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苏丝斯黎沙丘,纳米布沙漠,纳米比亚 Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib Desert, Namibia (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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苏丝斯黎沙丘纳米布沙漠纳米比亚 Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib Desert, Namibia (© Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency)

变换的地平线 Shifting horizons




鱼河大峡谷,纳米比亚 Fish River Canyon, Namibia (© R. M. Nunes/Getty Images)

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大峡谷纳米比亚 Fish River Canyon, Namibia (© R. M. Nunes/Getty Images)

鱼眼视角 A fisheye view



Fish River Canyon, Namibia

The longest river in Namibia—the Fish River—has carved out Africa's largest canyon over millions of years. Winding through weathered layers of gneiss and dolomite rocks, the Fish River Canyon is around 100 miles long and about 1,800 feet deep. Its hiking trail stretches for more than 50 miles, attracting adventure seekers and ultramarathon runners. Moreover, with Hartmann's mountain zebras, klipspringers, and eastern rock elephant shrews, the canyon is teeming with creatures big and small. So, whether you are there for hiking, trekking, camping, or just soaking in the scenery, one thing's for sure: Fish River Canyon is a catch you won't soon forget.

沙丘中的南非剑羚,纳米比亚 Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) in sand dunes, Namibia (© Sergey Gorshkov/Alamy)

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沙丘中的南非剑羚,纳米比亚 Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) in sand dunes, Namibia (© Sergey Gorshkov/Alamy)

被沙海包围 Surrounded by a sea of sand



Gemsbok in Namibian sand dunes

To quote Jurassic Park's Dr. Malcolm: 'Life, uh, finds a way.' Animals and plants are found in some of Earth's most inhospitable places, from penguins and polar bears in the freezing Arctic to camels in scalding deserts. This lonely gemsbok, seen here in sand dunes in Namibia, is used to living in an inhospitable environment. Also known as the oryx, it is native to the arid regions of Southern Africa, especially around the Namib and Kalahari deserts. The gemsbok does not need to drink much water, instead finding hydration in the vegetation it grazes upon—including wild tsamma melons and cucumbers. When vegetation is sparse, they can dig deep to find roots and tubers to supplement their diet.

纳米比亚的植物 Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

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纳米比亚植物 Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

伸向天空 Stretching to the sky



Quiver trees in Namibia

The quiver trees pictured on our homepage are uniquely suited to Namibia's hot, dry climate. They are not trees at all, but an endangered species of aloe plant. These succulents can grow up to 30 feet tall and live for 200 years. The name comes from the Indigenous San people who made quivers out of the plant's tube-shaped branches to hold their arrows while hunting. You can see scattered quiver trees across southern Namibia, but for sheer numbers, head to the Quiver Tree Forest, where more than 200 of these distinctive plants grow among dolerite rock formations outside the city of Keetmanshoop. In June and July, during Namibia's winter, you can see the plant's flowers in bright, yellow bloom.