
安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园,美国加利福尼亚州 Borrego Badlands in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Tom Hogan/plainpicture)

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安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园美国加利福尼亚州 Borrego Badlands in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Tom Hogan/plainpicture)

Borrego Badlands

If you're looking to take in a beautiful sunset over some exotic terrain, you could do worse than the Borrego Badlands, a 20-mile stretch of desert in southeastern California's Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. This arid landscape is not the kind of dune-filled terrain t you might visualize when you think of a desert, but a series of rolling hills, canyons, gullies, and arroyos, speckled with sparse but hardy vegetation. It makes for a surreal and beautiful view.

Fossilized seashells found in the area reveal that this arid landscape was once submerged under the waters of the Gulf of California and the Colorado River. The terrain was shaped over time by water and wind erosion into its current form. Today, the Borrego Badlands is a favorite spot for campers, while photographers are drawn by the picture-perfect sunsets.


如果你想在异国情调的地形上欣赏美丽的日落,你可能会比博雷戈荒地(Borrego Badlands)更糟糕。博雷戈荒地位于加利福尼亚州东南部的安扎博雷戈沙漠州立公园(Anza Borrego desert State Park),是一片20英里长的沙漠。这片干旱的土地并不是你想象中的那种布满沙丘的土地,而是一系列起伏的丘陵、峡谷、沟壑和荒野,点缀着稀疏但耐寒的植被。这是一个超现实主义和美丽的景色。


汉密尔顿山顶的利克天文台,美国加利福尼亚州 The Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, near San Jose, California (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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汉密尔顿山顶的利克天文台美国加利福尼亚州 The Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, near San Jose, California (© Jeffrey Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Lick Observatory

Shrouded in snow on the summit of Mount Hamilton, in the Diablo Range just east of San Jose, California, lies the world's first permanently occupied mountaintop observatory. Constructed between 1876 and 1887, the Lick Observatory has been the site of significant discoveries including several of Jupiter's moons and other planetary systems. It's named for American real-estate entrepreneur James Lick, who set aside $700,000 for the University of California to build a facility that would be home to a 'telescope superior to and more powerful than any telescope yet made.'

His wish came true. The 36-inch refracting telescope on Mount Hamilton was the largest that had ever been built from when it saw first light on January 3, 1888, until the construction of the 40-inch refractor at Wisconsin's Yerkes Observatory in 1897. Sadly, Lick died before his vision became a reality, but his name lives on. His body is even buried beneath the telescope, which continues to scan the skies today.


加利福尼亚州圣何塞以东的暗黑破坏神山脉的汉密尔顿顶上,积覆盖着世界上第一座永久性的山顶天文台。建于1876年至1887年间的利克天文台一直是重大发现的地点,其中包括一些木星卫星和其他行星系统。这是以美国房地产企业家James Lick命名的,他为加利福尼亚大学留出了700000美元建造一个设施,它将是一个比任何望远镜都更强大、更强大的望远镜。


雪后的布拉格,捷克共和国 Skyline of Prague, Czech Republic (© benkrut/Getty Images)

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后的布拉格捷克共和国 Skyline of Prague, Czech Republic (© benkrut/Getty Images)

Prague, Czech Republic

As a haze of blowing snow diffuses the streetlights of Prague, try to count the steeples, belfries, turrets, and towers that make up the Czech capital's skyline. You may lose count like 19th-century travel writers did when they dubbed Prague the 'city of 100 spires.' The number is closer to 1,000.

A few 'points' of interest: The Church of Our Lady before Týn in the foreground boasts 18 spires total between its two towers. Looming behind it is Prague Castle, built starting in the year 870 and currently the world's largest ancient castle. And the Old Town Hall, its clock tower brightly lit at left, houses an even more impressive timepiece at its base in the city square: The Prague Orloj, the oldest working astronomical clock, which has tracked celestial movements since 1410.


