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市保护厅, 新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州 Preservation Hall, New Orleans, Louisiana (© Cosmo Condina North America/Alamy)

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市保护厅, 新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州 Preservation Hall, New Orleans, Louisiana (© Cosmo Condina North America/Alamy)

挥杆庆祝的一天 A day of swing and celebration


爵士乐诞生于新奥尔良的黑人社区,在Big Easy之外迅速流行起来,并在国际上引起轰动。由于其即兴创作的性质,爵士乐从未一成不变,与其他文化和流派融合,创造出非洲古巴人、拉丁人和印度裔爵士乐等风格。联合国教科文组织亲善大使兼爵士钢琴家赫比·汉考克创建了国际爵士乐日,以庆祝这一全球流派,该日于2012年首次在纽约巴黎和新奥尔良举行。我们希望你能放上你最喜欢的爵士乐唱片来庆祝,或者如果你能摇摆它,可以参观新奥尔良传奇的爵士乐场地保护厅,如我们在这里的照片所示。

International Jazz Day

Born in the Black communities of New Orleans, jazz music quickly caught on outside the Big Easy and became an international sensation. Due to its improvisational nature, jazz never stays the same, fusing with other cultures and genres to create styles such as Afro-Cuban, Latin, and Indo Jazz. UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and jazz pianist Herbie Hancock created International Jazz Day to celebrate the global genre, first held in 2012 with events in New York, Paris, and New Orleans. We hope you celebrate by putting on your favorite jazz record, or if you can swing it, visit New Orleans' legendary jazz venue, Preservation Hall, seen in our photo here.

阿查法拉亚盆地的秃柏和西班牙苔藓,路易斯安那州 Bald cypress and Spanish moss in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Exploring Light Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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阿查法拉亚盆地的秃柏和西班牙苔藓,路易斯安那州 Bald cypress and Spanish moss in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Exploring Light Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Here's looking Atchafalaya

Encompassing 14 Louisiana parishes and over 1.4 million acres, the Atchafalaya Basin is one of the United States' 55 National Heritage Areas, the one they call America's Foreign Country. Bayous, marshes, backwater lakes, and the nation's largest river swamp make up one of the most diverse ecological and cultural landscapes in North America.

The Choctaw people named the area 'long river' or 'hacha falaia.' Over the past four centuries, waves of French, Spanish, African, Acadian, and Caribbean settlers have contributed to the unique Cajun language, cuisine, music, architecture, and storytelling traditions that set this region apart.

The bald cypress trees—seen here draped in Spanish moss—are an iconic part of this incredibly rich ecosystem. Wildlife here includes crawfish, catfish, shrimp, bears, alligators, and over 270 species of birds. The Atchafalaya Basin was recognized as a National Heritage Area (NHA) in 2006. Unlike National Parks, NHAs function as a partnership between residents, local, and federal agencies, that combine private and public lands into more livable and sustainable regions.



乔克托人将该地区命名为“长”或“hacha falaia”。在过去的四个世纪里,法国、西班牙、非洲、阿卡迪亚和加勒比海的移民潮为该地区独特的卡琼语、烹饪、音乐、建筑和讲故事传统做出了贡献,使该地区与众不同。


阿查法拉亚盆地中的一棵柏树,路易斯安那州 A cypress in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Tandem Still + Motion)

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阿查法拉亚盆地中的一棵柏路易斯安那州 A cypress in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Tandem Still + Motion)

Autumn in the cypress swamp

Autumn still brings a splash of color to this hardwood forest of bald cypress in Louisiana. But make no mistake, a stroll through these wetlands is not a cozy New England leaf-peeping journey. The swamp forest floor is often covered by the waters of Atchafalaya River delta as it drains into the Gulf of Mexico, so the autumn colors here are best viewed from the seat of a canoe or a pirogue, as the local Cajuns use. The water-resistant bald cypress thriving in the Atchafalaya Basin constitutes the largest tract of contiguous cypress forest in the United States. The ecosystem here is so unlike any other in the US, the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area organization calls it ‘America’s foreign country.’