
绚烂的仙女座星系 Andromeda galaxy (© NASA/JPL-Caltech)

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绚烂的仙女座星系 Andromeda galaxy (© NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Hey neighbor, it's World Space Week!

Space is a big, lonely place, so it's nice to know we have neighbors. The pictured Andromeda Galaxy is our Milky Way's closest—right next door at 2.5 million light years away. Our cordial relationship with Andromeda goes back about 10 billion years to when both galaxies were still forming. But trouble is brewing: Andromeda is on a collision course with the Milky Way, due for impact in 4 billion years. This neighborhood's about to get rough…

Sometime in the 4 billion years we have left (preferably this World Space Week, October 4-10), we encourage you to turn your attention to the stars, whether on a trip to the countryside, the planetarium, or your backyard. World Space Week's 2021 theme is 'Women in Space'—and it's also the theme of today's quiz. How much do you know about the final frontier's famous females?




古罗马斗兽场,西班牙桑蒂蓬塞镇的罗马古城遗迹 The Roman amphitheater of Itálica near Santiponce, Spain (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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古罗马斗兽场西班牙桑蒂蓬塞镇的罗马古城遗迹 The Roman amphitheater of Itálica near Santiponce, Spain (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

Birthplace of Roman emperors

Just a few miles north of Seville, Spain, you'll find the ancient ruins of Itálica, the first Roman settlement in what is now Spain and the first Roman city outside of Italy. The city was founded in 206 BCE by the Roman general Scipio as a place to house veterans from the Second Punic Wars. Itálica was also the birthplace of at least two Roman emperors.

For centuries, Itálica was an elaborate urban center with a temple, a theater, public baths, gorgeous homes for the monied elite, and a population of about 8,000 residents. This aerial view is of the city's famous amphitheater, where thousands of spectators came from near and far to watch the bloody gladiator fights, hunts of wild beasts, and public executions. The 'entertainment' here was not for the faint of heart.

Today, the modern Spanish city of Santiponce has grown up around—and even atop—the ruins. Tourists come here to walk the preserved Roman streets, admire the mosaics, and imagine the scenes of life and death that happened in this amphitheater nearly 2,000 years ago.





北坡自治市镇的伊维沙克河,阿拉斯加州 The Ivishak River in the North Slope Borough, Alaska (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

发布于 , 630 次浏览


北坡自治市镇的伊维沙克阿拉斯加州 The Ivishak River in the North Slope Borough, Alaska (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

A river on the tundra

This mesmerizing expanse captures a small stretch of the 95-mile-long Ivishak River in northern Alaska. The Ivishak flows in the Philip Smith Mountains and the foothills of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The entire run of the river is in a region called the North Slope Borough, Alaska's northernmost borough (Alaska is divided into boroughs, not counties). Look at the magnificent colors and textures this photo captures—it's a view that's preserved and protected by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

The act was signed into law on October 2, 1968. The main purpose of the bill was to identify 'certain selected rivers of the [US] which, with their immediate environments, possess outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural or other similar values, shall be preserved in free-flowing condition…' Sure, we could have summed it up for you, but instead quoted the exact text from the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to show how all-encompassing the intent of the protection is.


这片迷人的广袤土地捕捉到了阿拉斯加北部95英里长的伊维沙克河的一小段。Ivishak河流经菲利普史密斯山脉北极国家野生动物保护区的麓。整条河流都在一个叫做北坡区(North Slope Bourough)的区域内,这是阿拉斯加最北端的一个自治区(阿拉斯加分为自治区,而不是县)。看看这张照片捕捉到的壮丽色彩和纹理,这是一幅受《野生和风景河流法》保护的风景画。
