
大麦和矢车菊, 诺德豪森, 德国 (© Mandy Tabatt/Getty Images)

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大麦和矢车菊, 诺德豪森, 德国 (© Mandy Tabatt/Getty Images)


矢车菊, 诺德豪森, 德国


普埃布拉天主堂和波波卡特佩特火山,普埃布拉,墨西哥 Church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios and Popocatépetl, Puebla, Mexico (© Radius Images/Shutterstock)

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普埃布拉天主堂和波波卡特佩特火山,普埃布拉,墨西哥 Church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios and Popocatépetl, Puebla, Mexico (© Radius Images/Shutterstock)

从胜利到欢庆 From victory to festivity



(Benito Pablo Juárez Garca) 于 1862
年宣布这一节日为国定假日。今天,普埃布拉人民通过游行、演讲和战斗重演来庆祝。图中的 普埃布拉天主堂又称济世圣母教堂(Nuestra Señora
de los Remedios )在普埃布拉战役爆发时已经有将近 300 年的历史。

Cinco de Mayo

Contrary to what many people believe, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 16. Instead, May 5 marks Mexico's victory over better-equipped French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Although the French Empire would counterattack and take the city a year later, the unexpected victory was a morale boost which still has symbolic significance. While in the US, Cinco de Mayo is a popular festival celebrating Mexican American culture, celebrations in Mexico are relatively quiet and focused mostly on Puebla.

In Mexico, the celebration became known as Battle of Puebla Day after President Benito Juárez declared it a national holiday in 1862. Today, the people of Puebla celebrate with parades, speeches, and battle reenactments. The Church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios in Puebla, pictured here, was already nearly 300 years old when the 1862 battle was fought. And human history is just the blink of an eye to ancient Popocatépetl, the smoking volcano which towers over Puebla in the background of our homepage image.

蒂卡尔的玛雅遗址,危地马拉 Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala (© THP Creative/Getty Images)

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蒂卡尔的玛雅遗址危地马拉 Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala (© THP Creative/Getty Images)

原力与你同在 May the 4th be with you




Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you! The 'Star Wars' universe has captured the imagination of fans for decades and its impact, like the 'Force,' is all around us. The original 1977 film introduced us to a galaxy far, far away, a cast of unforgettable characters, and a gripping battle between good and evil. Its reach has since extended to television, books, comics, theme parks, thousands of products, and a day of its own to celebrate the much-loved sci-fi franchise.

Fans might recognize today's image of the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala, as the rebel base on Yavin 4 from 'Star Wars: A New Hope.' These real-life temples served as a key setting in the cinematic Battle of Yavin, a fight so pivotal in the 'Star Wars' storyline that calendar years in the universe are called ABY or BBY: After the Battle of Yavin or Before the Battle of Yavin.

阿尔卑斯山脉锡尔夫雷塔山的乔里森湖,瑞士 Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland (© Florin Baumann/Getty Images)

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阿尔卑斯山脉锡尔夫雷塔的乔里森瑞士 Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland (© Florin Baumann/Getty Images)

蓝湖和险峰 Bright blue lakes and rugged mountains



Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland

Today we're exploring a place of otherworldly beauty: the Jöriseen, a group of alpine lakes near Davos, Switzerland. On sunny days, the lakes glow an ethereal blue, contrasting with the dark, jagged Silvretta Alps that encircle them. The sunlight is reflected in the water by 'rock flour'—silt-sized rock particles generated from the grinding of bedrock by glaciers.

The Silvretta Alps sit across the Swiss-Austrian border and are themselves surrounded by glaciers in an area known as the 'Blue Silvretta.' If you want to enjoy these stunning views up close, you'll have to work for it. Bring your best hiking boots, plenty of water, and some strong legs.

横跨圣劳伦斯河下游的魁北克大桥,加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)

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横跨圣劳伦斯下游的魁北克加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)

工程学杰作 A masterpiece of engineering




Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

This stunning structure is the stone pavilion housing the massive Korean Bell of Friendship in Los Angeles, a city with a large Korean American population. It's ringing in Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, which starts today. The month was chosen in recognition of the first documented arrival of Japanese immigrants, on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad by more than 20,000 Asian immigrants on May 10, 1869.

Back to that intricately decorated bronze bell. It was a gift to the city from South Korea to mark the US bicentennial in 1976 and is modeled on the largest bell cast in Korean history, the Divine Bell of King Seongdeok, made in 771. Both versions are among the largest bells in the world.