
加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯的天然桥州立公园 Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯的天然州立公园 Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

通往太平洋之窗 A window to the Pacific



Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California

California brown pelicans, cormorants, and gulls enjoy jostling for position on top of this stunning rock formation in Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz. It is the sole surviving natural 'bridge' in this state park. Once three bridges stood side-by-side here, carved by waves into cliffs that jutted out into the Pacific. This one stood in the middle, but the outermost bridge collapsed in 1905 and the innermost one disappeared in 1980.

The erosion of the waves is relentless, so eventually the final arch will collapse, and the birds will have to find another favorite perch. But there are plenty of other views on offer. The park is also a seasonal home to migratory monarch butterflies, which flutter through the air or cluster together in its eucalyptus grove. And if you're lucky, you might spot a migrating whale or see seals and otters playing offshore.

在奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区划独木舟 Canoe paddling in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (© Brad Beck/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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在奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区划独木舟 Canoe paddling in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (© Brad Beck/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一片平静的水域 Serene waters on a 'trembling earth'




American Wetlands Month

It's American Wetlands Month, a time to celebrate swamps, marshes, bogs, and other types of these important ecosystems. Wetlands play a vital role in storing carbon, improving water quality, and serving as habitat for many endangered plants and animals, including American crocodiles and whooping cranes. And yet, wetlands are threatened. Over the centuries, they have been drained to provide land for farming, industry, and housing. Pollution and invasive plants pose further threats. Since the late 1700s, more than half of the 221 million acres of wetlands that once existed in the 48 contiguous states have disappeared.

Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp, seen here, is a thriving wetland that is home to dozens of bird species, American alligators. and other critters. It is also the largest blackwater swamp in North America—the water appears almost black due to tannins from decaying vegetation. All looks calm in our homepage image, but the swamp gets its name from a Native American word that is often translated as 'trembling earth' or 'bubbling water.'

莫罗哈夫莱海滩和科罗拉达斯海滩,富埃特文图拉岛,西班牙加那利群岛 Morro Jable and Playa del Matorral, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

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莫罗哈夫莱海滩和科罗拉达斯海滩,富埃特文图拉西班牙加那利群岛 Morro Jable and Playa del Matorral, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

文化交汇的岛屿 An island crossroad of culture



The Canary Islands, Spain

Welcome to Fuerteventura, one of Spain's Canary Islands, found nearly 70 miles off the northwestern coast of Africa. For thousands of years, the volcanic islands have served as an international crossroads, attracting the interest of the Romans, Arab traders, and European navigators. Agriculture has long been important here, with bananas, tomatoes, and potatoes among the main crops. But while the first voyagers came in search of trade, today's visitors come to explore the many beautiful national parks and relax on beaches like the Playa del Matorral on Fuerteventura, seen here during a spectacular sunset.

曼海姆水塔,德国 (© tichr/Getty Images)

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曼海姆水塔德国 (© tichr/Getty Images)





紫色和蓝色的野生羽扇豆 Wild lupine in purple and blue (© silverjohn/Getty Images Plus)

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紫色和蓝色的野生羽扇豆 Wild lupine in purple and blue (© silverjohn/Getty Images Plus)

蝴蝶最好的朋友 A butterfly's best friend



Wild lupines

These stunning wild lupines bring shades of blue, pink, and purple to meadows and roadsides from early spring. They are not just a stunning addition to the landscape—they are crucial for the survival of the rare Karner blue butterfly. The larvae of the short-lived species will only feed on wild blue lupines, crawling up their stems to eat new leaves when they hatch. Once widespread across much of eastern North America, wild lupines have been in decline since the Industrial Revolution and human development has reduced their range. This has had a knock-on effect on the butterflies, which are now an endangered species. Conservation efforts have focused on replanting areas of wild blue lupines to boost butterfly numbers.

亨宁斯韦尔体育场,挪威 Henningsvær Stadium, Norway (© Morten Falch Sortland/Getty Images)

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亨宁斯韦尔体育场挪威 Henningsvær Stadium, Norway (© Morten Falch Sortland/Getty Images)

这个体育场建在你意想不到的地方 Sports where you least expect it



Henningsvær Stadion, Norway

If you want to take in a soccer game and the grandiose beauty of the Norwegian Sea at the same time, this place is pitch perfect. Squeezed into a small Norwegian fishing village, it's fair to say that Henningsvær Stadion's grounds will probably never host a UEFA Champions League. But, while it lacks stands for spectators, there's still plenty of atmosphere to soak up in this striking location. Those who play here do so surrounded by the sound of waves, seabirds, and the smells of salt air and cod, drying on the racks surrounding the pitch.

Cod fishing is central to the economy here in Henningsvær, in the Lofoten Islands–but partly due to drone photography, this scenic pitch has become an important tourist attraction. Resting on a rugged island, surrounded by bare rocks and deep blue waters, watching a game here can make for a surreal and unforgettable experience.

科尔杜昂灯塔,罗扬市,夏朗德省,法国 Cordouan Lighthouse, Royan, Charente, France (© FRTimelapse/Getty Images)

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科尔杜昂灯塔,罗扬市,夏朗德省,法国 Cordouan Lighthouse, Royan, Charente, France (© FRTimelapse/Getty Images)

中的灯塔 A beacon in the golden light




Cordouan Lighthouse, France

Built between 1584 and 1611, the Cordouan Lighthouse is France's oldest working lighthouse and the only one in the country that is still inhabited by keepers. For centuries, this maritime marvel has watched over the Gironde Estuary, on France's Atlantic coast, a treacherous area where shipwrecks were once common.

Designed by engineer Louis de Foix and remodeled in the 18th century, this stunning lighthouse with its stained-glass windows and Renaissance architecture is sometimes known as the Versailles of the Seas, after the famous French palace. Others call it the King of Lighthouses.

A visit to this historic landmark will take you on a journey to a bygone era, concluding with a climb up more than 300 steps to the lighthouse's pinnacle, where you can enjoy a commanding view of the coast and Atlantic Ocean.

卡韦希环礁,土阿莫土群岛,法属波利尼西亚 Kauehi atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia (© WaterFrame/Alamy)

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卡韦希环礁,土阿莫土群岛法属波利尼西亚 Kauehi atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia (© WaterFrame/Alamy)

天堂的一角 A little corner of paradise




精致拱门,拱门国家公园,犹他州 Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah (© Mark Brodkin Photography/Getty Images)

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精致拱门,拱门国家公园犹他州 Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah (© Mark Brodkin Photography/Getty Images)

藏在精致拱门里的百年 Centuries of time in a Delicate Arch



Arches National Park, Utah

This stunning structure is Delicate Arch, the most famous of 2,000 stone arches scattered around Arches National Park in Utah. It is made up of Entrada Sandstone, the grains of which once formed a massive desert. They were cemented together by minerals, forming sandstone riddled with tiny holes. Over millennia, the rain seeped in and slowly dissolved the rock from the inside, forming these eye-catching sculptures. Most of the arches in the national park are formed from Entrada Sandstone and were once buried by other rock layers. They won't last forever, but over time, new shapes will emerge from the layers of rock below to replace them. Every year, close to 1.4 million people visit the park to see Delicate Arch and this slowly shifting landscape for themselves.

黄前山上盛开的皇家杜鹃花, 韩国 Royal azaleas in bloom on Hwangmaesan Mountain, South Korea (© Stock for you/Shutterstock)

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黄前上盛开的皇家杜鹃, 韩国 Royal azaleas in bloom on Hwangmaesan Mountain, South Korea (© Stock for you/Shutterstock)

绝对的紫色山峰 Positively purple peaks




Azaleas blooming on Hwangmaesan Mountain, South Korea

Vast colonies of royal azaleas paint the sides of South Korea’s Hwangmaesan Mountain a vibrant purple as summer approaches. Sightseers flock to see this striking pink and purple carpet of flowers which was created gradually as dairy cows and sheep ate the grass and plants, but left behind the poisonous azaleas which spread across the mountain.

For those who want to climb it, Hwangmaesan also features massive rock formations, stunning views, and a legend that anyone who prays at the summit will have their wish granted. It reaches an altitude of around 3,650 feet and offers a peaceful escape from city life for hikers and campers. Those who want to walk among the azaleas should head there in May, when they come into bloom. But dress appropriately, it still gets chilly up at the summit.