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阿玛咖港, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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阿玛咖, 阿拉斯加美国 Amalga Harbor, Alaska (© Mark Kelley/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一切都很平静 All is calm



Christmas in Amalga Harbor, Alaska

This isolated cove on 'the Last Frontier' is the least likely place you'd expect to find a Christmas tree decorated from head to toe with lights aglow. Amalga Harbor lies about 15 miles north of Juneau (one of the few coastal state capitals in the US) and shows that the public expression of Christmas cheer knows few limitations–and may include use of a small barge. This photograph was taken from nearby Ernest Gruening State Historical Park, which was named for the former governor of the Alaska Territory. Gruening led the territory from 1939 to 1953 before becoming one of the state's first US senators when Alaska became a state in 1959. After his political career ended, he and his wife lived in a cabin that was preserved as part of this historic site.

阿罗芒什莱班的桑树港,法国诺曼底 Mulberry Harbour in Arromanches-les-Bains, Normandy, France (© agefotostock/Alamy)

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阿罗芒什莱班的桑法国诺曼底 Mulberry Harbour in Arromanches-les-Bains, Normandy, France (© agefotostock/Alamy)

On this shore, history was made

As the sun sets on a beach in Normandy, France, what appear to be working barges and boats offshore are actually the remnants of Mulberry Harbours, temporary portable harbors created by the Allies during World War II. Their story begins 47 years ago today, on D-Day, when the first of the Allied troops touched down on the Nazi-occupied beaches at Normandy. After the Allies successfully held the beachheads, the Mulberries were towed into place so the artificial harbors could provide the port facilities necessary to offload the thousands of men and vehicles, and tons of supplies necessary to sustain the effort to drive the Germans out of France.

Two Mulberry Harbours were built for D-Day. The one known as Mulberry A was constructed off Omaha Beach to aid US forces. Mulberry B was built here, off Gold Beach at Arromanches to supply British and Canadian troops. Mulberry A was destroyed in a storm just a few days after it was built, but Mulberry B was operational for 10 months after the landings, providing crucial infrastructure to the Allied operation. The innovative feat of military engineering enabled the largest seaborne invasion in history, which in turn laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.



为D日建造了两个桑葚港。这座名为“桑葚A”的建筑是在奥马哈海滩附近建造的,目的是帮助美军。Mulberry B是在阿罗曼奇斯的黄金海滩附近建造的,为英国加拿大军队提供补给。桑葚A号在建成后几天就在暴风雨中被毁,但桑葚B号在登陆后的10个月内仍在运行,为盟军的行动提供了至关重要的基础设施。军事工程的创新成就促成了历史上最大规模的海上入侵,进而奠定了盟军在西线取得胜利的基础。