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布宜诺斯艾利斯哥伦布剧院,阿根廷 Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Argentina (© Wei Hao Ho/Alamy Stock Photo)

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布宜诺斯艾利斯哥伦布剧院阿根廷 Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Argentina (© Wei Hao Ho/Alamy Stock Photo)

戏剧成为关注的焦点 Theater takes center stage



World Theater Day

Today, all the world's a stage. Every year on March 27, the curtains rise to thunderous applause in celebration of World Theater Day—an ode to an art form that has influenced the masses for centuries. The day aims to promote theater and raise awareness of how it has preserved ancient cultures, provided social commentary throughout history, and even helped form our language. Seen in the image today is the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, a symbol of Argentina's rich theatrical heritage. Built in 1908, the theater is renowned for its grand architecture and exceptional acoustics, making it one of the world's premier opera houses. Over the years, it has hosted performances by legendary figures such as Enrico Caruso, Richard Strauss, Lily Pons, Marina de Gabaráin, Joss Stone, Branford Marsalis, and many more. On this day dedicated to drama, let's appreciate this art form that continues to narrate stories in the most spectacular way!

罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡国家剧院 National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (© Thomas Mueller/Shutterstock)

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罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡国家剧院 National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (© Thomas Mueller/Shutterstock)

欣赏建筑奇迹 Behold the architectural marvel



National Theater, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Lucian Blaga National Theater, located in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, is a cultural icon of the area. Performances there showcase classical and contemporary Hungarian dramas based on progressive and international trends. The opulent theater was built in the Neo-Baroque style, popular in the late 19th century, which calls back to the grandiosity, color, and detail of the Baroque movement that aims to dazzle anyone who enters the space. It is one of three national theaters in Romania, alongside National Theater Bucharest and Iași National Theater.

陶尔米纳古剧院,意大利西西里岛 Ancient theatre of Taormina in Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock Photo)

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陶尔米纳剧院意大利西西里岛 Ancient theatre of Taormina in Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock Photo)

戏剧演出 The play's the thing

Theatre of Taormina in Sicily

What better place to celebrate World Theatre Day than the Ancient theatre of Taormina, an amphitheater built in the Hellenistic style of the Greeks in the third century BCE. The venue was later expanded by the Romans and is one of the signature sights in the Sicilian town of Taormina. And if you look in the upper-right corner of the photo, that's Mount Etna giving a performance of its own, spewing a little ash and smoke.

The theater is still in use, hosting operas, theatrical productions, and concerts. The beauty of this town, built into a steep hill overlooking the Ionian Sea and Mount Etna, is said to have inspired writers and thinkers both ancient and modern, from Plato to D.H. Lawrence and Truman Capote.

Since 1962 World Theatre Day has been celebrated every March 27th by theatre professionals, organizations, universities and theatre lovers across the continents. Each year a speaker is selected to deliver a message about the importance of theatre and its value to humanity.



