柬埔寨吴哥窟的日出 Sunrise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia (© Sergio Diaz/Getty Images)

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柬埔寨吴哥窟日出 Sunrise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia (© Sergio Diaz/Getty Images)

Sunburst at Angkor

Angkor Wat is the most famous Buddhist temple in Angkor—which is saying a lot, since Angkor Archaeological Park is essentially a 154-square-mile collection of historic temples and related holy sites just outside the city of Siem Reap. If you happen to visit Angkor Wat on the spring equinox, get there in time for sunrise. On the equinox, the sun aligns with the top of the main tower at Angkor Wat before climbing farther into the sky to usher in longer days and shorter nights. Of course, if this photo is any indication, every sunrise at Angkor Wat is spectacular.

标签: 柬埔寨, 吴哥窟

