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科帕卡巴纳海滩除夕烟花, 里约热内卢, 巴西 New Year's Eve fireworks over Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Wagner Meier/Getty Images)

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科帕卡巴纳海滩除夕烟花, 里约热内卢, 巴西 New Year's Eve fireworks over Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Wagner Meier/Getty Images)

里约的午夜 Midnight in Rio




New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

New Year's Eve, also known as Old Year's Day, is celebrated around the world with revelry, fireworks, and for some, religious and cultural observances. Many countries celebrate with foods symbolic of prosperity, long life, and good fortune for the coming year, and many people sing the Scottish folk song 'Auld Lang Syne' at the stroke of midnight in remembrance of old friends and past experiences. In a tradition that dates back to the ancient Greeks, the new year is often personified as a baby that is paired with an old man who represents the year that is ending.

Get-togethers are a common way to ring in the new year, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, throws a memorable one. Rio is known for many things, including colorful, exuberant celebrations, glorious beaches, and the free New Year's Eve party at Copacabana Beach, seen in today's image. Known as Réveillon to locals, this New Year's Eve soiree is the largest in the world, with millions of revelers.

里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)

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里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)

自然奇观的蓝色魅力 The blue charm of a natural spectacle


让我们一起来探索位于阿拉亚尔多卡博的蓬塔尔杜阿塔拉亚的壮丽美景!这个地点位于巴西里约热内卢,以提供该地区最美丽的景点之一而闻名,在这里可以将周围的海滩屿尽收眼底。想象一下,从这个得天独厚的制高点观看日落,海天一色,美不胜收。要前往著名的庞塔尔海滩,您必须走过一个拥有着250多级台阶的标志性阶梯——阶梯上的景色和海滩本身一样令人印象深刻,透明的海水和洁白的沙滩让 “巴西加勒比海 ”的绰号名副其实。


马拉赫塞斯国家公园,马拉尼昂州, 巴西 Sunset in Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão, Brazil (© thanosquest/Shutterstock)

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马拉赫塞斯国家公园,马拉尼昂州, 巴西 Sunset in Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão, Brazil (© thanosquest/Shutterstock)

异世界之美 Otherworldly beauty




阿根廷和巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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阿根廷巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

“大水”中的彩虹波 Rainbow waves in 'big water'




Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil

Welcome to Iguazu Falls, the largest waterfall system in the world. The name 'Iguazu' has its origins in the regional languages Guarani or Tupi, meaning 'big water.' These epic waterfalls are formed by the Iguazu River, on the border of Argentina's Misiones province and Brazil's Paraná state.

The Iguazu Falls have long attracted admirers. Spanish explorer Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is thought to have been the first European to see them in 1541. In 1907, businessman Domingo Ayarragaray saw their potential and built a hotel and roads nearby. The falls became such a sensation that they were designated as national parks in both countries—Argentina's Iguazu National Park in 1934 and Brazil's Iguaçu National Park in 1939. UNESCO made the parks World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Surrounded by the rainforest, the falls are made up of hundreds of cascades and channels carved over millions of years by the Iguazu River, the tallest of which is the U-shaped Devil's Throat, at 269 feet high.

亚马逊雨林,巴西 Amazon rainforest, Brazil (© Claus Meyer/plainpicture)

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亚马逊雨林巴西 Amazon rainforest, Brazil (© Claus Meyer/plainpicture)

迷失在迷之中 Getting lost in the mist



World Rainforest Day

Fresh air, rustling leaves, and thousands of wildlife species—welcome to the Amazon rainforest. Covering more than 2,100,000 square miles, this South America treasure extends its branches across nine nations—Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. Today, the Amazon is home to more than 30 million people, but it also carries secrets of lost civilizations. Archaeologists recently discovered a network of cities here dating back 2,500 years.

However, deforestation has peeled away 20% of the Amazon's cover, jeopardizing local and global climates. This forest, housing an estimated 390 billion trees, has a critical cooling effect on the planet, absorbing and storing huge amounts of carbon dioxide. World Rainforest Day highlights the need for action to protect all rainforests and help these important ecosystems continue to play a vital role in the health of our planet.

帝王棕榈树,里约热内卢植物园,巴西 Imperial palm trees in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, Brazil (© Marcia Silva de Mendonca/Getty Images)

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帝王棕榈里约热内卢植物园巴西 Imperial palm trees in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, Brazil (© Marcia Silva de Mendonca/Getty Images)

带你游花园 Leads you to the garden



植物园中的兰花园和仙人掌花园是不容错过的。兰花园从19世纪末就开始收集兰花,如今约有600种不同的兰花,其中大部分原产于巴西。仙人掌园是里约热内卢植物园中最吸引人的地方,自1910年以来,这里收集了大约400种不同的仙人掌。 建立“仙人掌园”的目的还包括为医学研究提供仙人掌,以及为不同的仙人掌品种建立种子库。

伊瓜苏大瀑布鸟瞰图,巴西 (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

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伊瓜苏大瀑布鸟瞰图,巴西 (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)





内格罗河,亚马逊河流域,巴西 Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil (© Timothy Allen/Getty Images)

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内格罗亚马逊河流域,巴西 Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil (© Timothy Allen/Getty Images)

水上明镜 Mirror, mirror, on the water



Río Negro, Amazon basin, Brazil

From its source in Colombia, the Río Negro flows about 1,400 miles to become one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon River at the Meeting of Waters in Manaus, Brazil. It is also the largest blackwater river in the world, its water stained by decomposing organic matter that seeps in from swamps. These slow-moving, dark waters beautifully reflect the colors of the sky, including the rainbows which form over the Amazon basin, as seen here. The river also plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, as the home of many plants and animals, including the critically endangered Brazilian barefaced tamarin, the giant river otter, and nearly 700 species of fish.

Itaimbezinho峡谷,巴西 Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil (© NidoHuebl/Getty Images)

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Itaimbezinho峡谷巴西 Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil (© NidoHuebl/Getty Images)

在大自然中漫步 Walk in nature




Itaimbezinho canyon, Brazil

The Itaimbezinho Canyon is the most famous canyon in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is one of the natural wonders of Brazil in the city of Cambará do Sul, located in the Aparados da Serra National Park. Itaimbezinho has extremely straight walls that give the impression of having been cut with a knife. This characteristic gave rise to the name, in Tupi Guarani: "ita" means stone, and "aimbé" means cutting and sharp. The region of the canyons was also the habitat of the Indians and has also been the scene of several soap operas and miniseries.

亚马逊河鸟瞰图,巴西 Aerial view of the Amazon River in Brazil (© Curioso.Photography/Shutterstock)

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亚马逊鸟瞰图,巴西 Aerial view of the Amazon River in Brazil (© Curioso.Photography/Shutterstock)

匆匆而逝的河流 The rivers run through us

World Rivers Day

On World Rivers Day, we honor what may be thought of as the queen of them all—the Amazon, which flows more than 4,000 miles mostly through the South American countries of Peru and Brazil. The Amazon discharges a whopping 58 million gallons of fresh water into the ocean every second, enough to fill 83 Olympic-sized swimming pools, far more water than any other river in the world. It accounts for 20% of all fresh water that flows into the world's seas and oceans. It's also the vital heart of the largest and most diverse rain forest in the world—the Amazon Rain Forest is home to a third of the world's animal species and its trees and plants pull billions of tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, making it one of the Earth's best defenses against climate change.

Mark Angelo, a river conservationist from British Columbia, launched World Rivers Day in 2005 to recognize the importance of rivers to the survival of humanity and millions of species all over the world. Rivers are our best source of fresh water, they can be an important energy source, they're the foundations of complex ecosystems, and provide crucial sources of irrigation for our crops, among other contributions to our way of life. Besides, who doesn't love a float down a lazy river?



来自不列颠哥伦比亚省的河流保护主义者马克·安吉洛(Mark Angelo)于2005年发起了世界河流日活动,以认识到河流对全世界人类和数百万物种生存的重要性。河流是我们最好的淡水来源,它们可以是重要的能源,是复杂生态系统的基础,为我们的作物提供重要的灌溉资源,以及对我们生活方式的其他贡献。此外,谁不喜欢沿着懒惰的河流漂流?