标签 草原 下的文章

金色的松树,坝上草原,中国 Golden pine trees, Bashang grassland, Inner Mongolia, China (© MelindaChan/Getty Images)

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金色的松,坝上草原中国 Golden pine trees, Bashang grassland, Inner Mongolia, China (© MelindaChan/Getty Images)

之美 The beauty of early winter




草原国家公园,萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

发布于 , 483 次浏览

草原国家公园萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

体验孤独与奇迹 Experience the solitude and wonder




Happy Independence Day!

Break out the BBQ and unfurl your flags, Independence Day is here! Founding Father John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that he believed the holiday would be celebrated with parades, sports, shows, and illuminations. After 247 years, Americans are keeping those traditions alive, though not on the date that Adams anticipated. The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the independence of the United States of America on July 2, 1776, but formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. That date, enshrined on the Declaration document, became the one we observe today. If you're looking for a grand way to celebrate, journey to New York City for views of their annual fireworks show and the Empire State Building lit up to match in red, white, and blue.