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凯西克附近的Castlerigg石圈,英国坎布里亚 Castlerigg Stone Circle near Keswick, Lake District, Cumbria, United Kingdom (© Alan Copson/plainpicture)

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凯西克附近的Castlerigg石圈英国坎布里亚 Castlerigg Stone Circle near Keswick, Lake District, Cumbria, United Kingdom (© Alan Copson/plainpicture)

Older than Stonehenge?

Roughly 5,000 years ago, ancient inhabitants of the British Isles somehow dragged as many as 40 giant stones—the heaviest weighing an estimated 16 tons—onto this grassy plateau in what is now England's Lake District National Park in Cumbria. They then grouped them into the stone circle at Castlerigg, seen here casting shadows from the low winter sun. Archeologists believe stone circles, were arranged to align with solar and lunar positions. They were used in elaborate rituals to celebrate occasions like today's winter solstice, the shortest day (and longest night) of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Castlerigg is believed to be one of the oldest of the approximately 1,300 stone circles in Britain. And while it's not as well-known as Stonehenge—which was probably begun soon after Castlerigg—its panoramic views of the neighboring Blencathra, Helvellyn, and Skiddaw mountains make it one of the most scenic. Even today, Castlerigg draws winter solstice revelers who beat drums and participate in the magical festival of Yule, in which a log is burned to symbolize the return of heat and light to the sun. And for those of you lamenting the short, cold days of winter, you can take some comfort in knowing that after today the hours of daylight will steadily lengthen, and in six months we'll have traded positions with the Southern Hemisphere and will enjoy long, warm days once again.




克拉莫克湖上的倒影,英国坎布里亚湖区 Reflections on Crummock Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Damian Harrison/Alamy)

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克拉莫克上的倒影,英国坎布里亚湖区 Reflections on Crummock Water in the Lake District, Cumbria, England (© Damian Harrison/Alamy)

Reflected glory of the Lakes

Natural lakes reflect surrounding mountains, fells and forests here in Cumbria's Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage site whose picturesque landscape has inspired writers from William Wordsworth to Beatrix Potter. Crummock Water and its neighbours, Buttermere and Loweswater sit in one of the prettiest parts of the Northern Lakes, the Vale of Lorton. Their chilly, clear waters make them an ideal home for the Arctic Charr as well as brown trout, sea trout and salmon. Also look out for Lakeland sheep wandering onto the roads and for red squirrels around Loweswater.

The Lake District gets busy during the summer, but Crummock Water is considered one of the quieter lakes. It is a favourite with swimmers however and going for a dip is a popular way to cool off after a walk around its shores. The lake itself is 2.5 miles long, about half-a-mile wide and, in parts, more than 140 feet deep. It's fed by streams, including one from Scale Force, the Lake District's tallest single-drop waterfall, at 170 feet high.