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The 'Crown of Light' installation is projected onto Durham Cathedral during the 2013 Lumiere Durham festival in England (© Stuart Forster/Alamy)

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The 'Crown of Light' installation is projected onto Durham Cathedral during the 2013 Lumiere Durham festival in England (© Stuart Forster/Alamy)

The perfect canvas for an ancient text

Since 2009, the city of Durham has served as a grand stage for the biennial Lumiere Durham festival. During four days in November, works of 'son et lumière'—a French phrase that means 'sound and light'—provide spectators with new ways of viewing public spaces and buildings. Artists from around the world design large-scale light shows paired with narratives and sound effects. It's become the UK's largest light festival, and Lumiere Durham's 10th anniversary, which begins today, promises to attract more than 200,000 people to enjoy the illuminated artworks along cobbled streets.

This image from the 2013 festival shows 'Crown of Light,' a work that projects an ancient Christian manuscript called the Lindisfarne Gospels onto the exterior walls of the Durham Cathedral. The original manuscript, considered one of the world's oldest and finest examples of medieval European book paintings, was brought to the Durham area in the 9th century by monks who had fled their monastery in Lindisfarne, off the coast of Northumberland, to avoid Viking raids. The Lindisfarne Gospels is considered an illuminated manuscript because the book is painted in gold and silver with miniature illustrations and ornate border art. But at the festival, the term gets a new meaning as the illuminated manuscript lights up the cathedral for thousands of spectators to see.

Silver birch (Betula pendula) woodland, Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Scotland (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Silver birch (Betula pendula) woodland, Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Scotland (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)

The Lady of the Woods

Silver birch trees like these in Craigellachie National Nature Reserve have long been celebrated as symbols of purity and rebirth. In early Celtic mythology, bundles of their twigs were used to drive out spirits of the old year while in Scottish Highlands folklore it was believed that a barren cow herded with a birch stick would become fertile. Known as the “lady of the woods”, the old Gaelic word for birch, beith, can be found in some Scottish place names – the same goes for birk in England and bedw in Wales.

This nature reserve in Strathspey, in the Highlands, is known for its upland birch woodland, which is home to an impressive selection of moths among a wide variety of other creatures from dragonflies to peregrine falcons. The light, open canopy of silver birches also encourage wood anemones and dog violets to grow during the spring and summer – as well as offering a glimpse of panoramic views of Britain’s largest national park – the Cairngorms - which can be enjoyed, unobstructed, if you climb to the hill’s craggy summit.

The Brandenburg Gate seen through a heart-shaped replica of the Berlin Wall (© Britta Pedersen/picture alliance via Getty Images)

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The Brandenburg Gate seen through a heart-shaped replica of the Berlin Wall (© Britta Pedersen/picture alliance via Getty Images)

We heart Berlin

We're gazing at the Brandenburg Gate—a symbol of peace and unity—through a heart-shaped replica of a remnant of the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the political division that once marked the German capital. Today marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the concrete barrier that once obstructed this view.

Although it stood for 28 years, the fall of the wall was sparked on November 9, 1989, when an East German official mistakenly announced a newly relaxed travel policy during a broadcasted press conference. Within hours, thousands of hopeful East Berliners rushed the wall, overwhelming border guards who reluctantly opened the checkpoints. Soon Berliners from the East and West were on the wall, joyfully dancing together, breaking off pieces with their hands, hammers, and anything else they could use to crumble the cement. Shortly afterward, the wall finally came down and borders were opened.

Conditions that led to the wall began in the years following World War II, when Berlin was divided into Soviet-controlled East Berlin and the American, British, and French sectors known as West Berlin. Although East Berliners weren't allowed to emigrate, they managed to do so nonetheless, and by 1961, millions had left for life in the West, nearly bringing the East German economy to ruin. It was then, on August 13, 1961, that Berliners woke up to a barbed-wire fence cutting off West Berlin from East Germany, including East Berlin. Within days, East Germany fortified the barbed wire with concrete, eventually reinforcing it with an outer and inner wall, watchtowers, and floodlights, while also extending it 28 miles across the city and beyond. For nearly three decades the wall separated families and entire communities. When it finally came down in 1989, it would be another year before both cities would eventually be reunified under the new Federal Republic of Germany.

阿尔卑斯国家公园豪伊特山上雾中的野花,澳大利亚维多利亚 Wildflowers in the mist on Mount Howitt in Alpine National Park, Victoria, Australia (© Australian Scenics/Photolibrary/Getty Images Plus)

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阿尔卑斯国家公园豪伊特中的野澳大利亚维多利亚 Wildflowers in the mist on Mount Howitt in Alpine National Park, Victoria, Australia (© Australian Scenics/Photolibrary/Getty Images Plus)

Nature's most beautiful blanket

Expect colours aplenty in Alpine National Park around this time of year – as new life is breathed into the stunning landscape. The largest national park in Victoria - and measuring in at over 646,000 hectares - its home to a wide variety of native vegetation. It's no surprise that both the alpine and subalpine family are the most prevalent of the bunch, due to their ability to survive amongst high elevation and above the tree line, but snow gums and alpine ash trees are also known to litter the forest. During the springtime you'll even be lucky enough to see snow daisies and bright wildflowers spread across the ground like nature's most colourful blanket, much like they are in today's gorgeous image.

秋日景色倒映于镜池中,日本长野 Autumn colors reflected in Mirror Pond (Kagami-ike), Nagano, Japan (© magicflute002/Getty images)

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日景色倒映于镜池中,日本长野 Autumn colors reflected in Mirror Pond (Kagami-ike), Nagano, Japan (© magicflute002/Getty images)

Kagami-ike Pond in Nagano

Literally (Kagami means mirror), the pond projects the reflected scape of Togakushi Mountain Range and its view changes seasonally. With no wind blowing, the surface of the pond is calm with no ripples and it is just as beautiful as if it were a real mirror. Mountain Togakushi has been a place of practice for practitioners and Togakushi Ninjas.

Chapel St-Michel d'Aiguilhe, Le Puy-en-Velay, France (© Jaubert French Collection/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Chapel St-Michel d'Aiguilhe, Le Puy-en-Velay, France (© Jaubert French Collection/Alamy Stock Photo)

Chapel on the rock

Pace yourself—you'll need to climb 268 stone steps to reach the entrance of Chapel St-Michel d'Aiguilhe (Chapel of St. Michael of the Needle). This historic church near Le Puy-en-Velay, France, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that attracts visitors from around the world. It was constructed in 969 by a local bishop and dedicated to Archangel Michael, the patron saint of mountaintops. Even before the chapel was built, the site had spiritual significance, as it was home to prehistoric dolmen (stone tombs) built by the Romans to honor their god Mercury.

This time of year, you don’t necessarily have to climb the stairs to get a good view. If you're lucky, you can hitch a ride from the many hot-air balloon pilots that take to the skies in early November. These enthusiasts gather in Le Puy-en-Velay each year for a festival that commemorates the anniversary of the first hot-air balloon flight.

秋日里通往卢浮宫的杜乐丽花园,法国巴黎 Jardin des Tuileries in autumn leading to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France (© Brian A. Jackson/Getty Images Plus)

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日里通往卢浮宫的杜乐丽花园法国巴黎 Jardin des Tuileries in autumn leading to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France (© Brian A. Jackson/Getty Images Plus)

Paris is photo-ready this week

Today we're featuring an image of the Jardin des Tuileries and the Louvre to highlight the Paris Photo art fair happening through Sunday at the historic Grand Palais. Paris Photo is the world's largest art fair dedicated to photography. Since 1997, the mission of the fair has been 'to promote and nurture photographic creation and the galleries, publishers, and artists at its source.' Starting today around 200 exhibitors, leading galleries, and specialty publishers, along with Parisian cultural institutions, will give visitors a unique look at both historical and contemporary photographic works of art.