《凯旋门》(L’Arc de Triomphe,Wrapped),这是公共艺术最伟大的成就之一(双关语)。在克里斯托84岁去世16个月后完成并上演的《包裹》是一个酝酿了60年的创意的成果。从星期六,9月18日至星期日,2021年10月3日的16天,项目需要269000平方英尺的可回收银蓝色聚丙烯织物,完全覆盖了纪念碑。织物在巴黎不断变化的线下闪闪发光。褶皱的布料被将近两英里长的红绳牢牢地固定在拱门上。



埃菲尔铁塔,法国巴黎 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France (© Susanne Kremer/eStock Photo)

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埃菲尔铁塔法国巴黎 Eiffel Tower in Paris, France (© Susanne Kremer/eStock Photo)

与铁娘子一起庆祝新的一年 Celebrate another year with The Iron Lady

Eiffel Tower, France

Locally, it's called 'La dame de fer,' which translates to English as 'The Iron Lady.' To the rest of the world, it's the Eiffel Tower, a landmark nearly synonymous with all things Parisian. It's one of the most recognizable structures in the world and the most visited monument with an entrance fee. The Eiffel Tower took 500 workers two years, two months and five days to complete. It stands at 1,063 feet tall, an amazing achievement for a time when structures of this size were unheard of. For that, we're joining the world in celebrating the Tower's 133rd birthday.

Depending on the temperature, the Eiffel Tower can actually shrink by about seven inches. On a particularly windy day, if you look closely, maybe you'll notice of the natural swaying movement near the top. That wind also gets collected by turbines on the second level which convert it into electricity for the tower's shops and restaurants. There's also a rainwater collection system that's used for the toilet tanks. The Eiffel Tower gets a fresh paint job roughly every seven years. Originally it was dark red, then yellow, but has been 'Eiffel Tower Brown' for the past 54 years. It takes around 16,000 gallons of paint to get the job done.


在当地,它被称为“La dame de fer”,英文翻译为“铁娘子”对世界其他地方来说,这就是埃菲尔铁塔,一个几乎与巴黎所有事物同义的地标。它是世界上最知名的建筑之一,也是参观人数最多的纪念碑,只需交纳入场费。埃菲尔铁塔了500名工人两年零两个月零五天建成。它有1063英尺高,在这种规模的建筑闻所未闻的时候,这是一个惊人的成就。为此,我们将与全世界一起庆祝塔楼的133岁生日。


巴黎的先贤祠,法国 The Panthéon in Paris, France (© manjik/Shutterstock)

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巴黎先贤祠法国 The Panthéon in Paris, France (© manjik/Shutterstock)

Under Paris skies

For Bastille Day, aka French National Day, we examine not the titular prison that was the site of beginning of the French Revolution, but another building inexorably wrapped up in that powder-keg moment of French history. That dome in the upper right portion of this photo is the Panthéon. Construction of the building—intended to be a church—began in 1758. But by the time it was completed, the French Revolution was in full swing and the new establishment decided that it should instead be used as a mausoleum for distinguished French citizens, which it remains today.