巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)

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巴斯利卡塔的卡斯泰尔梅扎诺村,意大利 Village of Castelmezzano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)

峦间的辉之城 Shining city on the hill

Castelmezzano, Italy

What may appear to be an undulating ribbon of fire clinging to the side of a mountain is actually the medieval village of Castelmezzano, considered one of Italy's most beautiful and undiscovered places. The town is perched along the western side of the San Martino mountains in the southern part of the Italian Peninsula. The population of Castelmezzano has found protection on these craggy cliffs since it was first settled by Greeks around 2,500 years ago. The villagers who live there today speak a distinct but dying variant of Italian, and with an aging population, the village is hopeful it can find new arrivals who appreciate the old ways.

Looking for an unusual journey? Consider visiting Castelmezzano for the Volo dell'Angelo (Angel Flight), a high-speed zip line across the valley between Castelmezzano and neighboring Pietrapertosa that reaches speeds of more than 70 mph more than 1,300 feet off the ground. Hurtling through the air not your thing? Consider the enchanting Percorso delle Sette Pietre (Seven Stones Path), a literary walk based on ancient stories handed down orally. Each of the seven stations you'll visit has a huge stone statue that, as the visitor passes, activates voices and sounds, narratives and music. The 1.5-mile-long path connects the villages of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa.



寻找不寻常的旅程?考虑乘坐Volo dell’Angelo(天使航班)前往卡斯泰尔梅扎诺,这是一条横跨卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和邻近的彼得拉佩托萨之间山谷的高速拉链线路,其速度超过70英里/小时,离地面1300英尺以上。在空中飞驰不是你的事吗?想想迷人的珀科索·戴尔·塞特·皮特(七石之路),这是一部基于口头流传的古代故事的文学作品。你将参观的七个车站中的每一个都有一个巨大的石雕,当游客经过时,它会激活声音、故事和音乐。这条1.5英里长的小路连接了卡斯泰尔梅扎诺和彼得拉佩托萨两个村庄

标签: 意大利

