标签 中国 下的文章

上海的樱花,中国 Cherry blossoms in Shanghai, China (© Yaorusheng/Getty Images)

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上海樱花中国 Cherry blossoms in Shanghai, China (© Yaorusheng/Getty Images)

香满径 A path through the petals



Cherry blossoms in Shanghai, China

In spring, nature puts on a vibrant display, marking the start of the season with the bloom of cherry blossoms. Around the globe, from Japan to the United States, this spectacle captivates millions of hearts. In China, cherry blossoms, known as 'Yinghua,' bloom from late March to late April, adorning landscapes with delicate hues of pink and white. Revered for centuries by the Chinese, these fragile petals hold profound significance in their traditions, symbolizing renewal, hope, and the transient nature of life. Among popular places to see them are Wuhan's East Lake Cherry Blossom Park, Lu Xun Park in Shanghai, and Beijing's Yuyuantan Park. Cherry blossoms look similar to plum blossoms, but an easy way to distinguish between the two is to look at their petals. Cherry blossom petals have split ends, but plum blossoms don't.

鸟瞰春日盛开的樱花,中国 Aerial view of cherry blossom in Spring, China (© outcast85/Getty images)

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鸟瞰春日盛开的樱花中国 Aerial view of cherry blossom in Spring, China (© outcast85/Getty images)

粉嫩的春日美景 Pink spring scenery




锦里街上悬挂的红色中国灯笼,成都,中国四川省 Red chinese lanterns hanging in Jinli street, Chengdu, Sichuan, China (© Philippe LEJEANVRE/Getty images)

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锦里街上悬挂的红色中国灯笼成都,中国四川省 Red chinese lanterns hanging in Jinli street,  Chengdu, Sichuan, China (© Philippe LEJEANVRE/Getty images)

点亮一盏明灯,愿您万事顺意! Hang a lantern and wish you all the best!




中国舞狮,大年初一 Chinese lion dance, Spring Festival, China (© SENEZ/Getty Images)

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中国舞狮,大年初一 Chinese lion dance, Spring Festival, China (© SENEZ/Getty Images)

福起新岁,万事顺意 Happy Chinese New Year!



Happy Lunar New Year!

Celebrating the first new moon of the lunar calendar, an estimated 2 billion people gather worldwide to usher in the Lunar New Year with vibrant celebrations and family reunions. The festivities, also known as the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year, last for 15 days, ending with the Lantern Festival. From envelopes to lanterns, red is the dominant color, symbolizing luck and prosperity. Streets come alive with the rhythm of drums as the dragon dance takes center stage. Our homepage today shows a bird's-eye view of the dragons—elongated puppets with shimmering scales, animated by a team of dancers. Lunar New Year is a popular time for families to reunite and is said to be responsible for the world's largest annual human migration. Each year is linked to one of the 12 zodiac animals and 2024 heralds the Year of the Dragon, a symbol of nobility, power, and success.

灯光秀点亮夜幕中的西安城墙,中国春节 Lighting show at ancient city wall for celebrate Chinese spring festival, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China (© Eastimages/Getty Images)

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灯光秀点亮夜幕中的西安城墙,中国春节 Lighting show at ancient city wall for celebrate Chinese spring festival, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China (© Eastimages/Getty Images)

准备好庆祝了吗? Are you ready to celebrate?




黄山的冬天,中国 Winter in Huangshan Mountains, China (© Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock)

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黄山冬天中国 Winter in Huangshan Mountains, China (© Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock)

想看看黄的全貌吗? Care for a peak?




International Mountain Day

Happy International Mountain Day! In celebration of highlands, we're visiting the dramatic landscape of Huangshan—the Yellow Mountains—of eastern China's Anhui province. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Huangshan has been described as 'the loveliest mountain of China' and has inspired artists and writers throughout history. Composed of granite that formed 140 million years ago, its peaks emerge from seas of clouds, rising to 6,115 feet at its highest point, Lotus Peak. Visitors come here to experience breathtaking rock formations, pine trees, hot springs, and captivating winter landscapes. So, let's climb high, dream big, and protect our mountains!

黄山的日落,安徽省,中国 Sunset in HuangShan, Anhui Province, China (© Nantapon Pattamakijsakul/Getty Images)

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黄山日落,安徽省,中国 Sunset in HuangShan, Anhui Province, China (© Nantapon Pattamakijsakul/Getty Images)

冬日里的壮丽美景 Magnificent scenery in winter


立冬是中国二十四节气中的第十九个节气。 这也是冬天的开始。在南方,初时节一般都不是很冷。随着时间的推移,冬至后冷空气频繁南下,气温逐渐下降。入冬后,北方大部分地区将出现雨降温天气。华北部分地区此时常下初雪。


HuangShan, China

The Beginning of Winter is the 19th of the 24 solar terms in China. It is also the beginning of winter. In the south, it is generally not very cold in early winter. As time goes by, cold air frequently moves southward after the winter solstice, and the temperature gradually drops. After the beginning of winter, most areas in the north will experience rain, snow, and cooling weather. The first snow often falls in some parts of North China at this time.

Today we show you Huangshan Mountain in winter. After the snow, Huangshan Mountain is covered in silver and is so beautiful. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery such as "Yuyu Qiong Tower" and "Crystal Palace", which are unimaginable in other seasons. In addition, Huangshan Mountain is also very famous for its hot springs, where tourists can enjoy warm hot spring baths and relax in the cold winter.

雄伟壮丽的中国长城 The majestic Great Wall in China (© Jeff_Hu/Getty Images)

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雄伟壮丽的中国长城 The majestic Great Wall in China (© Jeff_Hu/Getty Images)

生日快乐 Happy Birthday!


这是一个丰富多彩、硕果累累的月份。 今天我们将带您欣赏中国的长城。 中国的长城是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程。
始建于2000多年前的春战国时期。 秦朝统一中国后,成为长城。 长城是世界七大奇迹之一,是中华民族古老文化的丰碑和智慧的结晶。
今天是中国的国庆节。 祝愿美丽富饶的中国更加繁荣昌盛。 生日快乐!

满月下的甲秀楼,中国贵州省贵阳市 Jiaxiu Tower under a full moon, Guiyang, Guizhou province, China (© Wang Yukun/Getty Images)

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满月下的甲秀楼,中国贵州省贵阳市 Jiaxiu Tower under a full moon, Guiyang, Guizhou province, China (© Wang Yukun/Getty Images)

举杯邀明月 Under the full moon's gaze




Mid-Autumn Festival

As summer's warmth gently yields to autumn's cool embrace, the Mid-Autumn Festival lights up the Chinese city of Guiyang, celebrating the full moon and the autumn harvest. Also known as the Moon Festival, it takes place on the 15th day of the year's eighth lunar month in the Chinese calendar.

The harvest has been celebrated around the autumn full moon since China's Shang dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago. During the festival, families reunite to enjoy delectable mooncakes, admire the beauty of the moon, express gratitude, and tell tales of Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the moon, and her husband Hou Yi, a legendary archer.

Similar festivals are celebrated in Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and other countries in East and Southeast Asia. Jiaxiu Tower, pictured on our homepage, was built in 1598, so it has witnessed many Mid-Autumn Festivals. Under the moonlit sky, lanterns adorn the tower, illuminating the streets, symbolizing hope, good fortune, and unity.

哈利路亚山,张家界国家森林公园,中国 'Avatar' Mountains, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

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哈利路亚张家界国家森林公园中国 'Avatar' Mountains, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China (© Amazing Aerial Premium/Shutterstock)

挑战地心引力的世界奇观 Gravity-defying wonders of the world



'Avatar Mountains,' Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

These stunning stone spires, rising from the forest in China's Hunan province, are said to have inspired the floating mountains of the movie 'Avatar.' There are more than 3,000 of these quartz-sandstone pillars in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, often swathed in mist, part of a spectacular landscape that has inspired generations of painters. These days, they are popularly known as the 'Avatar Mountains' and one, the 3,544-foot-high Southern Sky Pillar, was officially renamed as 'Avatar Hallelujah Mountain' in 2010, the year after the blockbuster movie was released.

The spires sit within the wider Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and attract millions of tourists each year who come to marvel at their otherworldly beauty. The park is dotted with numerous hiking trails and glass-bottomed skywalks, allowing visitors to enjoy panoramic views of this natural wonder.