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倒映在艾布湖上的楚格峰,德国巴伐利亚 (© Martin Siepmann/Westend61/Offset by Shutterstock)
霍恩施万高城堡, 巴伐利亚, 德国 Hohenschwangau Castle, Bavaria, Germany (© Mespilia/Shutterstock)
霍恩施万高城堡, 巴伐利亚, 德国 Hohenschwangau Castle, Bavaria, Germany (© Mespilia/Shutterstock)
An Alpine fairytale castle
During a walking tour in the spring of 1829, Crown Prince (and future King) Maximilian II of Bavaria fell in love with these forested mountains and Alpine lakes, so three years later he bought the dilapidated remains of a 12th-century castle overlooking the village of Hohenschwangau. The yellow neo-Gothic castle that Maximilian built to replace the earlier ruins became the summer home and hunting retreat for the king, his wife Marie of Prussia, and their two sons, Ludwig and Otto. Hohenschwangau Castle became a kind of fantasy palace, particularly for the two young princes, who spent their time traipsing through the forest, reciting poetry, and staging scenes from the Romantic operas of Richard Wagner.
After the death of King Maximilian in 1864, Ludwig ascended to the throne and moved into his father's rooms in Hohenschwangau castle. He ordered that stars be painted onto the bedroom's ceiling and had them illuminated by hidden oil lamps. Ludwig and his successors made few other modifications, so most of the rest of the castle remains unchanged even today—the 19th-century interiors contain period furniture, and preserved on the walls are more than 90 frescoes depicting heroic German folklore and the medieval legends of Wagner's operas.
混交林,菲森,巴伐利亚,德国 (© Erich Kuchling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)
巴伐利亚州Schrecksee湖的全景图,德国 (© wingmar/E+/Getty Images)
施塔弗尔湖畔乌芬附近的桦树大道,德国巴伐利亚 (© Reinhard Schmid/eStock Photo)
楚格峰下的艾布湖,德国巴伐利亚 Eibsee lake at the base of Zugspitze mountain, Bavaria, Germany (© Marc Hohenleitner/Huber/eStock Photo)
楚格峰下的艾布湖,德国巴伐利亚 Eibsee lake at the base of Zugspitze mountain, Bavaria, Germany (© Marc Hohenleitner/Huber/eStock Photo)
The Zugspitze: Germany's highest point
Welcome to the snowy Bavarian Alps, where the mountain called the Zugspitze (TSOOG-shpit-seh) casts a cold shadow over the Eibsee, a small and serene alpine lake. Situated on the border with Austria, the peak is Germany's highest point at almost 10,000 feet above sea level, towering over the lakeside village of Grainau.
The word 'zug' means 'train' in modern German. Though the peak's name is much older than the locomotive (and probably refers to 'zugbahnen,' deep tracks cut into the mountainside by avalanches), it's especially appropriate now: a steep cogwheel railway tunnels up from the nearby town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen to a plateau near the summit. Aerial trams also serve the mountaintop from both the German and Austrian sides, and the one from Grainau boasts the longest free span for a cable car in the world, at about two miles.
贝希特斯加登县拉姆绍小镇上结冰的Hintersee湖和滑冰者,德国巴伐利亚 (© Jana Mänz/Westend61/Offset)
拉姆绍的Wimbachklamm峡谷,德国巴伐利亚 Wimbachklamm, Ramsau, Bavaria, Germany (© Westend61 GmbH/Alamy)
拉姆绍的Wimbachklamm峡谷,德国巴伐利亚 Wimbachklamm, Ramsau, Bavaria, Germany (© Westend61 GmbH/Alamy)
At the foot of the Watzmann
The gorge is a particularly narrow, deeply cut gorge with partly overhanging rock walls in the mountains. Today's homepage picture shows the Wimbachklamm near Ramsau. It is located in the heart of the Berchtesgaden National Park, nestled between the mountains Watzmann and Hochkalter. The Wimbach torrent has left a deep cut in the rock over the past 50 million years.The Wimbachklamm is open from May to October and can be passed over wooden bridges over a length of 200 meters. Only a few meters below the path the Wimbach roars, and the rock walls throw back the sounds of the water masses many times.
温特弗灵附近的费灵加湖,德国巴伐利亚 Lake Feringasee near Unterföhring, Munich, Bavaria, Germany (© Westend61/Getty Images)
温特弗灵附近的费灵加湖,德国巴伐利亚 Lake Feringasee near Unterföhring, Munich, Bavaria, Germany (© Westend61/Getty Images)
Recreation area at the gates of Munich
How about a dip in the cool water? On the shores of the Feringasee near Unterföhring in the district of Munich, numerous bathers cavort in summer. The 32-acre lake is one of the most popular lakes in the Munich area. The Feringasee was built as part of the construction work for the A99 motorway and was used until 1976 as a quarry.