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雪莉夫人森林和古堡遗迹,新罕布什尔州,美国 Madame Sherri Forest and the remnant of an old castle, New Hampshire (© yggdrasill/Shutterstock)

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莉夫人森林古堡遗迹新罕布什尔州,美国 Madame Sherri Forest and the remnant of an old castle, New Hampshire (© yggdrasill/Shutterstock)

无处可去的阶梯 Stairway to nowhere




Madame Sherri Forest, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri Forest in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, is a captivating destination steeped in history and natural beauty. It was once the site of an extravagant house built in the 1930s by Madame Antoinette Sherri, a flamboyant 1920s costume designer known for her lavish parties. Madame Sherri's dramatic arrivals in town, often in a chauffeur-driven Packard, draped in furs, became the talk of the locals. As her fortune declined, her 'castle' fell into disrepair and was vandalized. In 1959, she returned to find her property in ruins and never came back. A fire destroyed the house in 1963, leaving behind only the stone foundation, an iconic staircase, and a large fireplace leading to a lone chimney.

Today, the forest where her house once stood spans over 500 acres and offers scenic hiking trails through woodlands, hemlock groves, and around peaceful brooks, a picturesque setting for outdoor enthusiasts. Managed by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, this area was named in honor of Madame Sherri, and it also includes trails that lead to the ruins of her former estate. So, while the house was originally separate from the forest, the two are now intricately entwined.

横跨康涅狄格河畔血溪的铁路,新罕布什尔州汉诺威 Railroad crossing Bloody Brook alongside the Connecticut River in Hanover, New Hampshire (© DEEPOL by plainpicture)

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横跨康涅狄格畔血溪的铁路新罕布什尔汉诺威 Railroad crossing Bloody Brook alongside the Connecticut River in Hanover, New Hampshire (© DEEPOL by plainpicture)

Cold? What cold?

As the Scandinavian saying goes, 'There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.' The adventurer seen here, conquering the New England chill on a stand-up paddleboard, is a cold ocean removed from Nordic shores. But this watery winter excursion embodies the Scandie stamina distilled in the word 'friluftsliv,' literally translated 'free air life'—the notion that any time is a great time to be outdoors, weather be damned.

Friluftsliv has been part of Norse identity since Vikings and Goths eked out their existence in frozen fjords and forests. But it was Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian master playwright, who brought the word into Nordic popular culture in the 1850s, imbuing it with national pride and folk spirituality. Now it's so woven in the fabric of Scandinavian life that some nonprofits are dedicated to friluftsliv, and many employers allot workers time to play outside—especially in winter, when daytime is brief and precious.



自从维京人和哥特人发现他们在冻的峡湾森林中生存以来, 弗里卢夫特利夫一直是北欧身份的一部分。但正是挪威剧作家亨里克·伊布森(Henrik Ibsen)在19世纪50年代将这个词引入北欧流行文化,使之充满了民族自豪感和民间精神。现在,它已经融入了斯堪的纳维亚人的生活,以至于一些非营利组织都在致力于friluftsliv,许多雇主都会给工人分配时间在外面玩,尤其是在冬天,白天短暂而宝贵。

新罕布什尔州的县桥 County Bridge in New Hampshire (© Denis Tangney Jr/E+/Getty Images)

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新罕布什尔州的县 County Bridge in New Hampshire (© Denis Tangney Jr/E+/Getty Images)

Bridge of Hillsborough County

The County Bridge has offered a picturesque passage over the Contoocook River in southern New Hampshire since 1937, when it replaced its covered predecessor that had been destroyed in a flood. But why even build a covered bridge? In a word, longevity. The roof and walls help protect the timber supports from rot. For comparison, an uncovered wooden bridge lasts an average of 20 years, while the covered variety can reach 100 years or more.

But even their durable reputation couldn't withstand our drive toward faster travel—the railroad, the automobile, and the heavier loads that came with both. As iron and then steel replaced timber as the bridge-building material of choice, covered bridges gradually went the way of the horse and buggy that used to traverse them. Out of about 12,000 covered bridges that were built in the US, only 750 remain today, with a quarter of those in Pennsylvania.