Bauhaus Archive Museum of Design in Berlin, Germany © Juergen Henkelmann Photography/Alamy
Bauhaus Archive Museum of Design in Berlin, Germany © Juergen Henkelmann Photography/Alamy
通往圣胡安·加兹特鲁加特的道路,西班牙巴斯克 Path to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Basque Country, Spain, for the 'Game of Thrones' premiere (© Anton Petrus/Moment/Getty Images)
卡克罗斯附近的翡翠湖,加拿大育空地区 (© David Noton Photography/Alamy Stock Photo)
华盛顿山天文台,新罕布什尔州 The Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire (© Mike Theiss/Getty Images)
荷兰Duin- en Bollenstreek地区的郁金香田 Dutch tulip fields in the Duin- en Bollenstreek region for the Amsterdam Tulip Festival (© Frans Sellies/Getty Images)
台湾妈祖群岛沿岸的发光藻类 Bioluminescent algae along the shores of the Matsu Islands off the coast of Taiwan (© Wan Ru Chen/Getty Images)
Interior of the Seattle Public Library lobby © Ron Buskirk/Alamy
Interior of the Seattle Public Library lobby © Ron Buskirk/Alamy
俯瞰苏格兰斯特灵的华莱士国家纪念碑 (© Elena Korchenko/age fotostock)
智利屋中的旋转楼梯,德国汉堡 (© Rüdiger Hess/geo-select FotoArt)
一处被称为Nelder Plot的对称森林 For Earth Month, a symmetrical forest known as a Nelder Plot (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)
一处被称为Nelder Plot的对称森林 For Earth Month, a symmetrical forest known as a Nelder Plot (© Rachid Dahnoun/Tandem Stills + Motion)