标签 冬天 下的文章

麦切纳山和结冰的亚伯拉罕湖,加拿大艾伯塔省 Mount Michener and a frozen Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)

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麦切纳和结亚伯拉罕湖加拿大艾伯塔省 Mount Michener and a frozen Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada (© Tom Mackie/plainpicture)

美丽又危险 Beautiful and dangerous



庐山冬季美景,中国江西省 Beautiful winter landscape on Lushan, Jiangxi Province, China (© silkwayrain/Getty Images)

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庐山季美景,中国江西省 Beautiful winter landscape on Lushan, Jiangxi Province, China (© silkwayrain/Getty Images)

冬天来了 The beginning of winter




Winter landscape on Lushan

November 7 this year is the "Start of Winter" festival. The start of Winter is also the first solar term of winter in the lunar calendar. The start of Winter lasts from November 7th or 8th to the 22nd or 23rd, and like Spring Begins, Summer Begins, and Autumn Begins, it stands for the beginning of a new season.

We still keep this custom of eating delicious food at the Beginning of winter. In south China, chicken, duck, fish, and other meats are people's first choice; in north China, especially in Beijing and Tianjin, people would like to have Jiaozi (Dumpling), signifying the change of seasons.

奥伊米亚康的冬天,俄罗斯 Winter in Oymyakon, Russia (© Alexandr Berdicevschi/Getty Images)

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奥伊米亚康的冬天俄罗斯 Winter in Oymyakon, Russia (© Alexandr Berdicevschi/Getty Images)

Oymyakon, Russia

Oymyakon, Russia, is one of a few places claiming to be the coldest spot in the Northern Hemisphere, a northern 'Pole of Cold.' Centuries of evolving meteorological technology means some historic cold temperatures are considered more accurate than others. The record for ultimate cold is a hot debate.

Oymyakon's claim may be strongest, though. The Siberian town has a verified low-temperature record of minus 89.9 degrees Fahrenheit in 1933—though if local lore and a Soviet-era monument are accurate, the true low was notched a decade earlier at minus 96.2.

By the way, the southern Pole of Cold blows all claimants to the northern record away like fresh-fallen snow: Russia's Vostok Station, in Antarctica, once recorded a low of minus 128.6! Think the Russians brought the cold with them?





博格豪森镇和萨尔察赫河,德国巴伐利亚州 Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Moment/Getty Images)

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博格豪森镇和萨尔察赫德国巴伐利亚州 Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Moment/Getty Images)

Burghausen town and Salzach river, Bavaria, Germany

The town of Borghausen is located on the banks of the Salchach, a large river in the Alps, which at 225 km. The name "castle" is rarely as specific as it is in upper Bavarian town, cause Borghausen boasts the world's longest castle complex at 1,051 meters.

The impressive defensive structure sits on a ridge above the old town, with a total of six courtyards. The oldest part dates back to the Middle Ages, with the first documentary mentioning around 1025. The main castle represents the oldest part of it, which can be seen clearly on the left side in the picture.




莱达尔湖, 英格兰坎布里亚郡湖区 Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Tranquillian1/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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莱达尔, 英格兰坎布里亚湖区 Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Tranquillian1/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Rydal Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England

Reflecting winter skies and frozen fells in our homepage image is Rydal Water, one of the smallest but prettiest lakes in the Lake District. Rydal Water is one of the two lakes most associated with William Wordsworth, one of England’s greatest poets. (The other is neighbouring Grasmere, to which Rydal is connected by the River Rothay.) Wordsworth lived around these bodies of water, first at Dove Cottage and later Rydal Mount, between 1799 and 1850, writing some of his best-known works and hosting leading lights of the Romantic movement, including his friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. To the western edge of the lake is Wordsworth’s Seat, a rocky outcrop said to be the writer’s favourite spot.

Rydal Water is in a glacial valley, one of 13 valleys in the Lake District. Partly owned by the National Trust, it sits at the foot of Loughrigg Fell and has been known to freeze over on winter days like this one. You can walk around Rydal Water and take in Wordsworth’s former homes as well as passing by Rydal Cave in the hill above the lake. Surrounded by woodland, pasture and craggy fells, with several historic properties and beautifully designed landscapes, this is an inspiring place for aspiring poets, whatever the season.



莱德尔河位于一个冰川峡谷中,是湖区13个山谷之一。部分归国家信托基金所有,坐落在Loughrigg Fall脚下,在像这样的冬天会结冰。你可以在莱达尔水边散步,参观华兹华斯的故居,也可以经过湖上小山上的莱达尔洞穴。这里被林地、牧场和崎岖的小林所环绕,有几处历史古迹和设计精美的景观,无论什么季节,这都是一个让有抱负的诗人感到振奋的地方。