标签 中国 下的文章
美丽盛开的樱花,杭州的春天,中国 Beautiful blooming cherry blossoms, Spring in Hangzhou, China (© zhangshuang/Getty Images)
美丽盛开的樱花,杭州的春天,中国 Beautiful blooming cherry blossoms, Spring in Hangzhou, China (© zhangshuang/Getty Images)
春日仙境 Springtime Fairyland
春分有两个含义。其一是 “四季相等”。传统上,从立春到立夏之间的这段时间被称为春季,春分点位于两个节气之间,平分了春季。春分的另一个含义是 “昼夜相等”。春分时节,太阳直射赤道,昼夜等长,各为 12 小时。春分过后,除青藏高原、东北、西北和华北北部地区外,全中国进入明媚的春天。
上海豫园的灯会,元宵节,上海市,中国 Colorful lanterns in Yuyuan garden, Lantern Festival, Shanghai, China (© atiger/Shutterstock)
上海豫园的灯会,元宵节,上海市,中国 Colorful lanterns in Yuyuan garden, Lantern Festival, Shanghai, China (© atiger/Shutterstock)
喜气洋洋的元宵节 Dreamy and colorful lanterns
元宵节(Lantern Festival),是新年第一个月圆之夜,又可以称为“闹元宵”,是中国春节年俗活动的“压轴戏”。人们在这一天可以出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵、汤圆,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。观赏花灯是中国人在这一天一项重大活动。上海豫园的灯会尤其精彩。
2025年豫园灯会是于2025年1月1日至2月12日期间举办的活动。今年灯会的主题是奇妙的 “山川众生”。它展现了丛林中包罗万象、生机勃勃的神奇景象。
云冈石窟,大同,山西省,中国 Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi province, China (© Eric Yang/Getty Images)
云冈石窟,大同,山西省,中国 Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi province, China (© Eric Yang/Getty Images)
历史的守望之眼 The watchful eyes of history
Yungang Grottoes, Shanxi, China
What do 51,000 ancient statues have in common? They all call the Yungang Grottoes in China home! This collection of early Buddhist art is near Datong in Shanxi province, northeastern China. Carved into sandstone cliffs over 1,500 years ago during the Northern Wei dynasty, the grottoes comprise 254 caves. The highlight is the massive Buddha in Cave 5, which is a jaw-dropping 56 feet tall. But don't stop there—each cave offers something unique. Some are like ancient storyboards, depicting tales from Buddhist scriptures, while others showcase detailed carvings of monks, deities, musicians, and even scenes of daily life under Wei rule. These caves blend influences from Indian, Central Asian, and local Chinese Buddhist art. Whether you're a history lover or simply appreciate unique art, the Yungang Grottoes offer an unforgettable experience.
南京夫子庙的春节许愿牌,江苏省,中国 (© lazy dragon/Shutterstock)
南京夫子庙的春节许愿牌,江苏省,中国 (© lazy dragon/Shutterstock)
夜空中的烟花表演,长沙,湖南省,中国 Fireworks display on night sky, Changsha, Hunan, China (© Sino Images/Getty Images)
夜空中的烟花表演,长沙,湖南省,中国 Fireworks display on night sky, Changsha, Hunan, China (© Sino Images/Getty Images)
祝您阖家欢乐,万事如意! Wish you a happy family and all the best!
被雪覆盖的长城,中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)
被雪覆盖的长城,中国 Snow on the Great Wall, China (© View Stock/Alamy Stock Photo)
银装素裹,巍峨壮丽 Sliver-covered and magnificent
如今,这个古老的奇迹绵延 13,000 多英里,横跨崎岖的山脉、峡谷和数千年前修建的沙漠防御工事。长城上有陡峭的壕沟和瞭望塔,用以抵御入侵者。徒步攀登长城可以近距离感受这一历史地标,体验独特的长城之旅。从保存完好的慕田峪长城,到人迹罕至、最原始、最险峻的箭扣长城,每段长城的体验都不尽相同,有些台阶像梯子一样高。中国长城不仅仅是一堵墙,它还象征着坚韧和力量。今天,我们攀登长城,就是用顽强的毅力向更高的地方攀登!
National Take the Stairs Day
New year, new goals—so why not start by taking a step toward better health? On this National Take the Stairs Day, let's climb into the past. The Great Wall of China, one of the longest humanmade structures in the world, offers the perfect inspiration. Stretching more than 13,000 miles and dating back thousands of years, the ancient marvel in today's picture is a series of fortifications spanning rugged mountains, valleys, and deserts. Featuring steep trenches and watchtowers, parts of it were designed to keep invaders at bay. Hiking the Great Wall offers a unique glimpse into this historical landmark. The experience varies from well-preserved sections like Mutianyu to wild, unrestored parts such as Jiankou. Some steps are so high, they're more like steps on a ladder! Talk about a workout—taking these stairs could rival any modern fitness challenge.
The Great Wall of China isn't just a wall, but a symbol of perseverance and strength. Similarly, taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a small but empowering step toward better health. Millions of people live with chronic conditions like asthma, and by choosing the stairs, you're not just building strength, but also improving your overall health. So, the next time you face an elevator, think of the Great Wall and take the stairs. Your future self will thank you!
归春河上的板约-德天瀑布,中国与越南边境 Bản Giốc–Detian Falls on the Quây Sơn River, Vietnam (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)
归春河上的板约-德天瀑布,中国与越南边境 Bản Giốc–Detian Falls on the Quây Sơn River, Vietnam (© Shane P. White/Minden Pictures)
边境天堂 A borderline paradise
Bản Giốc–Detian Falls, Vietnam
Welcome to a spot where rivers meet international borders in the most stunning way: the Bản Giốc – Detian Falls, featured in today's image. Tucked between the karst hills of China's Daxin County and Trùng Khánh district in Vietnam, these falls tumble along the Quây Sơn River about 170 miles north of Hanoi. For most of the year, they flow as two distinct cascades, but come summer, when the rains swell the river, they merge into one big fall. At over 95 feet tall and 980 feet wide, Bản Giốc holds the distinction of being the widest waterfall in Vietnam.
Even with better roads, easier public transport, and drone videos showing off the jaw-dropping beauty of the falls, Bản Giốc remains refreshingly off the beaten path. Mass tourism hasn't caught up yet, and on most weekdays, you'll find only a handful of visitors—just you, the locals, and the sound of cascading water.
满拉水库的雪景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区 Snow Scenery Of Manla Reservoir In Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region of China (© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images)
满拉水库的雪景,日喀则,中国西藏自治区 Snow Scenery Of Manla Reservoir In Shigatse, Xizang Autonomous Region of China (© Zhang Zhenqi/VCG via Getty Images)
极致的冬日景色 The ultimate winter scenery
鸟瞰冰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞湾公园,辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)
鸟瞰冰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞湾公园,辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)
一路通往童话之路 All the way to the fairy tale world
金色的松树,坝上草原,中国 Golden pine trees, Bashang grassland, Inner Mongolia, China (© MelindaChan/Getty Images)
金色的松树,坝上草原,中国 Golden pine trees, Bashang grassland, Inner Mongolia, China (© MelindaChan/Getty Images)
初冬之美 The beauty of early winter