
狼蛛星云中形成的年轻恒星,詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 Young stars forming in the Tarantula Nebula, James Webb Space Telescope (© NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team)

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狼蛛星云中形成的年轻恒星,詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 Young stars forming in the Tarantula Nebula, James Webb Space Telescope (© NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team)

狼蛛星 A spider's Webb of stars



World Space Week

It's World Space Week, an opportunity to celebrate humanity's extraterrestrial achievements, as well as the benefits that come from space exploration and technology. The star of our homepage is actually a star-forming region known as the Tarantula Nebula, found in the same group of galaxies as our Milky Way. This detailed image was captured by the powerful James Webb Space Telescope and shows thousands of never-before-seen stars, previously obscured by cosmic dust. The nebula's colossal size and dynamic energy offer plenty of compelling material for astronomers and stargazers of all stripes.

白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛,昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)

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白天堂海滩,圣灵群岛昆士兰州,澳大利亚 Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (© Coral Brunner/Shutterstock)

圣灵群之旅 Whitsunday wanderlust



Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Australia

sand, and sea come together to create the stunning beaches of the
Whitsunday Islands, made up of 74 islands off the coast of Queensland,
Australia. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park surrounds and protects the
islands, once home to the Ngaro people of Australia, an Aboriginal
group known as the 'canoe people' due to their seafaring lifestyle.
Today, the island's primary visitors are travelers, divers, campers, and
adventure seekers. So, pack your sunscreen and explore the pristine
white sand beaches on your next vacation down under!

韦尔东峡谷,普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸,法国 (© luisapuccini/Getty Images)

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韦尔东峡谷普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸法国 (© luisapuccini/Getty Images)






雄伟壮丽的中国长城 The majestic Great Wall in China (© Jeff_Hu/Getty Images)

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雄伟壮丽的中国长城 The majestic Great Wall in China (© Jeff_Hu/Getty Images)

生日快乐 Happy Birthday!


这是一个丰富多彩、硕果累累的月份。 今天我们将带您欣赏中国的长城。 中国的长城是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程。
始建于2000多年前的春战国时期。 秦朝统一中国后,成为长城。 长城是世界七大奇迹之一,是中华民族古老文化的丰碑和智慧的结晶。
今天是中国的国庆节。 祝愿美丽富饶的中国更加繁荣昌盛。 生日快乐!

仙纳度国家公园的秋色,弗吉尼亚州 Fall colors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

发布于 , 606 次浏览

仙纳度国家公园色,弗吉尼亚州 Fall colors in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (© Michael Ver Sprill/Getty Images)

啊!仙纳度 Oh Shenandoah



Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

'Oak'tober is upon us and that means it's time to turn over a new leaf! Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah National Park spans over 200,000 acres. As summer bids farewell, the park undergoes a transformation, unveiling its most enchanting chapter: the fall season. The leaves put on their fanciest outfits—reds, oranges, and golds—creating an amazing show you won't want to miss.

The Skyline Drive, a 105-mile route, offers a front-row seat, with more than 75 overlooks. And there are more than 300 species of trees, vines, and shrubs to see here. The sugar maples, hickories, and oaks are the rock stars of the color-changing game. So, whether you're an avid hiker, a nature photographer, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, this park has it all.