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迈阿密海滩海洋大道,美国佛罗里达州 Miami, Florida (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

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迈阿密海滩海洋大道美国佛罗里达州 Miami, Florida (© Matteo Colombo/Getty Images)

艺术天堂追逐夏天 Chasing summer in the art world


每年12月,艺术世界的中心不是在纽约东京伦敦,而是在一个以宽阔的沙滩古巴咖啡馆和刚果节奏而闻名的小镇。迈阿密巴塞尔艺术博览会(Art Basel Miami Beach)于今天结束了为期三天的展览,是在瑞士巴塞尔(该艺术节于1970年开始)、香港巴黎举办的国际艺术博览会的美国站。该活动已有20年的历史,是北美最全面的当代艺术博览会,吸引了数千名艺术家、经销商、收藏家、欣赏者,以及寻求乐趣的游客,参加一年一度的创意盛会。

Art Basel Miami Beach

Every December the center of the art world convenes not in New York, Tokyo, or London, but in a town known more for its wide sandy beaches, café Cubano, and conga rhythms. Art Basel Miami Beach, which wraps up its three-day run today, is the American leg of an international art fair also staged in Basel, Switzerland (where the festival started in 1970), Hong Kong, and Paris. The event, now 20 years old, is the most comprehensive contemporary art fair in North America, attracting thousands of artists, dealers, collectors, appreciators, and just fun-seeking tourists for this annual burst of creativity steps from the sand.