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北极熊斯瓦尔巴群岛,挪威 Polar bear in Svalbard, Norway (© Dennis Stogsdill/Getty Images)

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北极熊斯瓦尔巴群岛挪威 Polar bear in Svalbard, Norway (© Dennis Stogsdill/Getty Images)

在北极附近打盹 Napping near the North Pole

元旦 / 斯瓦尔巴群的北极熊,挪威


New Year's Day

If your first scheduled activity of the day has ever involved intentionally jumping into an icy lake or a frigid bay, then you understand the relevance of today's image from the Svalbard Islands of Norway. Polar bear plunges, as these swims have come to be known, take place all over the world, often on New Year's Day. Whether people take the plunge for charity, penance, or shock value, there's no better way to put an exclamation point on the first day of the year. Of course, for actual polar bears, ice cold plunges are an everyday occurrence and won't elicit much more than a yawn.

哈德逊湾边缘的北极熊,加拿大 Polar bear at the edge of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada (© Sean Crane/Minden Pictures)

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哈德逊边缘的北极熊,加拿大 Polar bear at the edge of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada (© Sean Crane/Minden Pictures)

北极之王 Kings of the north




Polar Bear Week

The largest carnivore on land roams the icy north. Polar bears like this one spend much of their lives on sea ice rather than terra firma, stalking their favorite prey: seals. Superbly insulated against the cold, polar bears are uniquely suited for life on the ice—so they're especially vulnerable to a warming planet. Their plight is the focus of Polar Bear Week, observed the first week of every November, bringing attention to these creatures who live far out of sight of most humans.

Polar bears live in portions of Greenland, Norway, Russia, Alaska, and Canada. Most of Canada's polar bears live near the vast Hudson Bay, seen here near the delta of the Seal River. As summer ends, hungry bears who have been living on fat reserves for months gather on the shores of Hudson Bay, waiting for ice to form so they can return to the hunt. Due to climate change, the ice-free period of summer has grown longer, cutting short the bears' hunting season and making human-bear encounters more likely. And while the latter may seem like good news for bear-watchers, these maritime beasts are best viewed from afar.