爱沙尼亚佩普斯湖上的小冰丘 Hummock ice on Lake Peipus in Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

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爱沙尼亚佩普斯上的小丘 Hummock ice on Lake Peipus in Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

当冰块变成了艺术 When ice imitates art



Lake Peipus, Estonia

Lake Peipus, the fifth-largest lake in Europe, dates back hundreds of millions of years to the Paleozoic Era and is known for its sand dunes, which can 'sing' when the wind blows just right. In the winter the frozen lake surface may feature ice hummocks, as seen in this image. The hummocks are caused by slow, uneven pressure in the ice pack.

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