Areuse峡谷的Saut du Brot石桥,瑞士纳沙泰尔 Saut du Brot stone bridge in the Areuse Gorge, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (© Andreas Gerth/eStock Photo)

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Areuse峡谷的Saut du Brot石瑞士纳沙泰尔 Saut du Brot stone bridge in the Areuse Gorge, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (© Andreas Gerth/eStock Photo)

Once upon a time there was a bridge…

Although this stone bridge, known as Saut de Brot, looks right out of a fairy tale, it serves a very practical purpose. It connects walking trails on each side of the Areuse Gorge, offering safe passage to hikers exploring the lush Brot-Dessous area in eastern Switzerland, a predominantly French-speaking region of this multilingual country. It's not known when the bridge was built exactly, though it's thought to be a recent construction. But if that's true, how do we not know who built it? All this mystery leads us to suspect it's the work of helpful gnomes and fairies living deep in the Swiss woods.


尽管这座被称为索特德布罗特(Saut de Brot)的石桥看起来就像童话故事,但它有着非常实际的用途。它连接阿瑞斯峡谷两侧的步行道,为徒步旅行者探索瑞士东部郁郁葱葱的布罗特-德索斯地区提供安全通道,这是一个多语种国家的主要法语地区。虽然这座桥被认为是最近才建造的,但不知道它到底是什么时候建造的。但如果这是真的,我们怎么不知道是谁建的呢?所有这些谜团让我们怀疑这是生活在瑞士森林深处的有益的侏儒和仙女的作品。

标签: 瑞士, , 纳沙泰尔

