德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

人的天堂 A book lover's paradise


欧内斯特·海明威曾写道:“没有比一本书更忠诚的朋友了。”。在世界图书日之际,我们在德国斯图加特市向这些忠实的朋友致敬,那里一个巨大的整体立方体既是现代地标,也是城市图书馆的所在地。这座引人注目的建筑于2011年开业,由建筑师Eun Young Yi设计,在繁华的城市中成为一个平静、冥想的空间。它的内部是白色的,墙壁上排列的书籍提供了色彩的飞溅。


World Book Day

'There is no friend as loyal as a book,' Ernest Hemingway once wrote. On World Book Day, we are honoring these loyal friends in the German city of Stuttgart, where a huge monolithic cube is both a modern landmark and home to the city library. Opened in 2011, this striking building was designed by architect Eun Young Yi to be a calming, meditative space in a bustling city. Its interior is white, with splashes of color provided by the books that line its walls.

World Book Day was set up by UNESCO in 1995 to celebrate recreational reading. It also marks the start of National Library Week here in the US, so there's no better time to head to your local library to find your next great 'friend' to take you on new adventures.

标签: 德国

