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Calanques de Piana岩层上的一个心形洞,法国科西嘉岛 A heart-shaped hole in the rock formation of Calanques de Piana in Corsica, France (© joningall/Getty Images)

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Calanques de Piana岩层上的一个心形法国科西嘉岛 A heart-shaped hole in the rock formation of Calanques de Piana in Corsica, France (© joningall/Getty Images)

Two rocks and a heart spot

If you really want to earn someone's affections, fly them to Corsica, rent a car, and take a drive on the only road that cuts through the red volcanic rocks of Calanques de Piana. Some call the naturally occurring rock formation in today’s Valentine's Day photo ‘the two lovers,’ while others call it ‘the heart of Corsica.’ (Spot the heart?) Like most affairs of the heart, the path to this geological Valentine is circuitous—it's a winding road, sometimes too narrow to share with oncoming vehicles (the occasional pullovers help). Our vantage point may be a good spot for you to pull over, especially if it’s sunset, to see the rocks aglow as the sun creeps west toward the horizon.

巨大的冰柱悬挂在Abiqua瀑布周围的玄武岩石墙上,俄勒冈 Frozen colosseum of ice sticking to the columnar basalt walls surrounding Abiqua Falls, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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巨大的柱悬挂在Abiqua瀑布周围的玄武岩石墙上,俄勒冈 Frozen colosseum of ice sticking to the columnar basalt walls surrounding Abiqua Falls, Oregon (© Joshua Meador/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Midwinter freeze

Abiqua Falls in Oregon is a beautiful example of a basalt column amphitheater. Over 90 percent of all volcanic rock is basalt, but only a small fraction of it forms into the hexagonal columns that you see here. When molten lava hits the atmosphere, the rapid cooling of the rock causes it to contract into these characteristic columns. It's just part of what makes Abiqua Falls so spectacular.

The waterfall is on the grounds of the Mount Angel Abbey, a Benedictine monastery formed in 1882. The monastery now houses a seminary school, a library, retreat center, and a very successful brewery. Monks and brewing have a long tradition together, with medieval monks being credited with developing the first true breweries as early as the 9th century. Lest you think the monks were just looking for a little buzz, remember that beer was such a common drink back then because it was healthier than the often polluted or diseased water generally available to the public.

Dr. Sylvia Earle explores the Great Barrier Reef in a scene from 'Mission Blue' (© Bryce Groark/AP Photo/Netflix)

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Dr. Sylvia Earle explores the Great Barrier Reef in a scene from 'Mission Blue' (© Bryce Groark/AP Photo/Netflix)

Celebrating women in science

For the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we're visiting the Great Barrier Reef with oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle. This photo is from the 2014 documentary film 'Mission Blue,' which follows Earle, a legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence. The film focuses on Earle's campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries. Sometimes called Her Deepness, Earle has made immense contributions to science over her career. From leading groundbreaking research in deep ocean science to becoming the first female chief scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earle is recognized as one of the world's preeminent oceanographers.

More recently, she started Mission Blue, an organization that promotes exploration and protection of the world's oceans. With women accounting for a disproportionately low percentage of the world's science researchers, we hope Earle can inspire girls and women alike to investigate, experiment, and leave their mark on the world of science.

Aerial view of Superkilen Park in Norrebro district in Copenhagen, Denmark (© Oliver Förstner/Alamy)

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Aerial view of Superkilen Park in Norrebro district in Copenhagen, Denmark (© Oliver Förstner/Alamy)

This park is Superkilen

Welcome to Superkilen, a half-mile-long linear urban park meant to inspire long-time residents, immigrants, and visitors alike to congregate together in Nørrebro, one of Copenhagen's most culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhoods. What was once a neighborhood public space battling gang activity, graffiti, and vandalism, is now an example of 'extreme public participation.' The residents who live around Superkilen helped design it, including the addition of cultural objects that represent their homelands—more than 60 countries.

We're looking down at the Black Market, the heart of the park, one of three distinct areas where residents gather. The star-shaped fountain center-left is from Morocco and to the right is a Japanese playground structure shaped like an octopus. It's a style of urban design called placemaking, using elements such as furniture, car-free pedestrian plazas, and illustrated asphalt art to support community interactions. For instance, the white lines you see are bicycle lanes encouraging residents to move about the neighborhood.

The Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles, California (© Sean Pavone/Shutterstock)

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The Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles, California (© Sean Pavone/Shutterstock)

Hollywood's big night

It's Oscars night in Tinseltown, and we're offering you a moment's escape from the paparazzi to gaze over the glittering megalopolis of Los Angeles—and to get an unfamiliar view of a familiar landmark. The Hollywood Sign originally read 'Hollywoodland' when it was erected in 1923 and festooned with light bulbs to advertise a real estate development. But within a few years, as the silent-film era gave way to 'talkies,' the sign evolved into a popular tourist attraction. Falling into disrepair in ensuing decades—at the peak of its decay, the sign was missing its third 'O' altogether—the original was demolished and a sturdier version built in 1978.

Though it's inspired similar designs advertising locales from Ireland to Taiwan to the fictional Simpsons' hometown of Springfield, the now-permanent Hollywood Sign is cherished by residents as uniquely LA. Today, a dedicated nonprofit maintains and promotes the sign as both a source of Angeleno pride and an emblem of romanticized Hollywood.

魁北克老城区的景色,加拿大 View of the Old City in Quebec City, Canada (© RENAULT Philippe/age fotostock)

发布于 , 1521 次浏览


魁北克老城区的景色,加拿大 View of the Old City in Quebec City, Canada (© RENAULT Philippe/age fotostock)

Frozen fun in the Canadian cold

Not far downriver from Montreal, where the banks of the St. Lawrence River widen as it approaches the Atlantic, lies Quebec's picturesque and often chilly capital. Quebec City, one of the continent's oldest European settlements, is often called the most European city outside Europe. It's the only North American city outside Mexico whose fortified walls still stand, and its winding streets showcase a French-tinged exemplar of old Romantic architecture (typified by the steep-roofed Château Frontenac in the photo's foreground).

The mid-sized metropolis has been central to French Canadian life for over 400 winters, and the annual Quebec Winter Carnival—which kicks off today—is one of the largest and oldest cold-weather celebrations on Earth. Thousands of Quebecers and visitors will spend the next 10 days ice skating, enjoying night parades, exploring the festival's ice palace, and dressing up for the Château's masquerade ball. A few will even perform winter feats like the ice canoe race, where boaters pilot specially-equipped canoes across the freezing St. Lawrence, intermittently stepping out to carry their vessels over huge ice chunks.