
漫天飞舞的黑脉金斑蝶,墨西哥 Monarch butterflies in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Angangueo, Mexico (© Sylvain Cordier/Minden Pictures)

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漫天飞舞的黑脉金斑蝶,墨西哥 Monarch butterflies in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Angangueo, Mexico (© Sylvain Cordier/Minden Pictures)

Monarch butterflies in Angangueo, Mexico

Every year, one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in Mexico takes place in the forested mountains west of Mexico City. Between mid-January and late March, colonies of monarch butterflies migrate here from colder northern climates to find warmth and begin their breeding season. These huge flying colonies can contain as many as 20 million monarchs, which make use of air currents to travel as far as 100 nautical miles per day.

Upon arrival in the Mexican state of Michoacán, they'll settle into the forests of fir trees like those shown here, before finding their way to milkweed plants to mate and lay their eggs. The eggs will hatch after just a few days, leaving the offspring to feast on the milkweed before eventually transforming into the next generation of adult butterflies. Once the winter breeding season is over, the newly hatched monarchs will start the annual migration cycle over again, taking to the air for the long trek back north.




Corjuem堡垒,印度果阿邦 Corjuem Fort in Goa, India (© Ingvar Kuznetsov/Shutterstock)

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Corjuem堡垒印度果阿邦 Corjuem Fort in Goa, India (© Ingvar Kuznetsov/Shutterstock)

Corjuem Fort in Goa, India

Corjuem Fort, built in 1705 by Portuguese colonists, was abandoned in 1894 but never demolished. It is now a protected historical site in Goa, India, and during the right time of year, Corjuem can look like it's being eaten by the forest.

While Britain is heavily associated with colonial control of India, Portugal had its own foothold in what is now the state of Goa, on the southwestern coast of India. The colony of Portuguese India held for more than 400 years before the Portuguese relinquished the territory in 1961. Sites such as Corjuem Fort show how much the colonial influence affected not just the culture, but the landscape itself.




寓意幸福和团圆的春节灯笼,中国 Vibrant colours of lanterns, decorations and ornaments for Chinese New Year in celebration of luck, healthiness, happiness, reunion and prosperities Hong Kong, Chin

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寓意幸福和团圆的春节灯笼中国 Vibrant colours of lanterns, decorations and ornaments for Chinese New Year in celebration of luck, healthiness, happiness, reunion and prosperities  Hong Kong, China (© d3sign/Moment/Getty Images)

Chinese New Year 2022

Why do people put up red decorations on New Year? The story dates back to thousands of years ago…A monster named Nián comes to harass the villagers once a year. Later, people found that Nian would be afraid when it sees red color. Since then, people prepare red decorations on this day to drive away from the monster.

