
扎哈拉德拉谢拉,安达卢西亚,西班牙 (© Francesco Carovillano/eStock Photo)

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扎哈拉德拉谢拉,安达卢西亚西班牙 (© Francesco Carovillano/eStock Photo)





意大利卡,桑蒂蓬塞的一座古罗马城市,塞维利亚,安达卢西亚,西班牙 Italica, an old Roman city in Santiponce, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain (© Moses Palermo/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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意大利卡,桑蒂蓬塞的一座古罗马城市,塞维利亚安达卢西亚西班牙 Italica, an old Roman city in Santiponce, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain (© Moses Palermo/Amazing Aerial Agency)

昔日城市的“灵魂” Ghosts of cities past




The ruins of Italica, Andalusia, Spain

It was the year 206 BCE. In the wake of the decisive Roman victory against the Carthaginians at the Battle of Ilipa, General Publius Cornelius Scipio built a settlement for veterans on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, in modern-day Spain. It was named Italica and was the first Roman settlement on the Iberian Peninsula. The city flourished in the following centuries and was the birthplace of two Roman emperors, Trajan and Hadrian.

The ruins of Italica, close to Seville, include the impressive amphitheater seen in today's image. One of the largest in the Roman Empire, it could accommodate up to 25,000 spectators, more than double the city's population. Beyond this, there are remains of public buildings, a temple built in honor of Trajan, baths, and villas decorated with stunning mosaics. Italica is an archeological gem, offering a glimpse into the grandeur of the Roman Empire.

菲斯加德灯塔,埃斯奎莫尔特港,科尔伍德,不列颠哥伦比亚省,加拿大 Fisgard Lighthouse, Esquimalt Harbor, Colwood, British Columbia, Canada (© davemantel/Getty Images)

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菲斯加德灯塔,埃斯奎莫尔特,科尔伍德,不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大 Fisgard Lighthouse, Esquimalt Harbor, Colwood, British Columbia, Canada (© davemantel/Getty Images)

为加拿大干杯 Cheers to Canada!


今天,加拿大迎来了国庆日。它是为了纪念1867年《英属北美条约》的通过,该条约将加拿大联邦、新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省这三个英属殖民地合并为加拿大自治国。在1982年之前,联邦成立纪念日一直被称为 "多米尼克日",直到加拿大完全独立于英国议会,庆祝活动才正式更名为 "加拿大日"。


Canada Day

Today, Canada celebrates its national day. It commemorates the passing of the Constitution Act of 1867, which joined three British colonies, the Province of Canada (later Quebec and Ontario), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, to become the self-governing country of Canada.

Canada is the second-largest country by landmass after Russia. Eighty percent of its land is unoccupied and every corner abounds in natural treasures—like the Great Bear Rainforest, the Northwest Passage, the Columbia Icefield or the Haida Gwaii archipelago. Celebrations including parades, fireworks, and other patriotic festivities will be held across this huge country today. Among those hosting events will be the Fisgard Lighthouse, pictured on our homepage looking out over Esquimalt Harbor in Colwood, British Columbia. The tower was the first lighthouse on the west coast of Canada, built on Fisgard Island in 1860.