标签 萤火虫 下的文章

同步萤火虫,大烟山国家公园,田纳西州,美国 Synchronous fireflies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Floris Van Bruegel/Minden Pictures)

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同步萤火虫,大烟国家公园田纳西州,美国 Synchronous fireflies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Floris Van Bruegel/Minden Pictures)

一闪一闪亮晶晶(的小虫子) Twinkle, twinkle, little bugs



Nature Photography Day

Towering trees, rushing streams, and luminous fireflies combine to create this magical landscape in Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The park is famous for its firefly season between May and June when these 'lightning bugs' gather to put on a light show as part of a mating display. Today, we celebrate the anniversary of this magnificent national park, as well as Nature Photography Day. There may be no better subject than the lightning bug to mark the day—as photography is the art of capturing light in lasting images.

蓝山国家公园里的萤火虫,澳大利亚 Glowworms in Blue Mountains National Park, Australia (© Leelakajonkij/Getty Images)

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国家公园里的萤火虫澳大利亚 Glowworms in Blue Mountains National Park, Australia (© Leelakajonkij/Getty Images)

Glowworm caves in Australia

Down under the land in the Land Down Under, cave explorers may find these subterranean spaces illuminated by an unlikely light source. Fungus gnat larvae—more affectionately known as glowworms—speckle the walls and ceilings of caverns here in Australia during the warm season from December to March. To humans they're hypnotizingly harmless and add a little otherworldly charm to the caves in such places as Blue Mountains National Park, as seen in our photo. But if you're a fly or mosquito, beware! Glowworms dangle tiny, sticky silk strands that ensnare winged insects flying toward what looks like a starry night sky, but is in fact the cave ceiling, covered in glowworms, patiently waiting to reel in a deceived fly.



日南市的萤火虫,日本鸟取县 Fireflies in Nichinan, Tottori, Japan (© north-tail/Getty Images Plus)

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日南市的萤火虫日本鸟取县 Fireflies in Nichinan, Tottori, Japan (© north-tail/Getty Images Plus)

A firefly frolic

You might be crashing the biggest party in Japan's least populous region. Each summer, fireflies turn this forest in rural Tottori prefecture into their own glitzy nightclub. There's no telling which fireflies are the males in this shot, but be assured they'll spend mating season trying to flicker their way into the females' hearts.

The buzzkill here is that fireflies' heyday each June and July amounts to their entire two-month adult lives—so when the rave dies, the flies shortly follow. Fortunately, that's plenty of time for the reveling bugs to produce countless eggs, soon to hatch into larvae who'll emerge from their pupae next summer and kick off the light show once again.


