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独特的巧克力山,菲律宾薄荷岛 Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines (© Danita Delimont/Offset by Shutterstock)

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独特的巧克力菲律宾薄荷 Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines (© Danita Delimont/Offset by Shutterstock)

Chocolate Hills

Each year as the dry season begins in late November, the green grass that covers the rolling, conical mounds in the Bohol province of the Philippines begins to turn brown, transforming the area into endless rows of what look like hills of chocolate. Because of this, the Chocolate Hills have become a robust tourist-attraction for the province. The regional government has even constructed a viewing complex in Carmen, a town about 30 miles from the regional capital of Tagbilaran.

While local legend describes the formation of the 20-square miles of hills as either being leftover wreckage from a battle between two giants, or the tears of a heartbroken giant, scientists theorize they were formed over a long stretch of time through a combination of erosion and tectonic processes.




菲律宾马荣山的火山口冒烟 Crater glow from Mount Mayon in the Philippines (© Per-Andre Hoffmann/Cavan)

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菲律宾马荣火山口冒烟 Crater glow from Mount Mayon in the Philippines (© Per-Andre Hoffmann/Cavan)

Behold the 'perfect' cone

How far would you have to travel for the 'perfect cone'? Well, probably not too far if you're talking ice cream. But if volcanoes are what you're looking for, you'll have to make your way to Mount Mayon on the Philippine island of Luzon. The glowing lava you see is on the tip of the world's most perfectly shaped, symmetrical volcanic cone, which formed after years of eruptions from what is still an active stratovolcano. Mount Mayon has erupted dozens of times in the past 400 years, and there was a significant eruption as recently as 2018. Even this year, smaller white steam plume emissions and faint crater glow are sometimes visible. Mayon is the most active volcano in an island nation full of active volcanos, and is located inside the UNESCO Albay Biosphere Reserve, as well as the Philippine's Mayon Volcano Natural Park. Despite its active status, tourists still flock to the park to view the unique beauty of this cone shaped spectacle.



鸟瞰皮纳图博火山湖和山脉,菲律宾波拉克 Aerial view of volcanic Lake Pinatubo and mountains, Porac, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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鸟瞰皮纳图博火山山脉菲律宾波拉克 Aerial view of volcanic Lake Pinatubo and mountains, Porac, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

Are you older than this lake?

If you were born before summer 1991, the answer is yes. Sorry if you already felt a bit long in the tooth, but it's true: Before 30 years ago, Lake Pinatubo was just a rumble in Mount Pinatubo's magma-filled belly. It was a calamitous eruption on June 15, 1991—one of the 20th century's most powerful—that blew off Pinatubo's original summit and formed a vast crater, which gradually filled with water as greenery reclaimed the summit.

Located about 50 miles from the Philippines' capital of Manila, the crater was for many years a niche destination for hardy hikers, requiring days of travel to reach. More recently, a 4x4 road and tended hiking trail were added, reducing the rugged journey to a day trip.




Bojo河,菲律宾宿务 The Bojo River in Cebu, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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Bojo菲律宾宿务 The Bojo River in Cebu, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

Boating on the Bojo

The Bojo River has been the lifeline for the people of Aloguinsan, a sparsely populated municipality of Cebu Province in the Philippines. This region of Cebu only recently became a tourist destination when locals started offering cruises along the Bojo in small, outrigger-style boats like the one seen in this photo. Even with this new industry boosting the local economy over the past few years, Aloguinsan remained an out-of-the-way spot for tourists—larger towns and cities nearby still attracted more visitors. But the remoteness of the Bojo was always part of the selling point: Visitors who made the effort to come take a ride down the river would get taste of the quiet life in the fishing villages along the banks.