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火瀑布,优胜美地国家公园,加利福尼亚州,美国 Firefall at Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Gregory B Cuvelier/Shutterstock)

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瀑布优胜美地国家公园加利福尼亚州美国 Firefall at Horsetail Fall, Yosemite National Park, California (© Gregory B Cuvelier/Shutterstock)

一个天然的矛盾体 A natural oxymoron



Yosemite National Park, California

Fancy witnessing a fiery waterfall? The seemingly impossible can be found at this time of year on the eastern side of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park's famous rock face. Horsetail Fall is a seasonal waterfall that flows only when there has been plenty of snowfall, and when temperatures have been warm enough to melt it. For a couple of weeks in February, if skies are clear, water is flowing, and the sun shines at just the right angle, the long, slender waterfall takes on a glowing, flame-hued appearance. Hundreds gather in Yosemite Valley to see this mesmerizing natural spectacle. The phenomenon has earned the moniker 'firefall,' an homage to the historic Yosemite Firefall, a manmade event from the top of the park's Glacier Point that took place between 1872 to 1968. Eventually, park rangers decided that dumping embers over a cliff onto the land below wasn't the brightest idea.

优胜美地国家公园的马里波萨谷巨杉林,美国加利福尼亚州 Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park, California (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

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优胜美地国家公园的马里波萨谷巨杉林,美国加利福尼亚州 Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park, California (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

温暖的阳穿过古老森林 Warm light through an ancient forest


Sterling Morton)在公共平台上发起了美国第一个植树节,并提议为内布拉斯加州人民设立一个种树日,于是植树节应运而生。

Arbor Day

We're celebrating Arbor Day with some of Yosemite's most famous residents, the giant sequoia trees of Mariposa Grove. The day champions the planting and preservation of trees and can trace its roots back more than 150 years. In 1872, Nebraska City News editor Julius Sterling Morton proposed a day for locals to plant trees, and the idea grew and grew. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day, most commonly on the last Friday in April, although different states might observe it on the best dates for tree planting in their area.

Giant sequoias, like the ones on our homepage, have been around for a very long time. Geological evidence suggests that they are the third-longest-lived tree species in the world. There are hundreds of them in Yosemite's Mariposa Grove, including the famous Grizzly Giant, which is estimated to be about 3,000 years old. Let's hope it is around for thousands of Arbor Days to come.

半穹顶景观点上空的银河,优胜美地国家公园,加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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半穹顶景观点上空的银河优胜美地国家公园加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

你能把灯关掉吗? Could you turn off the lights?

Dark Sky Week

During International Dark Sky Week, we're counting ourselves lucky to have this spectacular nighttime view, considering the astonishing fact that 83% of the global population lives under a light-polluted sky. Unneeded artificial light is classified as a pollutant and has been proven to have harmful side effects. Not only does it waste money and energy, it also disrupts plants and animals, is believed to impact the climate, and blocks our view of the universe.

Encouraging people to get away from artificial light is one of the goals of International Dark Sky Week, and today's photo shows just how magnificent that can be. Here, we're treated to a beautiful view of the Milky Way from Yosemite National Park in California. Yosemite is part of a network of national parks monitoring dark night skies to gather a complete data set of light pollution. They've learned that 'two-thirds of Americans cannot see the Milky Way from their backyard, and if current light pollution trends continue, there will be almost no dark skies left in the contiguous United States by 2025.'

Luckily, dark sky is a recoverable resource. There are ways to reduce our light use and improve the view of the night sky for everyone. Think about it over the course of the next week, preferably while gazing at a night sky undisturbed by light pollution—or at least a beautiful photo of one.





暴风雪散去,加利福尼亚优胜美地国家公园 Clearing snowstorm, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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暴风散去,加利福尼亚优胜美地国家公园 Clearing snowstorm, Yosemite National Park, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Ansel Adams' enduring vision

Of all the camera-wielding luminaries who've snapped this eastward view of Yosemite Valley, few can hold a 'candela' to Ansel Adams, born this day in 1902. The legendary photographer of Western landscapes was given his first camera here in Yosemite as a boy. The national park was his favorite place in the world, and he returned every year for the rest of his life.

Adams' style is one of the most recognizable in photography: Bright whites against deep blacks, with high horizon lines that leave most of the frame filled with landscape, a narrow lens aperture placing every tiny detail in biting focus. Unlike many photographers of the day who considered themselves more journalist than artist, Adams was a visionary: Instead of plainly documenting what he saw, Adams aimed to convey the enchantment, awe, and terror his beloved landscapes made him feel, spending hours in the darkroom fine-tuning exposures to match what he visualized. 'Clearing Winter Storm'—the photo that today's image pays tribute to—was taken around 1937, depicting ominous clouds gathering around El Capitan and Bridalveil Fall, whiting out the distant peak of Half Dome.

While Adams had to lug bulky box cameras and light meters into the wilderness to capture his vision, chances are you've got the whole setup in your pocket. Why not grab that phone of yours, venture outside, and celebrate this legendary shutterbug's birthday with some masterful nature snaps of your own?


在所有手持相机拍摄到约塞米蒂山谷东面景色的名人中,很少有人能为1902年出生的安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)奉上“烛台”。这位西方风景的传奇摄影师小时候在约塞米蒂得到了他的第一台相机。国家公园是他在世界上最喜欢的地方,他余生每年都会回来。

亚当斯的风格是摄影界公认的最具代表性的风格之一:明亮的白色与深黑的对比,高水平的线条让大部分画面充满了风景,狭窄的镜头圈将每一个微小的细节都置于扣人心弦的焦点。与当时许多认为自己更像记者而不是艺术家的摄影师不同,亚当斯是一个有远见的人:他没有简单地记录他所看到的一切,而是致力于传达他所钟爱的风景带给他的魅力、敬畏和恐惧,他了数小时在暗室微调曝光,以符合他所想象的《清风暴》(Clearing Winter Storm)——这张今天的照片是在1937年左右拍摄的,描绘了不祥的层聚集在埃尔卡皮坦(El Capitan)和布里达尔维尔瀑布(Bridalveil Fall)周围,使远处的半圆顶峰黯然失色。


优胜美地国家公园中的春季瀑布 Vernal Fall in Yosemite National Park, California (© elvistudio/Shutterstock)

发布于 , 1848 次浏览


优胜美地国家公园中的春季瀑布 Vernal Fall in Yosemite National Park, California (© elvistudio/Shutterstock)

National Parks Week begins

To kick off National Park Week, which starts today, we're turning our lens on Vernal Fall in California's Yosemite National Park. This time of year, the waterfall flows in a torrent, but by late summer it can be reduced to a trickle of small streams slipping over the edge. Most years, Vernal Fall is at full power by May, as the spring thaw in the mountains melts the snowpack, turning the falls into a raging tumble of water spilling to the valley floor where the Merced River flows.

优胜美地国家公园美熹德河上的石人桥 The Stoneman Bridge on the Merced River in Yosemite National Park, California (© Ron_Thomas/E+/Getty Images)

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