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敦煌月牙泉,甘肃省,中国 Crescent Lake near Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China (© R7 Photo/Shutterstock)

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敦煌月牙泉甘肃省,中国 Crescent Lake near Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China (© R7 Photo/Shutterstock)

这片泊可不是海市蜃楼 This lake is no mirage



Crescent Lake near Dunhuang, China

Crescent Lake is a captivating natural wonder hidden in the vast Gobi Desert near the city of Dunhuang in China's Gansu province. This oasis, named for its unusual shape, has been a vital water source here for centuries. The lake is thought to have formed in a valley carved by wind and been fed by an underground spring. It sits amid Dunhuang's 'singing' sand dunes, which make a noise when the wind blows. The sand dunes also help stop the lake from being swallowed by sand and conservation efforts have ensured that it doesn't dry out. Visitors enjoy boating on the lake, camel rides through the surrounding dunes, and seeing ancient Buddhist art and murals in the nearby Mogao Caves.

张掖国家地质公园,甘肃,中国 Zhangye Danxia National Geopark, Gansu, China (© TONNAJA/Getty Images)

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张掖国家地质公园甘肃中国 Zhangye Danxia National Geopark, Gansu, China (© TONNAJA/Getty Images)

行走在彩虹岩石上 Walking a rocky rainbow



International Rock Day

International Rock Day, on July 13, celebrates these hardy heroes, which have played a big part in human history since at least the Stone Age. They served as humanity's first tools and as nature's journals, protecting ancient fossils and documenting changes caused by geological processes.

Our homepage image shows Zhangye National Geopark's Rainbow Mountains in China, an incredible landscape created over millions of years. Those colorful layers are formed of sedimentary sandstone rock. Iron oxide gave the rock its predominately rusty hue, while other oxides tinted the various layers brown, yellow, and green. Sandstone and minerals that were once layered on top of each other were lifted and distorted by tectonic movement, revealing those colorful stripes. And that is not the end of this geological tale. This unique landscape continues to change, as wind and water erosion sculpts new pillars and ravines. No matter what your favorite category of rock is—metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous—rocks of every kind helped build the world we live in today.

马蹄寺风景区内的马蹄寺和石窟,中国甘肃省 The Mati Si (Horse's Hoof Temple) and grottoes of Mati Si Scenic Area, Gansu province, China (© Ana Flašker/Alamy)

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马蹄寺风景区内的马蹄石窟中国甘肃省 The Mati Si (Horse's Hoof Temple) and grottoes of Mati Si Scenic Area, Gansu province, China (© Ana Flašker/Alamy)

A cliff-hanging complex of temples

Feast your eyes on the colorful Mati Si (Horse's Hoof Temple) and its cliffside complex of sandstone grottoes and wooden pavilions. To understand the mythical origin of the Horse's Hoof Temple, you have to squint your eyes a bit. Then you might be able to see the hoof marks left by a frightened longma, the fabled winged dragon horse that purportedly landed here thousands of years ago. What you can't see is the claustrophobic network of tunnels connecting the seven floors and seven grottoes to the Mati Si pagoda, which itself is 200 feet high and holds hundreds of Buddha statues.

Mati Si lies within the grasslands of China's Gansu province along the Hexi Corridor of what was once China's Northern Silk Road. There's no bus service to the temple so you'll have to grab a taxi or, like the mythical dragon horse that left its imprint here, hoof it.