
雅典卫城的帕特农神庙,希腊 The Parthenon temple in the Acropolis of Athens, Greece (© Lucky-photographer/Shutterstock)

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雅典卫城的帕特农神庙希腊 The Parthenon temple in the Acropolis of Athens, Greece (© Lucky-photographer/Shutterstock)

On the rebirth of the Olympic Games

Today marks the 125th anniversary of the first modern Olympic games, held in Athens in 1896—1,500 years after they were banned by the Roman Emperor. (The original games were held at least as far back as 776 BCE and probably earlier.) The 1896 games were held in the Panathenaic Stadium, in the shadow of the Acropolis of Athens, shown here. Those newly revived games of 1896 included athletes from 14 countries, with the largest delegations from Greece, Germany, France, and Great Britain. The 43 events included a marathon, tennis, cycling, fencing, shooting, Greco-Roman wrestling, and swimming. And while some things haven't changed over the years, some were pretty different back then. Swimmers were taken out to sea by boat for the longer races and had to swim back to shore. Winners were given a silver medal (copper for second place), as well as an olive branch and a diploma.

This is a unique time for the Olympics. We can look forward to the postponed 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo (now scheduled to start in July 2021) as well as the Winter Games in Beijing in 2022. The Beijing games will feature a mascot panda named Bing Dwen Dwen. 'Bing' means ice and symbolizes purity and strength, and 'Dwen Dwen' represents children. After the postponement of 2020, we can't wait to hear, 'Let the games begin!'




Areuse峡谷的Saut du Brot石桥,瑞士纳沙泰尔 Saut du Brot stone bridge in the Areuse Gorge, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (© Andreas Gerth/eStock Photo)

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Areuse峡谷的Saut du Brot石瑞士纳沙泰尔 Saut du Brot stone bridge in the Areuse Gorge, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (© Andreas Gerth/eStock Photo)

Once upon a time there was a bridge…

Although this stone bridge, known as Saut de Brot, looks right out of a fairy tale, it serves a very practical purpose. It connects walking trails on each side of the Areuse Gorge, offering safe passage to hikers exploring the lush Brot-Dessous area in eastern Switzerland, a predominantly French-speaking region of this multilingual country. It's not known when the bridge was built exactly, though it's thought to be a recent construction. But if that's true, how do we not know who built it? All this mystery leads us to suspect it's the work of helpful gnomes and fairies living deep in the Swiss woods.


尽管这座被称为索特德布罗特(Saut de Brot)的石桥看起来就像童话故事,但它有着非常实际的用途。它连接阿瑞斯峡谷两侧的步行道,为徒步旅行者探索瑞士东部郁郁葱葱的布罗特-德索斯地区提供安全通道,这是一个多语种国家的主要法语地区。虽然这座桥被认为是最近才建造的,但不知道它到底是什么时候建造的。但如果这是真的,我们怎么不知道是谁建的呢?所有这些谜团让我们怀疑这是生活在瑞士森林深处的有益的侏儒和仙女的作品。

阿尼瓦角的灯塔,俄罗斯萨哈林岛 Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Sakhalin Island, Russia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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阿尼瓦角的灯塔俄罗斯萨哈林岛 Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Sakhalin Island, Russia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

A light at the edge of the world

Seemingly against all odds, the Aniva Lighthouse stands atop this rocky outcrop where it once lit the way for vessels navigating the fierce currents, hidden rocks, and frequent fogs of Cape Aniva on the island of Sakhalin. Russia's largest island, Sakhalin lies off the mainland's Far East coast, due north of the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The island was hotly contested by both Russia and Japan in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the late 1930s, when the Aniva Lighthouse was built, Russia controlled the northern half of Sakhalin while...



伦索伊斯马拉年塞斯国家公园,巴西巴雷里尼亚斯市 Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Barreirinhas, Brazil (© WIN-Initiative/Getty Images)

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伦索伊斯马拉年塞斯国家公园巴西巴雷里尼亚斯市 Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Barreirinhas, Brazil (© WIN-Initiative/Getty Images)

White dunes, blue lagoons

From the air, the mesmerizing tapestry of sandy dunes and lagoons you see here gives Lençóis Maranhenses National Park an otherworldly, desert-like appearance. Located in the sparsely populated Northeast corner of Brazil, this park gets far too much annual rainfall—nearly 50 inches—to be considered a desert. In fact, heavy rain is part of what makes this place unique: Nearly 70% of its annual rainfall comes between January and May, filling the park's nearly 40,000 lagoons to the brim with fresh rainwater. Why doesn't the water sink into the sand? A layer of impermeable bedrock beneath the dunes prevents that from happening.

Despite its remote location, the park, established in 1981, has become a popular destination for ecotourists. They come partly to see the many kinds of animals and plants that manage to thrive here, including several endangered species. One of the park's most famous inhabitants is the predatory Atlantic wolffish, which lies dormant during the dry season by burying itself into the layers of wet mud in the lagoons, only to reemerge to snack on unsuspecting prey as the pools refill with the rains.


