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德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

人的天堂 A book lover's paradise


欧内斯特·海明威曾写道:“没有比一本书更忠诚的朋友了。”。在世界图书日之际,我们在德国斯图加特市向这些忠实的朋友致敬,那里一个巨大的整体立方体既是现代地标,也是城市图书馆的所在地。这座引人注目的建筑于2011年开业,由建筑师Eun Young Yi设计,在繁华的城市中成为一个平静、冥想的空间。它的内部是白色的,墙壁上排列的书籍提供了色彩的飞溅。


World Book Day

'There is no friend as loyal as a book,' Ernest Hemingway once wrote. On World Book Day, we are honoring these loyal friends in the German city of Stuttgart, where a huge monolithic cube is both a modern landmark and home to the city library. Opened in 2011, this striking building was designed by architect Eun Young Yi to be a calming, meditative space in a bustling city. Its interior is white, with splashes of color provided by the books that line its walls.

World Book Day was set up by UNESCO in 1995 to celebrate recreational reading. It also marks the start of National Library Week here in the US, so there's no better time to head to your local library to find your next great 'friend' to take you on new adventures.

盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园,德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)

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盛开的野蒜,海尼希国家公园德国 (© Frank Sommariva/Getty Images)





吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

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吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

纪念硬币上的著名建筑 Famous on commemorative coins


砖砌哥特式建筑建于1464年,是吕贝克中世纪城市防御工事的遗迹之一,也是现存的两座城门之一,另一座是城堡门 (Burgtor)。

1950年,Holsten Gate 再次成为博物馆,这次是为了展示市政历史。 展示了历史悠久的吕贝克遗物,以模型和图片展示了中世纪吕贝克的发展,展示了汉萨同盟舰模型和旗舰“吕贝克之鹰”。

Holsten Gate, Lübeck, Germany

The Holsten Gate is a city gate marking off the western boundary of the old center of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Built-in 1464, the Brick Gothic construction is one of the relics of Lübeck's medieval city fortifications and one of two remaining city gates, the other being the Citadel Gate (Burgtor). Known for its two-round towers and arched entrance, it is regarded today as a symbol of the city.

In 1950 the Holsten Gate was again a museum, this time for municipal history. Relics from historic Lübeck were presented, the development of medieval Lübeck was shown by using models and pictures, and models of the ships of the Hanseatic League and the flagship "Eagle of Lübeck" were exhibited.

菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

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菲希特尔山脉上的和平钟,萨克森州,德国 Peace bell on the summit of Fichtelberg, Saxony, Germany (© Jan Drahokoupil/Getty Images)

和平之钟 A bell for peace



Peace bell on Fichtelberg, Germany

The Fichtelberg is located on the Oberwiesenthal in the Ore Mountains. This mountain is 1214 m high, making it not only the highest mountain in East Germany but also a very prestigious place for winter sports enthusiasts. All kinds of sports are offered. From classic skiing and snowboarding to cross-country skiing, cross-country skiing tours, tobogganing, and horse-drawn sleigh rides. If you prefer summer, you can also enjoy this place in the warm season and completely immerse yourself in untouched nature. At the top of the mountain, you can visit the Fichtelberghaus. From there you have a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

霍亨索伦城堡,德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

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霍亨索伦城堡德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

正如童话一般 Fit for a fairytale



Hohenzollern Castle near Stuttgart, Germany

For the charming Hohenzollern Castle, the third time really was the charm. Constructed on the top of Hohenzollern Mountain in the 11th century, the castle was largely ruined by a 10-month siege in 1423, only to be rebuilt a few decades later. It then served as an important strategic stronghold before again falling into disrepair. In the 19th century, King Frederick William IV of Prussia, best remembered for his commitment to building great works across Germany, had a new castle built on the grounds, replacing almost all the 15th-century construction. Today, Hohenzollern Castle is an open-air museum that hosts more than 350,000 visitors per year, making it one of the most-visited castles in Germany.

泰根塞山脉Roßstein山顶的景色,德国巴伐利亚州 View from the summit of Roßstein mountain, Bavaria, Germany (© Christian Bäck/eStock Photo)

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泰根塞山脉Roßstein山顶的景色,德国巴伐利亚州 View from the summit of Roßstein mountain, Bavaria, Germany (© Christian Bäck/eStock Photo)

国际岳日 International Mountain Day



我们的旅程将带我们前往位于特根塞山脉的上巴伐利亚州,这是一个属于巴伐利亚前阿尔卑斯山脉的山区。这张照片显示了从罗ß斯坦(1698米)到布赫斯坦河(1701米)的景色。这两座山形成了一座双峰,泰格恩塞·吕特(Tegernsee Hütte)就坐落在它的马鞍上。该避难所于5月中旬至11月初开放,为徒步旅行者和登山者提供食宿。由于其暴露的位置,其位置通常被称为“鹰巢”。

Tegernsee Mountains

Mountains are some of the most interesting geological features that our world has to offer. Clear proof of the massive changes that happen beneath the surface of our planet, mountains have also served as playgrounds and places of worship for countless generations of humans. Anything that’s been such a mainstay for so many people and cultures through millennia is worth commemorating. So on December 11, we celebrate International Mountain Day!

Our excursion takes us to Upper Bavaria in the Tegernsee Mountains, a mountain region that belongs to the Bavarian Pre-Alps. The photo shows the view from the Roßstein (1,698 meters) to the Buchstein (1,701 meters). Both mountains form a double peak, in whose saddle the Tegernsee Hütte nestles. The refuge, which is open from mid-May to early November, offers board and lodging to hikers and climbers. Due to its exposed location, its location is often referred to as the "eagle's nest".

坎彭万德山,基姆高地区阿绍,德国巴伐利亚州 View from Kampenwand mountain, Aschau im Chiemgau, Bavaria, Germany (© Toni Anzenberger/plainpicture)

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坎彭万德,基姆高地区阿绍,德国巴伐利亚州 View from Kampenwand mountain, Aschau im Chiemgau, Bavaria, Germany (© Toni Anzenberger/plainpicture)

令人惊叹的山顶美景 Stunning mountain top view




Kampenwand mountain, Bavaria

Winter has already arrived at the summit of the Kampenwand. Where numerous hikers, mountain bikers, and climbers as well as hang-gliders, and paragliders cavort in spring and summer, a little calm gradually returns in the cold season. Now the region is becoming an attractive attraction for snowshoe hikers and touring skiers.

Depending on the viewing direction, you can enjoy a magnificent panorama from the Kampenwand. The foothills of the Alps with the Chiemsee stretch northwards, and on a clear day, you can even spot Munich's television tower in the northwest. In the south - as in this photo - there is a unique view of the Bavarian and Austrian mountains.

玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

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玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

维尔茨堡美因畔的一座城堡 Riverside castle


马里恩堡是德国维尔茨堡市美因河畔的一座城堡。它是维尔茨堡的象征,近5个世纪以来一直是王子和主教的故乡。它自古以来就是一座要塞。1631年,瑞典古斯塔夫二世阿道夫(Gustav II Adolf)征服该地区后,城堡被重建为巴洛克式要塞。今天,它是一个公园博物馆

Marienburg, Rhineland-Palatinate

Marienburg is a castle on the River Main in Wurzburg, Germany. It is the symbol of Wurzburg and has been the home of princes and bishops for nearly 5 centuries. It has been a fortress since ancient times. After Gustav II Adolf of Sweden conquered the area in 1631, the castle was rebuilt as a Baroque fortress. Today, it is a park and museum.

秋天的图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡,德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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秋天图林根森林与瓦特堡城堡德国 Thuringian Forest in autumn with Wartburg Castle, Germany (© ezypix/Getty Images)

等等,这上得有座城堡! 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!'



关于沃特堡的命名,有一些巧妙的文字游戏正在进行。”“Warte”是德语中“watchtower”和“wait”的意思传统认为,城堡的创建者惊呼“Warte,Berg du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!”或者“等等,大山,你将承受我的城堡!”看到位置后。注意那句引语中的“berg”和“burg”,它们分别翻译为山和堡垒。因此,在德国将单词拼凑在一起的伟大传统中,沃特堡这个名字应运而生。


Wartburg Castle overlooking Thuringian Forest in Germany

As you glance over today's photo of the trees changing color in Thuringian Forest in Germany, make note of the castle in the distance. That's Wartburg, a castle built in the Middle Ages that holds significance to people of faith. It was the home of the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, and also where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile. It's the area's most popular tourist attraction and has been recognized for its quintessential medieval architecture.

There's some clever wordplay going on regarding how Wartburg was named. 'Warte' is German for both 'watchtower' and 'wait.' Tradition suggests the castle's founder exclaimed 'Warte, Berg—du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!' or 'Wait, mountain—you shall bear my castle!' upon seeing the location. Note the 'berg' and 'burg' in that quote, which translate to mountain and fortress, respectively. And so in the grand German tradition of mashing words together, the name Wartburg came to be.

If the castle isn't of interest to you, Thuringian Forest, known as the Green Heart of Germany, has plenty of its own charm for tourists. The oldest and most popular long-distance hiking trail in Germany, the Rennsteig, runs for about 110 miles within the forest. If you're out for a hike you'll notice the general quietness of the area and fresh, unpolluted air. You may even happen upon the tiny villages that pepper the area and have a reputation for welcoming outsiders.