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瓦尔加迪纳的日落,意大利南蒂罗尔多洛米蒂山脉 Sunset in Val Gardena in the Dolomites of South Tyrol, Italy (© Marco Capellari/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1439 次浏览


瓦尔加迪纳日落意大利南蒂罗尔多洛米蒂山脉 Sunset in Val Gardena in the Dolomites of South Tyrol, Italy (© Marco Capellari/Getty Images)

In the valley of the doll

Today we're featuring a picture-postcard view of Val Gardena, a valley nestled in Dolomites in the South Tyrol region of Italy. This time of year, the remote area may be a bit busier than usual as skiers are drawn to its famous slopes. In summer, it's known for other outdoor activities, such as rock climbing and hiking. Since the 17th century, the villagers have been famed for their woodcarving. Artisans create everything from simple, utilitarian items, like wood bowls, to finely detailed figurines. One of the woodcarvers' biggest hits? A wooden peg doll that was popular across Europe and the US during the 19th century.

古罗马广场上的萨图尔诺农神庙,意大利罗马 Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1518 次浏览


古罗马广场上的萨图尔诺农神庙意大利罗马 Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images)

When in Rome...celebrate Saturnalia

We're looking at the Temple of Saturn, one of the oldest structures of the Forum in Rome. It was here that ancient Romans began their celebrations of Saturnalia, which began on December 17. Both the temple and the festival are dedicated to the agricultural god Saturn, whose reign was associated with a golden age of prosperity and peace. Saturnalia festivities kicked off with a sacrifice at the temple, followed by a public banquet and a week of general merrymaking. Activities included gambling, eating, drinking, and playing music. Businesses and schools closed, and even slaves were free from work and allowed to participate in the merrymaking. Many Saturnalia customs evolved into Christmas traditions, such as gift-giving, decorating homes with wreaths, and drinking spiced wine.

巴克拉纳帆船赛百舸争流,意大利的里雅斯特港 Boats massing for the Barcolana Regatta in the Gulf of Trieste, Italy (© Ababsolutum/E+/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1013 次浏览


巴克拉纳帆船赛百舸争流,意大利里雅斯特港 Boats massing for the Barcolana Regatta in the Gulf of Trieste, Italy (© Ababsolutum/E+/Getty Images)

It's aboat time for the Barcolana

Today we're featuring an image of the Barcolana regatta, which is happening this weekend off the shore of Trieste, Italy. What makes this race so unusual—and so popular—is that it's open to both professional and amateur sailors. Its beginning was fairly inauspicious—in 1969 only 51 boats sailed in the inaugural race. But it's been drawing increasing numbers of sailors and spectators to Trieste each year. Last year, for the 50th anniversary of the Barcolana, 2,689 yachts raced the course and set the official record for largest sailing race in the world. With multiple events, including a youth sailing race, an open-water swimming race, a night sailing race, music concerts, food and wine tastings, and many others, both landlubbers and seadogs will find ways to enjoy themselves during the regatta.

科尼西宫的花园,佛罗伦萨 The Gardens of the Palazzo Corsini al Prato in Florence for the New Generation Festival (© Will Perrett/Alamy)

发布于 , 1214 次浏览


科尼西宫的花园佛罗伦萨 The Gardens of the Palazzo Corsini al Prato in Florence for the New Generation Festival (© Will Perrett/Alamy)

Florentine garden brings generations together

Hidden from view, many tourists never realize that the Corsini Garden, featured in today's image, lies just beyond the walls of the Palazzo Corsini al Prato. You'll find the garden and palace in Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance and capital of Tuscany. Designed by architect Bernardo Buontalenti in the early 1590s, the Palazzo Corsini al Prato and Corsini Garden will host the 3rd annual New Generation Festival this week. The festival, which features a new generation of musical talent from around the world performing a different musical genre each night, is designed to break down barriers between generations. For four nights, young and old will enjoy opera, jazz, and classical music in an Italian garden that has enchanted visitors for more than a dozen generations.

'El Problema del Caballo' by Claudia Fontes in Venice, Italy © Marco Secchi/Getty Images

发布于 , 1284 次浏览


'El Problema del Caballo' by Claudia Fontes in Venice, Italy © Marco Secchi/Getty Images

The artists come to Venice

Our photo today shows a small part of artist Claudia Fontes’ sculpture called ‘The Horse Problem.’ The Argentinian artist exhibited the large installation work—with smashed bits of stone surrounding the larger-than-life white horse, as if it has crashed into the exhibition space. The installation was shown at the Venice Biennale in 2017, where artists from around the globe bring their work to show off at this every-other-year arts and culture festival in the Italian city of Venice. The Biennale is just starting up again this month, and many of the programs and exhibits will be going on through the summer and into fall.

运河旁的节日装饰品,意大利穆拉诺岛 Holiday decorations on a canal in Murano, Italy (© John Warburton-Lee/DanitaDelimont.com)

发布于 , 1229 次浏览




威尼斯以北约一英里处有七个屿名叫穆拉诺。 威尼斯泻中的这些岛紧密地聚集在一起,岛与岛之间由一系列梁连接,形同一岛。 在假日期间,这些运河装饰着灯光,看上去更加浪漫。 如果你去意大利度假,那就过了1月5日再走吧,那天是主显节前夜,一个名叫Befana巫婆般的角色会扑进家家户户的烟囱,为孩子们留下糖果和礼物。 是不是听起来有点耳熟?文/时尚旅游


科莫湖,意大利瓦伦纳 Varenna, Italy, on the shore of Lake Como (© Andrea Comi/Getty Images)

发布于 , 2156 次浏览






大教堂广场上方的白鸽装置艺术,意大利阿马尔菲 Dove art installation above the Piazza del Duomo in Amalfi, Italy (© LatitudeStock – TTL/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1253 次浏览




