标签 夕阳 下的文章

夕阳下的大白鲨过山车,美国新泽西州 The Great White Roller Coaster at Wildwood, New Jersey (© John Van Decker/Alamy)

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夕阳下的大白鲨过山车美国新泽西州 The Great White Roller Coaster at Wildwood, New Jersey (© John Van Decker/Alamy)

惊险之旅 Thrill ride

The Great White Roller Coaster

To really get the feel for today's photo, stop what you're doing, put your hands in the air, and imagine yourself plunging downhill at 50 miles an hour. Screaming is optional. We're waiting in line at Morey's Piers in Wildwood, New Jersey, for our ride on The Great White. A hybrid wooden and steel coaster, it's been in operation since 1996 and reaches its highest point 110 feet above the ground. Coaster enthusiasts point out the ride's dip under the pier shortly after the start as one of its highlights. It's also noted for a portion of the ride swinging out over the nearby beach.

Roller coasters have come a long way since their early days beginning in the 17th century as Russian sled rides. Eventually called Russian Mountains, those original rides were just tall, wooden ramps covered in ice. When the concept made its way to much warmer France, the sleds made their way across the tracks on wooden rollers, hence the name 'roller coasters.' Coasters saw another advancement in the 1800s when a Pennsylvania mining company built a downhill gravity railroad to transport coal. Its train cars held double duty by giving thrill rides to tourists during downtime. By 1919, coasters had entered their 'golden age' with fully formed rides all over the world. The desire to experience greater heights and faster drops mean the sky's the limit when it comes to coaster design. These days, in the United States alone, thrill seekers take roughly 1.7 billion rides per year across more than 800 coasters.


为了真正了解今天的照片,停止你正在做的事情,把手举到空中,想象你以每小时50英里的速度下山。尖叫是可选的。我们在新泽西州Wildwood的Morey‘s Piers排队等候乘坐大白鲨。这是一款木制和钢制的混合过山车,自1996年起投入使用,最高点离地110英尺。过山车爱好者指出,在出发后不久,过山车在码头下的下沉是其亮点之一。它还以一部分骑行在附近的海滩上摇摆而闻名。
