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波斯古城波斯波利斯的浮雕,伊朗 Reliefs in the ancient Persian city of Persepolis, Iran (© Ozbalci/Getty Images)

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波斯古城波斯波利斯浮雕伊朗 Reliefs in the ancient Persian city of Persepolis, Iran (© Ozbalci/Getty Images)

哇,真是松了一口气! Wow, what a relief!




International Archaeology Day

It's International Archaeology Day, an opportunity to discover more about our past and different societies through ancient sites and artifacts. Across the world, events such as scavenger hunts, lectures, and interactive workshops will be held to mark the day and awaken your inner Indiana Jones.

Persepolis, whose ruins are in modern-day Iran, is an ancient archaeological site that once served as the ceremonial capital of the mighty Achaemenid Empire (c. 550–330 BCE). This UNESCO World Heritage Site is legendary for its magnificent ruins and Achaemenid architecture, including grand palaces, intricate carvings, and towering columns. Visitors can wander through the ruins to get a glimpse of its majestic past, when it was at the heart of what was then the largest empire of the ancient world.

波斯波利斯的古代雕刻文本, 伊朗 Ancient carved texts from Persepolis, Iran (© George Hall/Alamy)

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波斯波利斯古代雕刻文本, 伊朗 Ancient carved texts from Persepolis, Iran (© George Hall/Alamy)

遥远的过去数据 Distant-past data



19 世纪被破译。

Spreadsheet Day

Happy Spreadsheet Day! Be they a pivot table pro or an entry-level novice, spreadsheet users worldwide have one person to thank: Dan Bricklin released the first electronic spreadsheet program on this day in 1979. The day celebrates the sophisticated grids that have reshaped businesses from accounting and engineering to project management. But data handling did not begin in the digital age. Ancient civilizations had their own ways of recording and tracking the world around them, as seen in our homepage image.

Cuneiform, a script characterized by wedge-shaped symbols, was used to transcribe languages of the ancient Near East, a region roughly corresponding to today's Middle East. First developed around 3500 BCE, it was used for thousands of years, until the 1st century CE. In the early 17th century, the publication of Achaemenid royal inscriptions at Persepolis—in modern-day Iran—shed light again on cuneiform. These inscriptions had a mix of languages and were finally deciphered in the 19th century.

纳克什鲁斯塔姆遗址,伊朗波斯波利斯 Naqsh-e Rustam archaeological site near Persepolis, Iran (© mshirani/Shutterstock)

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纳克什鲁斯塔姆遗址伊朗波斯波利斯 Naqsh-e Rustam archaeological site near Persepolis, Iran (© mshirani/Shutterstock)

国际考古日 International Archaeology Day


Naqsh-e Rostam是一座雕刻在伊朗西南部山区古代墓地,是古代波斯最早繁荣的文明之一的门户。四位阿契美尼德国王的陵墓(你可以在这里看到其中三位)以高高地雕刻在悬崖表面的岩石浮雕为标志。这个遗址及其周围地区对伊朗及其人民的历史具有重大意义。它们也是考古学在理解我们的过去方面所起作用的辉范例。每年10月的第三个星期六,我们都会停下来庆祝并表彰考古学家作为人类历史解释者的贡献。

墓地是由坟墓和墓地组成的综合体,字面意思是“死者之城”这家离法尔斯省的西拉市很近。其中一座坟墓被铭文确定为大流士一世(又名大流士大帝)的安息之地,其他坟墓被认为是大流士的儿子薛西斯一世、阿尔塔克西斯一世和大流士二世的坟墓,这些人是公元前522-330年阿契美尼德王朝的领导人。纳什赫·罗斯坦也是描绘后来萨珊帝国国王的浮雕之乡,萨珊王朝是7世纪和8世纪穆斯林征服之前的最后一个伊朗帝国。只有几百码远的地方是被称为Naqsh-e Rajab的考古遗址,更多的石雕描绘了三位萨珊王朝国王和一位大祭司。虽然这些文明已经消亡,但它们创造的东西是人类历史的永久记录。

International Archaeology Day

Naqsh-e Rostam is an ancient necropolis carved into the mountains of southwestern Iran, a porthole into one of the earliest civilizations to flourish in ancient Persia. The tombs of four Achaemenid kings (you can see three of them here) are marked by rock reliefs carved high above the ground into the cliff face. This site and the area around it are of huge significance to the history of Iran and its people. They're also a shining example of the role archaeology plays in understanding our past. On the third Saturday of every October, we pause to celebrate and recognize the contributions of archaeologists as interpreters of human history.

A necropolis is a complex of tombs and burial plots, literally translated as a 'city of the dead.' This one is close to the city of Shiraz in Fars Province. One of the tombs is identified by an inscription as being the resting place of Darius I, aka Darius the Great, and the others are believed to be the tombs of Darius' son, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I, and Darius II, leaders during the Achaemenid dynasty from 522-330 BCE. Naqsh-e Rostam is also home to relief carvings depicting kings of the later Sassanian Empire, the last Iranian empire before the Muslim conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries. Only a few hundred yards away is the archaeological site known as Naqsh-e Rajab, with more rock carvings depicting three Sassanid kings and a high priest. While these civilizations have faded, what they created endures as a permanent record of human history.

乌鲁米耶湖中的岩层,伊朗 Kazem Dashi rock formation in Lake Urmia, Iran (© Ali/Adobe Stock)

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乌鲁米耶中的岩层,伊朗 Kazem Dashi rock formation in Lake Urmia, Iran (© Ali/Adobe Stock)

Back on the rise

This beautiful lake in northwestern Iran has had a rough couple of decades. Until around 1995, Lake Urmia was one of the top-ten largest saltwater lakes on Earth, and the center of a thriving resort scene. Then drought, rising temperatures, water overuse, and the building of a causeway across the lake reduced it to less than 10% of its size by the 2010s.

Now this salty lake (currently eight times saltier than the ocean) may be ready for a comeback. Over the last decade, multinational efforts to restore Lake Urmia have improved irrigation systems, reduced water usage, and diverted water from other sources. So, for the last few years, these salt flats have slowly given ground to rising waters. It's still not quite a lake-half-full situation, but the upward trends have revived hopes that Lake Urmia's glory days will return.


