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怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

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怪物公园里的奥库斯雕像, 意大利博马尔佐花园 Orcus sculpture in the Gardens of Bomarzo in Bomarzo, Italy (© Scott Wilson/Alamy)

怪物公园 Park of the Monsters


加入我们的万圣节前夕之旅,前往罗马西北约60英里的意大利小镇。我们要带你去博马佐,那里有一座曾经被遗忘的16世纪园,里面摆放着巨大的雕塑,这些雕塑的目的是唤起人们的愉悦。在我们的照片中,奥卡斯的嘴,一个罗马冥界之神,一个诅咒破坏者的惩罚者,给游客一种被深渊吞噬的感觉。在参观Parco dei Mostri(怪兽公园)期间,你会看到其他怪诞的景象,比如一条龙被狮子袭击,一个巨人撕碎一个人,以及汉尼拔的大象抓走一名罗马士兵。这些怪诞的人物在创作近500年后,仍然会让人产生一种发自内心的恐惧,也许这正是他们的本意。16世纪,博马佐的维奇诺·奥西尼公爵(Duke Vicino Orsini)委托他们来应对妻子去世的悲痛。

'Park of the Monsters,' Bomarzo, Italy

Join us for a pre-Halloween trip to a small Italian town about 60 miles northwest of Rome. We're taking you to Bomarzo, where a once-forgotten 16th-century garden holds monstrous sculptures that are meant to evoke anything but pleasure. In our photo, the mouth of Orcus, a Roman god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths, gives visitors the feeling of being swallowed into the abyss. During a visit to the Parco dei Mostri (Park of the Monsters), as it's known, you'll come across other grotesque sights such as a dragon being attacked by lions, a giant shredding a man, and Hannibal's elephant snatching a Roman soldier. Nearly 500 years after their creation, the grotesque figures still conjure up a visceral horror, perhaps as they were always meant to do. They were commissioned by Bomarzo's Duke Vicino Orsini in the 16th century to cope with the grief of his wife's death.

悉尼奥林匹克公园里的湾标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

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悉尼奥林匹克公园里的标瞭望台,澳大利亚 Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia (© ai_yoshi/Getty Images)

螺旋上升…… Spiraling upward...

Bay Marker Lookout, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia

It's an easy, circular trail to the Bay Marker Lookout, but you have to make it under your own steam—sorry, no cars allowed. This is one of the five Sydney Olympic Park Markers, cone-shaped earth mounds installed for the 2000 Olympics in Australia. They are cleverly placed to look from the air like the Australian flag's Southern Cross. From the ground, the Bay Marker gives a stunning full-360-degree view of Wentworth Common—a large grassy park—and the larger Olympic Park and stadium. You can also look over Homebush Bay (the community and the body of water) to the north. It's a dramatic melding of urban landscape, the city skyline, the wetlands and greenery, rivers, and beaches.


这是一条通往海湾标志了望台的简单的环形小道,但你必须在自己的蒸汽下到达。对不起,不允许开车。这是悉尼奥林匹克公园为2000年澳大利亚奥运会安装的五个圆锥形土墩之一。它们被巧妙地放置在空中,看起来像澳大利亚国旗的南十字。从地面上看,海湾标志物可以360度全方位俯瞰温特沃斯公园(Wentworth Common),这是一个长满青草的大型公园,以及更大的奥林匹克公园和体育场。你也可以在北边俯瞰Homebush湾(社区和水体)。这是城市景观、城市天际线、湿地和绿化、河流海滩的戏剧性融合。

赫尔辛基的哈加杜鹃花公园,芬兰 Haaga Rhododendron Park, Helsinki, Finland (© Samuli Vainionpää/Getty Images)

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赫尔辛基的哈加杜鹃公园芬兰 Haaga Rhododendron Park, Helsinki, Finland (© Samuli Vainionpää/Getty Images)

部分是科研园,部分是公园 Part science experiment, part public park

Haaga Rhododendron Park

In early June, if it's a 'good' year, people in Western Helsinki get treated to bursts of color at the Haaga Rhododendron Park. Started in 1975 as a research location for the University of Helsinki, the plan was to create rhododendron plants that would thrive in Finland's northern climate. And, boy, did they. Around 3,000 specimens of a Japanese variety of rhododendron were originally planted, then selectively bred to produce eight new varieties of 'rhodies' over the years.

In 1996, the park was expanded to include azalea plants which are in the same rhododendron family and bloom at the same time. The research garden now doubles as a public park that is visited by thousands of locals and tourists every summer. Since the gardens were originally planted, it's been observed that the blooms fluctuate. A vibrant year is usually followed by a more modest one. So, if you're 'rhodo-loco' and planning on making the trip to check it out, try to time it right.



1996年,公园扩建,包括杜鹃花植物,它们属于同一杜鹃科,同时开花。研究园现在兼作公共公园,每年夏天都有成千上万的当地人和游客参观。由于花园最初是种植的,人们观察到花期波动。充满活力的一年之后通常是较为温和的一年。因此,如果你是“rhodo loco”,并计划旅行去看看它,请尽量安排好时间。

红石公园教堂岩附近的雷击,新墨西哥州 Lightning strikes near rock formation, Church Rock, Red Rock Park, New Mexico (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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红石公园教堂岩附近的雷击,新墨西哥州 Lightning strikes near rock formation, Church Rock, Red Rock Park, New Mexico (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

Struck by Southwestern beauty

It's okay if this stormy shot stirs your spirit with holy awe: They call this wind-carved edifice Church Rock for a reason. Surrounded by an enchanting Southwestern landscape, it's a sight that almost invites you to get lost out here—and if you look at a map of these parts, you'll see that's not too hard.

We're in the 'checkerboard' region of western New Mexico, where patchwork borders separate sovereign Navajo Nation grounds and private land from that administered by an alphabet soup of federal, state, and local agencies. (For its part, Church Rock was the crown jewel of a state park before it was returned to the Navajo in 1989, while the city of Gallup now maintains the nearby parkland.) Maybe it's simpler to think in terms of a more ancient boundary line: The Great Continental Divide, marking the border between North America's Atlantic- and Pacific-destined waters, crosses Route 66 just east of the checkerboard.




史密斯洛克州立公园,俄勒冈 Smith Rock State Park, Oregon (© Manuela Durson/Getty Images)

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史密斯洛克州立公园俄勒冈 Smith Rock State Park, Oregon (© Manuela Durson/Getty Images)

A rock in a wild place

Here in the high desert of Central Oregon, Smith Rock beckons rock climbers from around the world with its cliffs of tuff and basalt. Considered by many to be the birthplace of American sport climbing, it's home to nearly 2,000 climbing routes of all levels of difficulty. For those happier with their feet firmly planted on the ground, Smith Rock State Park offers the usual range of outdoor activities, including biking, hiking, and watching for wildlife including prairie falcons, golden eagles, and mule deer.