标签 冬 下的文章

冬季日出,戴德姆,科尔切斯特,英格兰 Winter sunrise in Dedham, Colchester, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

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日出,戴德姆,科尔切斯特,英格兰 Winter sunrise in Dedham, Colchester, England (© George W Johnson/Getty Images)

节礼日快乐 Happy Boxing Day!



Happy Boxing Day!

The holiday season isn't quite over! December 26 marks Boxing Day—a popular day to get outside and enjoy a walk after a day of indulgence. Our homepage image shows a wintry sunrise over fields near the village of Dedham, in Colchester, England¬—perfect walking country.

Boxing Day is observed in the UK and some other countries including Canada and Australia. It's thought to have originated from the old British tradition of giving boxes filled with presents to servants on the day after Christmas. These days, Boxing Day is often associated with sporting events. It’s a big day for soccer in the UK and horse races are held across the country, including the historic King George VI Chase at Kempton Park Racecourse. Meanwhile in Canada, ice hockey fans gather to cheer on their favorite teams. Just like winter sunshine, the holiday season ends sooner than you think, so make the most of it!

黄山的冬天,中国 Winter in Huangshan Mountains, China (© Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock)

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黄山冬天中国 Winter in Huangshan Mountains, China (© Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock)

想看看黄的全貌吗? Care for a peak?




International Mountain Day

Happy International Mountain Day! In celebration of highlands, we're visiting the dramatic landscape of Huangshan—the Yellow Mountains—of eastern China's Anhui province. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Huangshan has been described as 'the loveliest mountain of China' and has inspired artists and writers throughout history. Composed of granite that formed 140 million years ago, its peaks emerge from seas of clouds, rising to 6,115 feet at its highest point, Lotus Peak. Visitors come here to experience breathtaking rock formations, pine trees, hot springs, and captivating winter landscapes. So, let's climb high, dream big, and protect our mountains!

多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇,意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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多洛米蒂山谷中的科莱圣卢恰小镇意大利 Colle Santa Lucia in the Dolomites, Italy (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

明信片和雪花球的取景地 The envy of postcards and snow globes



Colle Santa Lucia, Dolomites, Italy

This tiny hamlet on the slopes of the Dolomite Mountains is so picturesque, we'd understand if you mistook it for a movie set. But Colle Santa Lucia is a real village in Italy with about 400 residents. Despite its location in Italy's northern reaches, the village is more culturally Austrian than Italian, and is only a stone's throw from the Austrian border state of Tyrol. And like its Austrian neighbors, Colle Santa Lucia is known for its peaks and ski resorts. It has more in common with wintry Innsbruck than sunny Venice, which is less than 100 miles away to the south.

爱沙尼亚佩普斯湖上的小冰丘 Hummock ice on Lake Peipus in Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

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爱沙尼亚佩普斯上的小丘 Hummock ice on Lake Peipus in Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

当冰块变成了艺术 When ice imitates art



Lake Peipus, Estonia

Lake Peipus, the fifth-largest lake in Europe, dates back hundreds of millions of years to the Paleozoic Era and is known for its sand dunes, which can 'sing' when the wind blows just right. In the winter the frozen lake surface may feature ice hummocks, as seen in this image. The hummocks are caused by slow, uneven pressure in the ice pack.

布莱斯峡谷国家公园的冬天,犹他州 Winter in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

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布莱斯峡谷国家公园冬天犹他州 Winter in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Don Paulson/Danita Delimont)

Winter in the Wild West

When considering the dramatically eroded canyons of southwestern Utah, snow may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But far-flung Bryce Canyon National Park gets plenty of the white stuff, owing to its elevation of 8,000-plus feet at the massive amphitheater's rim. The cold not only provides scenic snowy views and great cross-country skiing, it's responsible for the striking red-rock pinnacles—known as hoodoos—that make the park so unique.

High above sea level, winter in Bryce Canyon often sees daily shifts between freezing and above-freezing temperatures. Despite its name, Bryce Canyon isn't a true canyon, but is instead a collection of natural amphitheaters. The park's hoodoos formed as water seeped into massive stone plateaus, then froze and expanded to break away chunks of rock. Repeated day after day for eons, this process has left slim sections of sediment standing throughout Bryce Canyon—now the largest concentration of hoodoos in the world.


在说到犹他州西南部峡谷为什么受侵蚀严重时,降可能并不是第一个被想到的原因。 但是遥远的布莱斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon National Park)由于在大型圆形剧场的边缘海拔超过8,000英尺而获得了很多白色的东西。 寒冷不仅带来优美的雪景和越野滑雪,而且还造成了令人惊叹的红岩峰(称为石林),使公园如此独特。

布莱斯峡谷的冬天海拔很高,每天都会出现点和冰点以上温度的变化。尽管它的名字包含峡谷,但布莱斯峡谷不是一个真正的峡谷,而是一个自然露天剧场的集合。公园的石林随着水渗入巨大的石制高原而形成,然后冻结并扩大以分裂成块的岩石。 这一过程日复一日地重复了亿万年,留下了遍布布莱斯峡谷的薄薄的沉积物,现在布莱斯峡谷是世界上最大的石林聚集地。

冬天的金阁寺,日本京都 Kinkakuji temple in winter, Kyoto, Japan (© yoko_ken_chan/Shutterstock)

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冬天金阁寺日本京都 Kinkakuji temple in winter, Kyoto, Japan (© yoko_ken_chan/Shutterstock)

Stunning in winter

Kinkakuji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, is one of the most famous sights in Kyoto. The golden temple that is actually made of gold, has been a popular attraction for many. During the winter, the white color of the snow contrasts beautifully with the color of the temple creating a breathtaking sight.


金阁,也被称为金阁,是京都最著名的景点之一。 实际上由黄金制成的金殿,已成为许多人的热门景点。 在冬季,的白色与寺庙的颜色形成了鲜明的对比,营造出令人叹为观止的景象。