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草原国家公园,萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)
草原国家公园,萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)
体验孤独与奇迹 Experience the solitude and wonder
Happy Independence Day!
Break out the BBQ and unfurl your flags, Independence Day is here! Founding Father John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that he believed the holiday would be celebrated with parades, sports, shows, and illuminations. After 247 years, Americans are keeping those traditions alive, though not on the date that Adams anticipated. The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the independence of the United States of America on July 2, 1776, but formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. That date, enshrined on the Declaration document, became the one we observe today. If you're looking for a grand way to celebrate, journey to New York City for views of their annual fireworks show and the Empire State Building lit up to match in red, white, and blue.
辛华达峡谷的瀑布,贾斯珀国家公园,加拿大 (© Delpixart/Getty Images)
横跨圣劳伦斯河下游的魁北克大桥,加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)
横跨圣劳伦斯河下游的魁北克大桥,加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)
工程学杰作 A masterpiece of engineering
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
This stunning structure is the stone pavilion housing the massive Korean Bell of Friendship in Los Angeles, a city with a large Korean American population. It's ringing in Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, which starts today. The month was chosen in recognition of the first documented arrival of Japanese immigrants, on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad by more than 20,000 Asian immigrants on May 10, 1869.
Back to that intricately decorated bronze bell. It was a gift to the city from South Korea to mark the US bicentennial in 1976 and is modeled on the largest bell cast in Korean history, the Divine Bell of King Seongdeok, made in 771. Both versions are among the largest bells in the world.
极光展示,怀特霍斯,育空地区,加拿大 (© John Hyde/plainpicture/Design Pics)
费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店,魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)
费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店,魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)
冬天的乐趣 Good cold fun
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Among all the pre-Lenten celebrations that take place around the world in February, the most famous are associated with warm-weather cities like Rio and New Orleans, where revelers party it up in elaborate costumes during the run-up to Ash Wednesday. It's a different affair in Quebec City, pictured here, where participants in the Quebec Winter Carnival enjoy all things winter, from snow sculptures to sleigh races. This former frontier outpost, and little sister to Montreal, is known for its spirited embrace of the coldest, darkest season. No surprise that its winter festival is the biggest in the Western Hemisphere.
麦切纳山和结冰的亚伯拉罕湖,加拿大艾伯塔省 Mount Michener and a frozen Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)
黑梳山附近的惠斯勒小镇,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)
贾斯珀国家公园纠结溪瀑布,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Tangle Creek Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)
贾斯珀国家公园纠结溪瀑布,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Tangle Creek Falls in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)
落基山脉的径流 Rocky Mountain runoff
贾斯珀国家公园拥有众多令人惊叹的瀑布,但唐格尔溪瀑布的多层瀑布构成了必看的奇观。瀑布位于阿尔伯塔省93冰原公园道附近,很容易到达。坦格尔溪瀑布(Tangle Creek Falls)的水雾在高速公路上也能感受到。如果你想拍一些令人惊叹的照片,那么下了高速公路,走近瀑布,真正沉浸在瀑布的美景中可能是值得的。
Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Jasper National Park boasts numerous breathtaking waterfalls, but the multi-tiered cascade of Tangle Creek Falls makes for a must-see spectacle. Located off the 93 Icefields Parkway in Alberta, the falls are easily accessed. Tangle Creek Falls' misty spray can be felt out on the highway itself. If you're looking to capture some breathtaking shots, it may be worth getting off the highway and going closer to the falls to truly soak in its beauty.
班夫国家公园的沛托湖,加拿大艾伯塔省 (© Ben Girardi/Cavan Images)
哈德逊湾边缘的北极熊,加拿大 Polar bear at the edge of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada (© Sean Crane/Minden Pictures)
哈德逊湾边缘的北极熊,加拿大 Polar bear at the edge of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada (© Sean Crane/Minden Pictures)
北极之王 Kings of the north
Polar Bear Week
The largest carnivore on land roams the icy north. Polar bears like this one spend much of their lives on sea ice rather than terra firma, stalking their favorite prey: seals. Superbly insulated against the cold, polar bears are uniquely suited for life on the ice—so they're especially vulnerable to a warming planet. Their plight is the focus of Polar Bear Week, observed the first week of every November, bringing attention to these creatures who live far out of sight of most humans.
Polar bears live in portions of Greenland, Norway, Russia, Alaska, and Canada. Most of Canada's polar bears live near the vast Hudson Bay, seen here near the delta of the Seal River. As summer ends, hungry bears who have been living on fat reserves for months gather on the shores of Hudson Bay, waiting for ice to form so they can return to the hunt. Due to climate change, the ice-free period of summer has grown longer, cutting short the bears' hunting season and making human-bear encounters more likely. And while the latter may seem like good news for bear-watchers, these maritime beasts are best viewed from afar.