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大提顿国家公园日出, 怀俄明州, 美国 Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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大提顿国家公园日出, 怀俄明州, 美国 Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Kurt Budliger/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

鹿和羚羊嬉戏的地方 Where the deer and the antelope play




Sunrise at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Mind-blowing beauty is one reason people keep coming back to Wyoming and the Grand Teton National Park. Named 'les trois tétons' by early French trappers, the park was created in 1929 by conservationists including John D. Rockefeller Jr. It is home to a virtually untouched ecosystem of plants and animals, such as grizzly bears, wolves, bison, moose, and bald eagles.

Just 10 miles south of Yellowstone National Park, the park's 40-mile-long Teton Range is one of North America's youngest mountain ranges. At less than 10 million years old, erosion has not yet had time to smooth the edges of the mountains, hence the Tetons' jagged peaks. Many of the park's lakes, including 15-mile-long Jackson Lake, were carved out by glaciers hundreds of thousands of years ago. Towering over Jackson Hole and reflected in one of its many lakes, the Tetons and the park are a breathtaking sight to behold.

日出时分的大棱镜泉,美国怀俄明州黄石国家公园 Grand Prismatic Spring at sunrise, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© XIN WANG/Getty Images)

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日出时分的大棱镜美国怀俄明黄石国家公园 Grand Prismatic Spring at sunrise, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© XIN WANG/Getty Images)

保存,保护,享受! Preserve, protect, enjoy!




National Park Week begins

Get ready to lace up your hiking boots, because National Park Week is upon us! Across the country, America's most stunning landscapes throw their gates wide open, inviting everyone to embrace the great outdoors for free. Throughout the celebration, various programs will be organized by the National Park Service, including ranger-led tours, volunteer opportunities, and educational workshops.

If you are in Wyoming, you might want to visit Yellowstone, the world's first national park. Established in 1872 by President Ulysses S. Grant, the park is known for its flora, fauna—including Rocky Mountain wolves, and grizzly and black bears—supervolcano, and many geothermal features, including the one we see in today's image. The Grand Prismatic Spring is in the Midway Geyser Basin. Its display of colors is caused by multi-layered sheets of microorganisms, ranging from deep blues and greens to fiery oranges and reds. There is so much waiting to be explored out there, so gather your friends and get out into the wild.

大提顿国家公园,怀俄明州,美国 Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Westend61/Getty Images)

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大提顿国家公园怀俄明州,美国 Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Westend61/Getty Images)

人少景美的静谧之地 Big on beauty, short on people



Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Today's image gives us a glimpse of beautiful Grand Teton National Park, in our least populous state, Wyoming. The park, established in 1929, encompasses lakes, the Snake River, and the Teton Range, famed for its series of sharp, jagged peaks. Bring your binoculars with you, and if it's summertime, be on the lookout for pronghorn, which travel about 150 miles to get there from Wyoming's Upper Green River Basin. They aren't the only creatures to visit seasonally; elk and bison are also summer visitors. These migrations play a vital role in the ecosystem of Grand Teton National Park. The animals help disperse seeds and are also food for predators.

黄石下瀑布,黄石国家公园,怀俄明州,美国 Lower Yellowstone Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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黄石瀑布黄石国家公园怀俄明州,美国 Lower Yellowstone Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

这是你的土地 This land is your land



National Park Service anniversary

Though summer is winding down, it's not too late to pack some gear and head into the great outdoors. Unsure where to go? Look no further than our 63 national parks, which exist thanks to the National Park Service, created on this day in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson. He ordered the service to preserve the landscape, wildlife, and history of the parks 'in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.' In other words, the park service was established for all of us! Just make sure that whether you're visiting the islands of American Samoa, the glaciers of the North Cascades, the waterways of the Everglades, or the 308-foot Lower Falls of Yellowstone in today's image, that you explore them with care and appreciation so that they can be preserved for centuries to come.

黄石国家公园里的上间歇泉盆地,美国怀俄明州 Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Ray Urner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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黄石国家公园里的上间歇泉盆地美国怀俄明州 Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Ray Urner/Tandem Stills + Motion)

水与火相遇的地方 Where fire and water meet

Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park

The highest concentration of geysers and hydrothermal springs in the world are located here in this corner of Yellowstone National Park, called the Upper Geyser Basin. They include what is perhaps the most famous geyser of them all: Old Faithful. But the Upper Basin contains many other geysers as well, including the tallest predictable geyser (Grand Geyser) and the most voluminous geyser (Giant Geyser). Yellowstone contains about 300 geysers, about two-thirds the number in the entire world.

Geysers are essentially a rare form of hot spring—a water-filled tube that extends thousands of feet into the Earth's crust, so deep it makes contact with molten rock called magma. The water in the tube boils and under extreme pressure ejects the water column into the air, emptying the tube. After some time, more groundwater seeps into the tube, filling it, and starting the process over again. That's why geysers erupt at somewhat regular intervals. The bigger the tube, the more water, and the longer the eruption. Yellowstone is one of the few places in the world where you can safely walk among so many geysers and superheated springs, and view them close up. Trails and boardwalks guide the way, making the Upper Geyser Basin one of the star attractions of this famous national park.




黄石国家公园的大棱镜泉鸟瞰图,美国怀俄明州 Aerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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黄石国家公园的大棱镜鸟瞰图,美国怀俄明州 Aerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

“美国最好的想法”起源于此 'America's best idea' began here

National Park Week begins

Only a very small percentage of Yellowstone's total visitors see the park when it looks like this. In winter, when the park grows quiet, its hydrothermal features really stand out, like the rainbow-hued Grand Prismatic Spring near the center of this image, the most photographed feature in Yellowstone.

Just the inspiration we need as we start National Park Week, an occasion to celebrate the splendor of our park system and turn to thoughts of hiking, paddling, and camping. The 'Week' is actually a bit longer, starting today and running through Sunday, April 24. Yellowstone was established by congress 150 years ago as the nation's first national park. Today, there are 63, and they include the volcanoes of Hawaii, the giant sequoias of California, the Grand Canyon, and the desolate moonscape of the Badlands.

Perhaps no national park better captures the American landscape than Yellowstone, 3,500 square miles of lakes, canyons, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, hot springs, and its charismatic megafauna—bison, wolves, elk, and grizzly bears. But it's Yellowstone's hydrothermal sites that really set it apart. Old Faithful might be the most famous, but it's only one of 10,000 around here. Although the park is still chilly in April, you'll have the place mostly to yourselves. Only about 44,000 visit Yellowstone in April, compared to the nearly 1 million who gather each July. If you need more incentive, entrance fees today, in honor of National Park Week, are on the house.





驼鹿穿过莫兰山下的池塘,怀俄明州大提顿国家公园 Moose crossing a pond below Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Jim Stamates/Minden Pictures)

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驼鹿穿过莫兰下的池塘,怀俄明州大提顿国家公园 Moose crossing a pond below Mount Moran, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Jim Stamates/Minden Pictures)

Through an artist's eyes

If this beautiful view of Grand Teton National Park seems as pretty as a painting, there may be a reason for it. That majestic peak towering over the landscape is Mount Moran, named for Thomas Moran, an American artist of New York's Hudson River School who earned fame by painting scenes of the western frontier. In 1871, Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson were invited on an expedition to the Yellowstone region to accompany a team from the US Geological Society while they conducted the first comprehensive survey of the area. Moran's paintings and Jackson's photographs from the trip immediately captured the public's attention and inspired Congress to establish Yellowstone as the first national park in 1872.

For the next two decades, Moran painted hundreds of landscapes of the Yellowstone region, producing indelible images of this spectacular wilderness that would come to define the American West in the imaginations of many. The area had such an impact on Moran that he adopted the signature T-Y-M, Thomas 'Yellowstone' Moran. He returned to the area in August 1879 on an expedition to the Teton range, just south of Yellowstone National Park. He never made it as far into the mountains as he'd hoped, but gazing up at the towering peaks, he wrote in his diary, 'From this point it is perhaps the finest pictorial range in the United States or even N. America.' Judging from this image, it's hard to argue with him.




大提顿国家公园中的野牛,怀俄明州 Bison in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Brian Evans/Getty Images)

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大提顿国家公园中的野牛,怀俄明州 Bison in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© Brian Evans/Getty Images)

National Bison Day

If ever there was an animal that deserved some recognition, it's the bison. Since 2012, National Bison Day has been observed on the first Saturday of November to acknowledge the animal's cultural, historical, and economic significance—as well as its remarkable comeback. Bison were once plentiful in North America. Tens of millions strong in the 1800s, they roamed in great herds, helping to diversify and maintain the prairie habitat. They've also played several important roles in Native American cultures. Indigenous peoples have used every part of the bison for food, utensils, and clothing—and they pay tribute to the giant beasts in religious rituals.

Settlement of the American West caused habitat loss for the bison and that, combined with overhunting, nearly wiped out the species altogether—until ranchers, conservationists, and politicians teamed up to save them. In 1913, 14 bison from the Bronx Zoo were shipped to a wildlife refuge to revive the population. Fast forward to today, and more than 20,000 bison roam on public lands in the United States.

大提顿国家公园中的Old Patriarch Tree,怀俄明州 The Old Patriarch Tree of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© George Sanker/Minden Pictures)

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大提顿国家公园中的Old Patriarch Tree,怀俄明州 The Old Patriarch Tree of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (© George Sanker/Minden Pictures)

A tree amid the Tetons

This limber pine standing alone in the sage brush flats has a name—Old Patriarch. A favorite subject of nature photographers in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park, Old Patriarch is thought to be more than a thousand years old. The 'Cathedral Group' of the Teton Mountains forms a breathtaking backdrop, bursting up from the valley floor below and stretching dramatically to the soaring peaks. The national park spreads out below the spires for 310,000 acres, creating a home for extraordinary wildlife, pristine lakes, and alpine terrain. Sounds like the Old Patriarch has found quite a home for himself.

Commonly found in the Rocky Mountains, limber pines are known to stand the test of time—literally. Some people estimate Old Patriarch to be more than a thousand years old. The 'Cathedral Group' of the Teton Mountains forms a breathtaking backdrop, bursting up from the valley floor below and stretching dramatically to the soaring peaks. The national park spreads out below the spires for 310,000 acres, creating a home for extraordinary wildlife, pristine lakes, and alpine terrain. Sounds like the Old Patriarch has found quite a home for himself.

黄石国家公园的大棱镜泉,怀俄明州 The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Martin Rügner/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

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黄石国家公园的大棱镜怀俄明州 The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© Martin Rügner/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

Colors spring up in Yellowstone

As National Park Week continues, we're taking a look at the Grand Prismatic Spring, one of the more popular attractions in Yellowstone National Park. Visitors on an elevated wooden boardwalk come to witness the vivid colors, which are formed due to a cycle of hot water rising, cooling, and falling--creating rings of distinct temperatures inside the spring. The clear, blue center is the hottest part, with almost nothing living in it. But the other rings are home to different organisms that give the water its rings of color. While it's beautiful to look at, you wouldn't want to swim in it. It's illegal, but it's also much too hot—and the sulfur smell wouldn't leave you feeling too clean.