
斯凯利格·迈克尔岛上一座古老修道院的废墟,爱尔兰 The ruins of an ancient monastery on the island of Skellig Michael, Ireland (© MNStudio/Getty Images)

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斯凯利格·迈克尔上一座古老修道院废墟爱尔兰 The ruins of an ancient monastery on the island of Skellig Michael, Ireland (© MNStudio/Getty Images)

愿原力与你同在! May the Fourth be with you!



'Star Wars' Day

May the Force be with you on May 4, adopted by 'Star Wars' fans as the day to celebrate their favorite franchise. Many will recognize Skellig Michael, the island on our homepage, as the location of scenes from the 'Star Wars' sequels 'The Force Awakens' and 'The Last Jedi.' This UNESCO World Heritage Site appears in the movies as the planet Ahch-To, where Jedi master Luke Skywalker seeks refuge. Home to a 6th-century monastery with beehive huts and stone staircases, it also hosts a large seabird population that inspired the penguin-like porgs that roost on Ahch-To. Skellig Michael is about 7 miles off Ireland's southwestern coast, daily visitors are limited, and boat trips are canceled if it is too stormy. Still, the island attracts 'Star Wars' fans and others keen to see this ancient site, not so very far, far away.

春天盛开的沙漠毒菊,索诺拉沙漠,亚利桑那州 Brittlebushes blooming in springtime, Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© Charles Harker/Getty Images)

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春天盛开的沙漠毒菊,索诺拉沙漠,亚利桑那州 Brittlebushes blooming in springtime, Sonoran Desert, Arizona (© Charles Harker/Getty Images)

最热的地方也有凉爽之处 Even the hottest places are cool!



The Sonoran Desert, Arizona

Welcome to the Sonoran Desert, where life thrives despite the heat thanks to two seasons of rainfall. This subtropical desert spreads across parts of Mexico, California, and Arizona and is home to animals such as roadrunners, Gila monsters, and the Morafka's desert tortoise. Its rainy seasons are followed by the blossoming of colorful wildflowers such as the brittlebush, seen in today's image. These hardy shrubs are adapted to the dry seasons, with their silvery-gray leaves covered in fine hairs that help reduce water loss. Brittlebushes produce bright yellow flowers that bloom in clusters, adding splashes of color to the desert landscape. Another drought-loving desert flora is the saguaro cactus, which can live for over 150 years and grow up to 40 feet tall. The saguaro also provides food and shelter for desert species and is a sacred plant in the culture of the Tohono O'odham people.

蓝龙熔岩流,月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,爱达荷州,美国 Blue Dragon Lava Flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

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蓝龙熔岩流,月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,爱达荷州,美国 Blue Dragon Lava Flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

“月球一日游” To the moon and back


系好安全带!让我们一起出发,去地球上的“外星王国”探险吧!今天主页展示的图片是月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,它位于爱达荷州,被一片崎岖的地形包围着。数千年前,在火山的作用下,月球陨石坑诞生并形成了独特的地貌。踏上这片土地,迎接游客的是辽阔的熔岩荒原,火渣锥和寄生熔岩锥,如此超现实的景象仿佛月球表面,因此这个占地近54,000 英亩的地区被取名为月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区。也因为这里的地貌像月球表面,阿波罗14号的宇航员在为登月计划做准备时,曾在这里接受训练,通过探索这里独特的火山地质,宇航员们可以深入了解月球上类似的地貌。


Craters of the Moon centennial

Buckle up, Earthlings, as you venture into an extraterrestrial realm right here on our planet! Surrounded by the rugged landscape of Idaho, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve was born of the volcanic forces that shaped the region thousands of years ago. Visitors are greeted by vast lava fields, cinder cones, and spatter cones, spread across almost 54,000 acres. The Apollo 14 astronauts trained here, gaining insight into lunar conditions by exploring the volcanic geology of this surreal landscape.

Established on May 2, 1924 by President Calvin Coolidge, this natural wonder celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024, marking a century of preservation and appreciation for its otherworldly beauty.